Mindset Zone

Mindset Zone

Latest Episodes

Creativity Is Our Superpower with Lane Gardner
October 28, 2022

The arts transcend race, religion, politics, gender, sexualityit is our humanness that we feel through the creative process. Art is medicine for the soul. Lane Gardner Lane joins me today to discu

Share Your Gifts with Fabienne Fredrickson
October 21, 2022

We have a thumbprint from the divine on us; each of us has a song in our hearts that we are here to share, far and wide, in a way that nobody else can. Fabienne Fredrickson Fabienne joins me today t

Stress is Not a Toxin, It’s a Tool with Dr. G
October 14, 2022

Recovery requires comfort and time. Resilience requires stress and change. Dr. G Dr. G joins me today to discuss how we can use stress to build resilience. She explains the neuroscience behind stres

Breakthrough in Career and Business with Pati Froyo
October 07, 2022

The right questions open an environment and culture of discovery, trust, and collaboration. Through this culture, inclusivity happens. Pati Froyo Pati joins me today to discuss how we can short-circ

Use STRESS to Your Advantage with Barry Shore
September 30, 2022

STRESS means stomach-turning reality, enabling self-success. Choice, not chance, determines your destiny. How you choose to respond to any given situation will help determine it. Barry Shore Barry

Human-Centered Innovation with Sue Bevan Baggott
September 23, 2022

If you dont spend enough time having experiences with people in the context of their lives, you dont get an opportunity to go deeper and understand their true desires, motivations, and values. Sue

Everything Is Connected with Neil Redding
September 16, 2022

There is a fundamental way in which the world is connected, even if we dont understand it intuitively. Neil Redding Neil joins us today to discuss the deep connectedness of the world and why being

Get Out of the Roundabouts of Life with Deborah Johnson
September 09, 2022

Youve got to be able to do the work, get the perspective you need, understand where your position, perspective, and purpose is. Deborah Johnson Deborah joins me today to discuss the roundabouts of

Redefining Success with Sue Guiher
September 02, 2022

Theres this definition of success that we feel like we have to live up to, and we forget that we need to live according to what we want and what makes us happy and fulfilled. Sue Guiher Sue joins u

The Earned Life with Marshall Goldsmith
August 26, 2022

In the real world, every day we start over; every breath, we start over. Marshall Goldsmith Marshall joins us today to discuss what it means to live an earned life. He outlines his Triple A model