Zen Habits Favorites

Zen Habits Favorites

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Zen Productivity
February 16, 2014

So what do you do when you’re overwhelmed and have a crapload of work to do? Here are the practices that work for me. I offer them to you in hopes that they’ll help you.

Letting Go of Judging People
February 02, 2014

Now, I’m not going to pretend I don’t ever judge other people. But one of the best changes I’ve made to help me be happier is learning to see judging other people as a red flag.

A Method to Find Balance
January 26, 2014

A friend recently asked me how I balance my personal lives and all my projects, and it made me pause and think. And that pause, and the thinking, is really the key to it all, I discovered.

Make It Your Job
December 22, 2013

When you’re feeling resentful or angry about something, it’s worth stopping to consider why.

Toss Your Expectations Into the Ocean
November 24, 2013

How much of your stress, frustration, disappointment, anger, comes from one little thing? Almost all of it comes from your expectations. We build these expectations in our heads of what other people should do, what our lives should be like, how other driv

how to be less busy in a busy busy world
November 03, 2013

Most of us are pretty busy, just about every day. Some like it that way — being busy is almost a status symbol, as it shows you’re important and productive and a go-getter and achiever. I say we should reject that little game of who’s busier than wh

Simplify: Let Go of Your Crutches
September 15, 2013

Many people are super busy, and distracted, because busy-ness and distraction feels productive, and isn’t boring. Smokers don’t want to quit smoking, because it helps them deal with stress. What do all these people have in common? They rely on crutche

Living the Quiet Life
September 01, 2013

When I first started simplifying my life, about 8 years ago, I remember my life being much busier. I would say yes to everything, and go to lots of social stuff, and drive everywhere doing a crazy amount of things, rushing wherever I went. By crazy I mean

Why Fear of Discomfort Might Be Ruining Your Life
August 11, 2013

Think about the major problems in your life — from anxiety to lack of regular exercise to a bad diet to procrastination and more. Pretty much every one of these problems is caused by a fear of discomfort.

The Worry That You’re Doing the Wrong Thing Right Now
July 14, 2013

When we were kids, most of us had someone to tell us what to do. Then came adulthood, where things became not-so-clear.
