How to Get Loads of Marks

How to Get Loads of Marks

Latest Episodes

Ep 10: Professor Phil Newton - Evidence based study skills
June 29, 2021

Professor Newton is the Director of Learning and Teaching for the Swansea University Medical School.Phil teaches Neuroscience across a variety of programmes. But he also teaches on evidence-based education as part of an online MSc in Medical Education. &

Ep 09: Iro Konstantinou - How to start a research project
January 18, 2021

Iro Konstantinou heads up research at Pearson College, as well as being heavily involved in research herself.  Personally she is also one of the people who helped me when I made the shift from business to teaching.  She is a master of research m

Ep 08: Carl Clare - The view from outside, what external markers look for in assessments.
November 28, 2020

Carl Clare is a full time Senior Lecturer and Course Leader at Leeds Beckett University.  However he marks papers at Pearson College and is ALSO an external examiner for Ulster, Liverpool Hope, Salford and Manchester Met.   So if anyone knows ab

Ep 07: Chavi Sufrin - Tips for better mental health
October 31, 2020

Since we are halfway though a term in a very "interesting" year, we probably could all do with some tips for dealing with being anxious or overwhelmed.  Chavi does not disappoint, In this episode we discuss some of the reasons that you don't have to

Ep 06: Piers Veness - How to start your assessment
October 20, 2020

Back by popular demand, Piers Veness returns to the virtual studio to share some tips.  In this episode we try to stay fairly focused on techniques for starting assessments.  However we also cover some points around learning from feedback and no

Ep 05: Barney Wallis & Oliver Latta - An ex-student perspective
October 03, 2020

Something a little different this week.  Two of my ex-students come into the studio to discuss the things that they learnt during their time at uni.  We cover everything from hacking Linked In to oil shocks to the protective power of Lycra. &nbs

Ep 04: Elizabeth Miller - How to use sources for research
August 05, 2020

Deputy Dean Elizabeth Miller joins us for a chat about research and references.  What is a good source?  How should you find/use sources?  And what does Rihanna have to do with the Australian climate?

Ep 03: Kate Jones - Getting an idea across and organising an essay
July 26, 2020

Kate is a marketing tutor at Pearson College and is mad about brands, branding and the way people interact with brands.  As such she is an expert in getting a message across to someone.  Who better then to talk about how to get loads of marks fo

EP 02: Will Holt - Putting points into a presentation
July 05, 2020

Will Holt is the dean of Pearson Business School.  He marks more than his fair share of presentations and videos so he shares some tips of the sort of things you should do and should not do if you want to..... get loads of marks.  

Ep 01: Piers Veness
June 24, 2020

Piers is the study skills tutor at Pearson College London.  He also teaches on the self managed learning courses and is involved in marking essays.  He was kind enough to join me for a quick chat about the sort of things that he sees as common m