The Light Inside
Latest Episodes
Tapping Our Inner Voice of Freedom: Breaking Through Traumatic Memories and Release Triggered Emotions with EFT
Trauma can often have a devastating impact on our emotional and physical health. EFT or Emotional -Freedom Technique is a super simple tapping therapy But what exactly is EFT Tapping? A combination of Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology, tap
The Fight Inside: Clearing Subconscious Emotional Patterning with Dawna Campbell
Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to know the secrets to the universe, think in terms of energy, vibration and frequency” Such a potentially life altering insight, yet Tesla’s work and papers were largely hidden in a concealed warehouse location for al
Cultivating Encouraging Connections By Intentionally Being In Service Of Others with Jeff Teresi
Einstein tells us: “A human being is a part of the whole called by us- universe. A part limited in time and space, experiencing himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.“ He go
Somatic Therapy: Healing The Autonomic Nervous System by Releasing Egoic Attachments with Debbie Emick
Author Michael Singer, In his book “The Untethered Soul” shares this sage advice- “There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind - you are the one who hears it.” Michael goes on to add- “Only you can
Finding Resolve: Releasing Past Trauma to Step into The Present with Amelia Zachry
Somewhere in America, every 2 minutes, a woman is raped. National surveys of adults suggest that between 9-32% of women and 5-10% of men report that they were victims of sexual abuse and/or assault during their childhood. Despite the fact of these harrowi
Recognizing Trauma Triggers: Understanding How Blind Spots Affect Emotional Reactivity with Joe Ryan
Most of us have such psychological “blind spots,” aspects of our personalities that are obvious to everyone but ourselves. You can find the answers if you care to—or more accurately, if you dare to. This is the roughest mission you can undertake: a direct
Sweet Surrender: The Role Ego Plays in Spiritually Evolving Past Patterns of Addiction with Dr. Linville Meadows
Spiritual Teacher Eckhart Tolle tells us: “Ego is presented as an accumulation of thoughts and emotions, continuously identified with, creating the idea and feeling of being a separate entity from one's self.” We learn only by disidentifyin
Be a Dick: How One Person Can Change the World in the Most Unexpected Way with Marc Ensign
In a world where we can each be ANYTHING we want; Ironically, we often discover a world which feels like it's filled with jerks. Some dick's are a special breed of jerk— they give offense to the world without a shred of awareness that they’re doing so, an
Projected Patterning: The Journey Back to Our Authentic Self with Suzanne Reilley
When we each embrace our personal journey throughout life, we each get to uniquely become the authors of our own story. Its a narrative that only we get to chose, unless we surrender this role to others. The unknown is too vast to live within known unhapp
The Quiet Mind: How Intermittent Silence Recharges and Rewires our Brains with Krishna Bhatta
"He who is rooted in oneness realizes that I am in every being; wherever he goes, he remains in me.” -Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna Yet, as human beings, we are often disconnected, not only from the oneness that is self, but also the oneness that is the uni