Living Life

Living Life

Latest Episodes

I had a Self Intervention
June 10, 2020

I've been slacking, falling out of any routine & good habits! So, this week's noticeable efforts on personal growth was a personal intervention & back to basics for a good day :)

George Floyd
June 03, 2020

This week will go down in history as one of the most horrendous & disgusting moments of our humanity... & it's not because of the rioting. RIP George Floyd & all black lives before you, may we change and raise our future generations to encompass love of .

Be Comfortable In Discomfort
May 27, 2020

Coronavirus has flipped our life around completely and changed many major aspects of our life - but change isn't a bad thing. In this uncomfortable time, embrace the change and thrive from it.

Unknown Influences
May 20, 2020

I had a strange dream & it got me thinking about the different people who have influenced me in my life so far. This episode challenges you to think about those people in your life & sets a very grateful mood. I realised that some of the tiniest things c.

Facing Doubt
May 13, 2020

I spent a lot of time this week stuck on self-doubt. Hence, this week's episode is all about overcoming it!

The Time Is Now
May 05, 2020

How often do you put things off because it just "isn't the right time". What have you been wanting to start but still haven't got around to it yet? Don't let this limiting belief that it isn't the right time hold you back from great things!

Coping With Lockdown
April 28, 2020

I took to social media to ask you how you're doing and what's been helping you get through lockdown! The magnitude of answers were amazing, and I collated them in this episode! It's vital that we lean on each other for support right now, have a listen an.

The Guessing Game
April 21, 2020

Free yourself from the endless cycle of constantly guessing with these 2 easy steps. Learn how to WIN the guessing game and overcome the unnecessary mental torment of worrying about what other people are thinking/feeling.

You Are Your Surroundings
April 15, 2020

What environment have you placed yourself in? In this episode I discuss how our surroundings are our biggest influence and how we can use it to be more fulfilled and successful  in our lives.

Keep Chipping Away at the Wall
April 08, 2020

Do your remember what your New Year's resolution for 2020 was? Did you do it, or give up before the end of January? This episode discusses how we give up on challenges all too soon before giving ourselves a chance to reach a critical point that changes e.