Hypnotic Language Hacks

Hypnotic Language Hacks

Lead Magnets That Sell

June 29, 2022

You’ve probably heard the phrase: “If you build it, they will come.” You’ve also likely heard that the money is in your list and if you know how many people have subscribed to your list, then you can easily figure how how much money you can make from selling your products and services to those people. And while that may be true in some situation – it doesn’t always work out that way.

So, why do some lead magnets generate a lot of sales while others seem to barely gain traction?

This week, I explain what lead magnets are, some common mistakes many entrepreneurs make when creating and distributing them, and how you can create lead magnets that sell. I discuss the importance of reverse-engineering your target audience’s pain points to create lead magnets that convert into sales. I discuss the importance of creating lead magnets that are easy for your audience to receive and digest the content. I also explain why you need to identify your audience’s objections that are preventing them from buying from you and how you can help them overcome those objections build momentum and drive more sales.

Visit https://Jasonlinett.com/63/ now to view the complete show notes, watch the video podcast, and access a complete transcription.

“As you position your lead magnet to continue that story, it becomes even easier to continue that momentum and lead them to the next appropriate step.” - Jason Linett

This week on Hypnotic Language Hacks Podcast:

●      Understanding what lead magnets are

●      Common mistakes many business owners make when creating lead magnets

●      Reverse engineering your target audience’s pain points

●      The challenge of using a ‘free e-book’ as a lead magnet for your business

●      Keeping your lead magnets simple and easy to digest for your audience

●      Identifying your target audiences’ objections that are preventing them from working with you

●      Positioning your lead magnet to continue the momentum to drive sales

Resources Mentioned:

●      #51 - Sell Premium with the RIGHT Content

●      Video Influence System

●      Hypnotic Influence for Premium Sales

Connect with Jason:

●      Jason Linett’s Website

●      Subscribe on YouTube

●      Jason Linett on Instagram

●      Jason Linett on Twitter

●      Jason Linett on Facebook

●      Jason Linett on LinkedIn

Level Up Your Influence with the Video Influence System

Are you ready to increase your influence, easily grab people’s attention, naturally build your authority and organically have your prospects wanting more from you - even before you make an offer? Then you need my new, step-by-step strategy called the Video Influence System.

This is your opportunity - right now - to discover my highly effective, entirely free, on-demand workshop.

The Video Influence System is specifically designed for coaches and course creators wanting to deliver premium value to their clients and receive premium value in return. In this free masterclass, you’ll learn…

●      How to start your video to WIN attendance and video views

●      How to teach others - without giving everything away

●      How to organically change your buyer’s decision-making strategy

●      The secret to NAILING your call-to-action

●      ...and so much more!

If you want a proven framework to boost your confidence and deliver value that inspires people to take action with you - head over to JasonInfluence.com to grab your free online influence masterclass now!

Let’s Hang Out! Get Your FREE Private Access Pass!

Do you want exclusive access to a thriving online community that is ready to help you grow your business? We have an incredible free online community that I'd love for you to join.

Your free private pass is available right now at JoinInfluenceGroup.com If you want exclusive access to a thriving community ready to help your business grow, this is the place for you. Inside this free online community, you’ll get access to…

●      Ethical persuasion for bigger sales

●      Secrets of hypnotic influence for business

●      Weekly live training events

●      Help and support from people like you - coaches and course creators at the top of their game, leveling up their success

You’ll be surrounded by coaches and course creators at the top of their game, leveling up their success with hypnotic influence for business. Join us today and JoinInfluenceGroup.com

Continue the conversation in our FREE Business Influence & Persuasion Facebook Community.

Inspire People to Take Action…

Even BEFORE You Make an Offer.

If you want to easily grab people’s attention, naturally build authority, and organically have your prospects wanting more from you even before you make an offer, then I’ve created a step by step strategy to help you to do just that! I call it:


This is your opportunity now to visit JasonLinett.com to get a free behind-the-scenes tour of the exact hypnotic persuasion strategies you can ethically use to better start-up or scale-up your business. If you want a proven framework to boost your confidence, attract premium clients, and inspire more people to do take action with you, get Business Influence Systems now at JasonLinett.com.

Unlock the Secrets of Hypnotic Influence for your Business

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Hypnotic Language Hacks Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts.

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