The Mindset and Self-Mastery Show

The Mindset and Self-Mastery Show

Your Faith Doesn't Make Your Sexuality Wrong

June 07, 2023

Episode Summary

Today on the show I’m talking with Dawn Dimicco. Dawn is the founder of Epic Redemption Coaching. She’s also a devout catholic who came out as gay so we get into how her religious beliefs comingle with her sexual orientation. We dive into how other religious folks and loved ones have reacted to her coming out and being authentically her. 

What to listen for

  • How she never thought she’d be an author but a book seemingly poured out of her

  • Her step into being her authentic self as well as stepping deeper into her faith

  • How her health coaching started and how it’s evolved over the years into what she’s doing today

  • What it means to Dawn about being a catholic lesbian

“I’m an open book I share so much of my life so people that are new to me what they probably don’t know or see as much of anymore is a lot of my faith I am I’m a catholic lesbian and am out. I guess you’d say now I’m out and proud”

  • What it was like growing up in the catholic church and always feeling a bit different

  • What it was like being married to a man before coming out

“I got baptized in a hot tub, you know? Did all the things and I know that for me a lot of it was like being gay is wrong, you’re not supposed to be gay”

  • How she struggled and handled having gay feelings but feeling like it “Wasn’t right” to act on those feelings

  • How Dawn understood later in life the system she was a part of and the privilege she had to be a gifted white athlete from a middle-class family

  • About her time ministering to youth and how she would feed them lines while not fully believe herself

“There were a lot of tears I knew when I stopped trying to pry away my feelings”

  • How she doubled down on her faith 

  • Dawn stopped taking communion at church because of her shift and how she felt unclean

  • About the conversations she had with some long-time religious friends when she stepped into her authentic self

About Dawn DiMicco

Dawn DiMicco is the founder of Epic Redemption Coaching. She has utilized her experiences as a mental performance coach, dual-sport collegiate athlete, military spouse, and business owner to help her clients gain the confidence, courage, and mental toughness they need in order to live the life they were meant to.

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Check out Episode #34 about “Being True To Who You Are Wherever You Are”

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