Zencare Podcast

Zencare Podcast

Latest Episodes

All Inclusive Practice | Koshin Paley Ellison
September 04, 2024

We are always at war with what is. We are creating suffering for others and in this way we are creating suffering for ourselves. Harada Roshi We are constantly dividing the world, each other,

Get Out of the Groove | Koshin Paley Ellison
August 28, 2024

This life, all is well. Can we really say this? Is it alright to say that life is good? Harada Roshi In this dharma talk from summer sesshin, Koshin Sensei reflects on his first sesshin sitting

Subject to Change | Chodo Campbell
August 21, 2024

The heart believes in tomorrows cherry blossoms. The storm comes at night and blows them away. Everything is subject to change. We all experience loss. Can this inevitability spark in us an urg

Set It Down | Koshin Paley Ellison
August 14, 2024

Everything is encouraging you to awaken to your life. In the midst of our lives, we need to experience moments of respite. Twice a year, the New York Zen Center holds a silent retreat, or sesshin.

Sweeping the Mind Clear | Chodo Campbell
August 07, 2024

Dont just stand there, one foot in and one foot out. Throw yourself in. The great matter of life and death is an ever present reality. Whether we are ready to face this reality or not, there is n

The Dignity of Each Moment | Koshin Paley Ellison
July 31, 2024

Inattention is harmful. Attention is a refuge. Have you noticed how often we can lose contact with whats around us? Even with the ones we love the most? Koshin Sensei invites us to consider this

The Perils of Certainty | Koshin Paley Ellison
July 24, 2024

There is so much energy around being sure Thinking I know, we become so narrow. Do you ever think I am right and you are wrong? I, you, all of us, can get caught up in deeply entrenched id

Doing What is Beneficial and True, Not Popular | Koshin Paley Ellison
July 17, 2024

How does what you say and do really benefit living beings? We live in a world filled with beauty and terror. Whether we are experiencing euphoric glee, wrenching pain, or something in between, c

Innumerable Stars: Returning to the Original Place | Koshin Paley Ellison
July 10, 2024

Our commitment to distractions and our commitment to not committing actually takes a lot of effort. The newest telescopes can see stars being born hundreds of millions of lightyears away. Innume

Practicing Interdependence Through Kind Speech | Koshin Paley Ellison
July 02, 2024

Those without virtue are to be pitied. As Dogen Zenji reminds us, giving, kind speech, beneficial actions, and cooperation are the Four Attractions of the Bodhisattva. How often throughou