Zen Habits Favorites

Zen Habits Favorites

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How to Find Your Life Purpose: An Unconventional Approach
September 21, 2014

Let’s say you’re feeling unmotivated, unsure of yourself, aimless, can’t find your passion, directionless, not clear on what your purpose in life is. There about a million things online telling you how to find your passion in life,

The Heartbreaking Cruelty of Comparing Yourself to Others
September 21, 2014

We all do it: we look at what others are doing and wish we were doing that too. Or, alternatively, we scoff at what they’re doing and judge them, and see ourselves as better. One makes us feel bad, the other makes us feel superior. Neither makes us happy.

How to Be Prepared for Anything
August 31, 2014

One way is to get everything ready for anything that’s likely to come: get all your survival equipment, prepare your skills, plan for your work projects, get your affairs in order, think through your arguments, and so on.

Constant Task Switching
July 13, 2014

The practice of simplifying, clearing things away and staying with what I’m doing is incredibly useful, and something I haven’t mastered yet.

The Fear of Being Found a Fraud
June 20, 2014

I try to be myself, which is really the best I can do. If I’m authentic, I can’t be a fraud, because I’m just being who I am. Of course, I’m always trying to figure out who that self is, and the self is constantly changing,

The Frustratingly Slow Pace of Making Changes
June 15, 2014

When we start a change, we have an idea of how that will turn out — a fantasy in our heads, perhaps with a short timeline and a perfect result and an increase in happiness. But it never happens as quickly as we’d like, we’re never perfect at it,

The Incredible Importance of Sleep for Habits & Motivation
June 08, 2014

I could cite a bunch of studies and numbers, but here’s the honest truth: based on my own self-experiments, and working with thousands of people on habits, sleep is one of the most important but least valued factors when it comes to creating habits.

The Reality of This Moment
May 04, 2014

The combination of sounds and colors and shapes and smells around you will never exist in this particular combination ever again.

Procrastination is a Mindfulness Problem
March 02, 2014

We all procrastinate, and by and large, we all know the solutions to our procrastination. But they don’t work unless you’re aware of what you’re doing.

The 7 Habits of Calmness
February 23, 2014

High stress, constant anxiety over tasks and work and life, social anxiety … this is all a part of the modern way of life. Most people just don’t feel a sense of peace, of calm, of serenity, throughout their day.