The Mindset and Self-Mastery Show

The Mindset and Self-Mastery Show

How To Break Your Mental Barriers And Master Yourself

February 22, 2024

“Vulnerability means that I am strong enough to show you where I am uncertain.”

Episode summary:

In this episode, Paul Rivera reflects on a life filled with diverse experiences (one of his highest values), including rescuing others, navigating the challenges of different professions, and learning the value of genuine authenticity. You’ll find inspiration in the deep-rooted thread of his purpose that stretches back through the years and learn the importance of giving yourself grace during moments of feeling lost. Paul highlights the significance of community support, setting boundaries, and understanding that we are never truly alone in our struggles, sharing his wisdom on overcoming mental barriers. This episode is a powerful guide to self-discovery, resilience, and finding meaning in life’s greatest challenges.

What to listen for:

  • Paul’s background and the many lives he’s rescued

  • Struggling with doing something valuable while teaching

  • The thread of his purpose goes back a long way

  • Giving yourself grace when you feel lost in life

  • Finding a supportive community

Part of finding yourself and finding the places where you can go and flourish is finding the people that are going to help you in that journey, the people that are going to support you. So, you know, and it’s not that you have to have a whole crowd of cheerleaders, but you gotta find the people that are going to support you.”

  • How the separation of his parents at an older age affected Paul

  • Recognizing the lack of authenticity in maintaining a facade

  • The Greek root of authenticity means to master oneself

  • Asking ourselves the hard questions about happiness

  • Paul’s process for identifying his values

“I went through a good amount of work to realize that, for example, the most important thing for me is growth, and growth on multiple levels, right? Growth, emotional growth, spiritual growth, intellectual growth. And then after that, basically this idea of it came up, the word came up diversity. And it’s not diversity necessarily as in the DEI kind of thing, but I’m somebody who really values different experiences.

  • Paul’s reflections on authenticity and his divorce

  • The job that pushed him out of his comfort zone

  • Deepening beyond the buzzword and surface-level values

  • Paul’s thoughts on overcoming mental barriers

“My willingness to sort of take that self-doubt and perfectionism and put it to the side and do the thing anyway, that’s something that should be an indicator for you that that’s meaningful to you, right? That’s something that hits you at the core. So when we talk to people about overcoming a lot of these mental barriers and really starting to master themselves, one of the questions that always comes up is asking people what they have overcome in the past and then what are the tools that they used to overcome them.

  • Why the things we struggle with keep coming back

  • Paul’s belief that we’re never alone or the only one struggling

  • Setting limits and boundaries on what impinges on your progress

About Paul Rivera

Dr. Paul Rivera is a catalyst for positive change through his multifaceted career in academia, diplomacy, international economics, and strategic coaching. As the co-founder of BeActChange, his mission is to spark profound growth and alignment in individuals, teams, and organizations worldwide. With a PhD in Economics from the University of Southern California, Dr. Rivera is a professional in strategic planning, visioning, and systemic methodologies. A first-generation American and proud Latino, Dr. Rivera is a polyglot and passionate globetrotter.


Ready to uncover the deep-rooted thread of your purpose? Grab our book, Thread the Storyline: Uncover the Purpose of Your Path™: 

Listen to our “Shredding Through Life With Authenticity” episode: 

Read BeActChange’s book, Creating Your Limitless Life: 

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