The Light Inside
Latest Episodes
Building Valence: How to Transform your Toxic Reactions to Relieve Stress with Sherianna Boyle
Our emotions.They frequently serve as one of the more mystifying aspects of our humanness, yet just what role do they play in our day-to-day existence? As each of us addresses the onslaught of day-to-day challenges which seem to regularly appear - at tim
Clear as The Nose On My Face: Engaging Body Linguistics for Effective Emotional Competency
Your body.Its your home - unique, individual and universal all at the same time.Yet the way we communicate through our bodies often signals very different and unique meanings for others to interpret. Through our ongoing process of Evolution - the
Fit to Be Tied: Unknotting Our Emotional Reactivity
Conflict.It often becomes our greatest source of confrontation, yet that which is not addressed, often goes unanswered.Our emotions, at times being influential in this very nature of human struggle, frequently viewing our turmoil as arising through our
Pattern Interruption: How to Breaking Free of Repetitive Thought Cycles and Feedback Loops
Constructive criticism.Why does it often seem to so hard to find clear, direct, and honest feedback?And even more so, why is it that we can be so hard on ourselves?As we each move though our day-today lives, what happens when our self criticism becomes
If Grief Had a Face: Love, Loss and The Cycles of Grief
Life.-It moves at times; in stages and cycles.Each instant a moment which often is etched into our brains.Sometimes even keeping us stuck to our past reminiscences and even rumination.This then becoming a roller coaster of feedback loops; and much to
The Psychology of Expectations: Why unrealistic expectations are premeditated resentments.
Happiness.Its often thought to grow in direct proportion to our level of acceptance. Yet, expectations frequently limit our ability to connect with the lives we lead.More than anything, our expectations often shape and color our perception of a possible
Confidently Surrendering the Pattern of “No” to Break Negative Mind States
By The Age of five, the word NO is etched in our brains - happening at a startling 60,000 times.And for a long time, the only window to the mind was through introspection.This posed a methodological problem as a result of the unreliable and disruptive
All Bellyache and Bluster: Why complaining leaves us tied up in “not’s" with Mark Scherer
We are joined today by Mark Scherer - Founder and CEO of Encompass Life. Mark is a life coach who has created a coaching strategy called the Quantum Leap Technique - a system which focuses on the energetic impact our chosen words have on our day-today exp
The Essence of Confidence: Developing Quiet Courage
The Oxford dictionary describes confidence as the state of feeling certain about the truth of something.To quote the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz If you think you lack courage - well you, my friend, are the victim of disorganized thinking.We all kn
How Our Social Personas are Influenced by Our Perceptual Identities: The Rest of The Story with Michael Hynes
If you joined us last week, you learned how our biases influence so much of our reality. Shaping and moving how we each see things.We also talked a bit about that great classic movie - the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz is a fantastic movie that tells an