Zen Habits Favorites

Zen Habits Favorites

Latest Episodes

Practicing Non-Judgment
January 31, 2016

What I’ve noticed, when I experience anger, frustration, disappointment … is that I am judging my experiences based on whether they are good for me or not. But why am I at the center of the universe?

How to Deal with Your Family’s Bad Habits
December 06, 2015

Have you created healthy habits for you, but haven’t gotten your kids or spouse on board? You’re not alone — lots of people get frustrated when their loved ones don’t want to create healthy habits.

The Time When We’ll Be Present & Content
November 22, 2015

We are frustrated with ourselves, with others, with our situation, with the way the world is, and we can’t let go of wishing they were different.

The Most Important Moment
November 15, 2015

Something I forget a lot, and have to remind myself about a lot: I’m not on my way somewhere. Each moment rushes by, because we’re on our way somewhere else.

The Place Where You Are
June 21, 2015

Pause for a moment, right now, to notice where you are. What is it like? What is the light like? What about the sounds, the smells, the feelings your body is feeling, the people around you? What is your state of mind?

The Elements of Living Lightly
June 14, 2015

Hamlet said, ‘There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’ He was right. Without the human mind, things just happen, and they are not good or bad. It’s only when we apply the filter of our judgment that they become good or bad,

Practicing Slowness & Being Present
April 19, 2015

If you don’t practice being present, slowing down, enjoying the moment right now, when will you practice? What are you practicing now instead?

7 Strategies for Facing Your Internet/TV Addiction
April 05, 2015

How do you beat something so addictive as the Internet, or TV — things most of us find ourselves increasingly immersed in, all day long? I’m going to give you strategies I’ve found effective, because I face these problems myself, all the time.

The Anti-Bucket List
March 22, 2015

Why put pressure on ourselves to achieve a huge list of things that aren’t that meaningful? Why feel guilty if we’re not pursuing them? Why not let them go?

How to Find Your Life Purpose: An Unconventional Approach
October 05, 2014

Now, there about a million things online telling you how to find your passion in life, and that’s a good thing. It’s a search worth undergoing. I’m not going to give you a fool-proof method, or a 5-step method, nor share my passion manifesto with yo