Hypnotic Language Hacks

Hypnotic Language Hacks


July 27, 2022

Be. Everywhere.

No, I don’t mean being everywhere. I don’t mean doing the confetti cannon of content marketing where you throw things up in the air to fill the empty space and hope people find them. Instead, you need to go at it from an influential-focused perspective, in such a way that when a need or pain point arises in the life of your client or prospect, they immediately think about you.

In today’s episode, I share the psychological triggers and principles necessary to ensure that clients see you as an expert when they’re ready to make a buying decision. I explain the importance of making your audience hear your message several times from different angles. I also describe how a Las Vegas performer inspired the BE EVERYWHERE strategy and highlight the importance of making your message meet your audience where they are at in their lives.

Visit https://Jasonlinett.com/65/ now to view the complete show notes, watch the video podcast, and access a complete transcription.

“Stop thinking of your marketing and promotion as an event; it’s a process, a journey, and a campaign.” - Jason Linett

This week on Hypnotic Language Hacks Podcast:

●      The ‘frequency and recency concept’ in content marketing

●      What it means to be everywhere

●      The major inspiration for the BE EVERYWHERE strategy

●      Making the message meet a prospect’s pain point

●      The marketing rule of seven

●      Playing with your messaging and avoiding the content confetti cannon

●      Frequency and recency versus hard-selling

Resources Mentioned:

●      premium.hypnoticinfluence.com

Connect with Jason:

●      Jason Linett’s Website

●      Subscribe on YouTube

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●      Jason Linett on Facebook

●      Jason Linett on LinkedIn

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Inspire People to Take Action…

Even BEFORE You Make an Offer.

If you want to easily grab people’s attention, naturally build authority, and organically have your prospects wanting more from you even before you make an offer, then I’ve created a step by step strategy to help you to do just that! I call it:


This is your opportunity now to visit JasonLinett.com to get a free behind-the-scenes tour of the exact hypnotic persuasion strategies you can ethically use to better start-up or scale-up your business. If you want a proven framework to boost your confidence, attract premium clients, and inspire more people to do take action with you, get Business Influence Systems now at JasonLinett.com.

Unlock the Secrets of Hypnotic Influence for your Business

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Hypnotic Language Hacks Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts.

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