THE ART OF BEING® with Alan Lowen and the team

THE ART OF BEING® with Alan Lowen and the team

Latest Episodes

Turning walls into bridges in your relationships/Mauern in Brücken in deinen Beziehungen verwandeln
May 18, 2024

If you find the courage to say what you hold back, the wall made of holding back becomes a bridge across which communication can restore friendliness and intimacy / Wenn du den Mut findest, zu sagen, was du zurückhältst, wird die Mauer aus Zurückhaltung z

What's surrender got to do with love? Was hat Hingabe mit Liebe zu tun?
April 06, 2024

Responding to a participant in my workshop I share what I was just pondering: What is now the core meaning of my life? And how did I get here? (Don't be deterred by the German translation. It gives you a second or two to digest the words you just heard).

15 MINUTES TO FEEL GOOD Part 2 An Art of Being®-practice
November 27, 2023

A 15-minute practice for any time when you want to feel good. Be sure to listen to the 6-min introduction - Part 1.

November 27, 2023

15 minutes to feel good in yourself no matter what is going on in your life right now. This is the important 6-minute guiding introduction to the 15-minute practice in Part 2.

July 15, 2020

Alan Lowen, founder of The Art of Being®, guides you through a life-changing upgrade of how you relate with your inner life – a way to lighten your heaviness when it’s happening, to dissolve all kinds of personal distress and to say goodbye to loneliness.

Being lonely, avoiding loneliness, BEING ALONE!
July 15, 2020

When were you last lonely? When will you next be lonely? It’s a theme many of us confronted these past months. But not only then! And if you’re adept at avoiding loneliness, what does that say to you? Alan Lowen, founder of The Art of Being&re