
Latest Episodes
S2E1: Happiness
To kick-off Season 2, I speak with my friend and founder of The New Happy, Stephanie Harrison, about the science of finding true happiness in life.
SEASON #2: Designing a better life
In Season 2 of Reinvented, we're exploring how to design a better life - one that makes you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.
S1E7. My story (from Forging Mettle)
To conclude Season 1, I share my personal story of facing adversity and what I've learned along the way.
S1E6. Failing (up) at work
Do we learn more from our failures than our successes? What's the relationship between failing, learning, and growth? And what might we learn from a fellow millennial whose done and seen it all?
S1E5. Addiction, relapse, and recovery
What's it like to battle addiction? Why is it so hard to get sober? And what's on the other side of recovery? To find out, I speak with Erica C. Barnett, author of Quitter: A Memoir of Drinking, Relapse, and Recovery.
S1E4. Losing your identity
I speak with Dave Fuehrer, 2X cancer survivor and CEO of GRYT Health, about losing one's identity, turning inward, and the upside of adversity.
S1E3. A lifetime of bullying
How many of us are living a life of fear? How often do we miss out on life's great joys because we're afraid to step forward? This conversation with Scott Simon founder of Scare Your Soul, is about learning to say "yes" to the things that scare you.
S1E2. A sick child
What would it be like to find out that your child has a serious genetic disorder? To find out, I speak with Allison Pullins about her son's diagnosis with Marfan syndrome and how the experience changed her life for the better.
S1E1. Wounded in battle
In this conversation, I speak with Zach Osborne, a former Army Ranger, about dealing with uncertainty, how his faith provided hope during challenging times, and why being wounded in Afghanistan was ultimately a gift.
SEASON #1: When adversity strikes
In Season 1 of Reinvented, we're exploring what happens when adversity strikes - from finding new sources of strength to rethinking your identity, and beyond.