Decisive Point Podcast

Decisive Point Podcast

Latest Episodes

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-02 –COL George Shatzer – “Afghanistan: The Logic of Failing Fast and Slow”
June 20, 2023

In the fifth installment of the SRAD Director’s Corner, “Afghanistan: The Logic of Failing, Fast and Slow,” George Shatzer focuses on the failure of the US-led war and reconstruction campaign in Afghanistan. He reviews The Forty-year War in Afghanistan: A

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-03 – Jody M. Prescott – “Factoring Gender into Kinetic Operations”
June 20, 2023

US military practice neither considers the gendered effects of kinetic actions in the planning and executing operations nor tracks and measures them. The Department of Defense’s implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017 instead focuses

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-04 – Dr. John Nagl and Alex (Special Operations NCO) – Review and Reply: On “Why America’s Army Can’t Win America’s Wars”
June 20, 2023

Since achieving victory in World War II, the United States military has a less than enviable combat record in irregular warfare. This exchange provides differing perspectives on where past decisions and doctrines have led to defeat and where they may have

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-05 – Brenda Oppermann – “Enhancing US Global Competitiveness through Women, Peace, and Security”
June 20, 2023

In this episode: Global powers, regional hegemons, and non-state actors engaged in a perennial state of competition dominate today’s security environment. In response, the Department of Defense has adopted the competition continuum model of cooperation, c

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-06 – Andrew Colvin – “The Case for an Army Stability Professional”
June 20, 2023

The US Army is unprepared to occupy and stabilize territory because it does not adequately educate active-duty officers to do so. One way to professionalize the Army’s ability to carry out military government and stability operations is to develop active-

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-07 – Robert J. Sparrow and Adam Henschke – “Minotaurs, Not Centaurs: The Future of Manned-Unmanned Teaming”
June 20, 2023

Contesting Paul Scharre’s influential vision of “centaur warfighting” and the idea that autonomous weapon systems will replace human warfighters, Sparrow and Henschke propose that the manned-unmanned teams of the future are more likely to be minotaurs—tea

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-08 – Conrad C. Crane – Parameters Summer Preview
June 20, 2023

This podcast offers a preview of the latest Parameters demi-issue and full issue. Read the demi-issue: Episode Transcript Stephanie Crider (Host) You’re listening to Decisive Point, a US Army W

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-09 – Ned B. Marsh and Heather S. Gregg – “Daoism and Design: Mapping the Conflict in Syria”
June 20, 2023

In contemporary military operations, some problems are so complex they do not give way to linear solutions but require problem management instead. Combining the fundamentals of Dao De Jing philosophy with the US military design process offers a new perspe

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-10 – Gustavo F. Ferreira and Jamie A. Critelli – “Taiwan’s Food Resiliency—or Not—in a Conflict with China”
June 20, 2023

The US military, intelligence, and diplomatic communities have overlooked a key vulnerability in their assessment of a potential military conflict between China and Taiwan—Taiwan’s growing reliance on agricultural imports and its food stocks (except for r

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-11 – Diane DiEuliis and James Giordano – “Responding to Future Pandemics: Biosecurity Implications and Defense Considerations”
June 20, 2023

In an evolving and expanding biothreat landscape caused by emerging biotechnologies, increases in global infectious disease outbreaks, and geopolitical instability, the Department of Defense now faces challenges that alter its traditional approach to biot