Decisive Point Podcast

Decisive Point Podcast

Latest Episodes

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-21 – Caitlin P. Irby – US-Russia Foreign Policy: Confronting Russia’s Geographic Anxieties
October 16, 2023

The United States must place Russia’s focus on geographic concerns at the center of future strategy development to build a constructive relationship with Russia and achieve US regional goals. This article analyzes Russia’s geography and historical impact

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-19 – Katie Crombe and John A. Nagl – A Call to Action: Lessons from Ukraine for the Future Force
October 05, 2023

A Call to Action: Lessons from Ukraine for the Future Force Fifty years ago, the US Army faced a strategic inflection point after a failed counterinsurgency effort in Vietnam. In response to lessons learned from the Yom Kippur War, the United States Army

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-20 – Wilson Jones – The Chechen Kadyrovtsy’s Coercive Violence in Ukraine
October 05, 2023

Episode Transcript Stephanie Crider (Host) You're listening to Decisive Point ( The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Departmen

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-18 – Brian McAllister Linn – A Historical Perspective on Today’s Recruiting Crisis.mp3
September 28, 2023

This podcast analyzes the US Army’s successive recruiting crises, identifying their consistent patterns and the efforts to resolve them, and makes three provocative arguments. First, there is a long-standing institutional tension between recruiting person

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-17 – Conrad C. Crane – Parameters Autumn 2023 Issue Preview
September 12, 2023

This podcast offers a preview of the latest Parameters demi-issue and full issue. Read the issue here: Keywords: recruiting, Ukraine, Taiwan, Antarctica, Russia, Chechen Kadyrovtsy

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-16 – John A. Bonin and James D. Scudieri – Change and Innovation in the Institutional Army from 1860–2020
September 07, 2023

This episode showcases the understudied institutional Army, the generating force, as a critical prerequisite for overall strategic success. Competition, crisis, and conflict require more than the manned, trained, and equipped units that deploy. This podca

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-14 – Luke P. Bellocchi – "The Strategic Importance of Taiwan to the United States and Its Allies"
August 15, 2023

This podcast presents four factors to consider in evaluating Taiwan’s strategic importance to the United States and its allies and answers a question often raised at forums concerning the Indo-Pacific: “Why should the United States care” about this small

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-15 – Spencer L. French – "Innovation, Flexibility, and Adaptation: Keys to Patton’s Information Dominance"
August 15, 2023

In 1944, Third US Army created a cohesive and flexible system for managing information and denying it to the enemy that aligned operational concepts with technological capabilities. The organization’s success in the European Theater highlights its effecti

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-13 – Allison Abbe – “Understanding the Adversary: Strategic Empathy and Perspective Taking in National Security”
July 12, 2023

National security practitioners need to understand the motives, mindsets, and intentions of adversaries to anticipate and respond to their actions effectively. Although some authors have argued empathy helps build an understanding of the adversary, resear

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-12 – Nicholas A. A. Murray – “Geniuses Dare to Ride Their Luck: Clausewitz's Card Game Analogies”
July 12, 2023

Scholars have been using the wrong card games to analyze Carl von Clausewitz’s analogies in On War, which has led to errors in understanding his ideas. This podcast identifies the games Clausewitz discusses, allowing for a more accurate interpretation of