Zencare Podcast

Zencare Podcast

Latest Episodes

Practicing Interdependence Through Kind Speech | Koshin Paley Ellison
July 02, 2024

Those without virtue are to be pitied. As Dogen Zenji reminds us, giving, kind speech, beneficial actions, and cooperation are the Four Attractions of the Bodhisattva. How often throughou

Just Do. Without Regressing, Without Adulteration | Koshin Paley Ellison
June 05, 2024

It is not enough to have good intensions. It really matters what you do. It really matters what you say. Our human ancestors have been caring for one another for at least 75,000 years. We surv

Stories of Loss and Return, Illness and Healing | Chodo Campbell
May 29, 2024

This practice has kept me alive. When what has been lost brings the return of something new, when the debilitations of illness remind us of the deep dignities of being alive, these are the heali

This Practice is About LIberation | Koshin Paley Ellison
May 15, 2024

This practice is actually about liberation, not about being comfortable, feeling good, or getting a reward. What are you afraid of? Can we remain focused and grounded when what we fear is right in

Three Worlds and All Beings | Koshin Paley Ellison
May 08, 2024

Treat others with great care. What is possible when we disbelieve our doubt? When we show up to wholeheartedly practice together, worlds come alive. There is an expansive reservoir of compassion a

The Art of Non-Doing | Chodo Campbell
May 01, 2024

Non-doing allows us to cultivate compassionate presence. Doing nothing is not about inaction. In this dharma talk, Chodo Sensei invites us to set down our preoccupation with doing excessiv

The Magic of Entering the World | Koshin Paley Ellison
April 24, 2024

The way of belonging is doing. On the occasion of Hana Matsuri, a ceremony to celebrate the Buddhas birth, Koshin Sensei invites us to set down our demand for things to be a certain way, fo

Non-thinking: The Art of Seated Meditation | Koshin Paley Ellison
April 17, 2024

How do you practice not wasting time? Stories have impact. Our thoughts and beliefs can take over our minds and actually take us out of relationship. Koshin Sensei reminds us, We waste a lot of t

Engaged and Playful | Koshin Paley Ellison
April 10, 2024

It is a form of generosity, how we show up. What do we do with the stories we often tell ourselves about ourselves? Many of us worry, Am I good? or think, I am no good. Many of us feel,

Step In | Koshin Paley Ellison
April 03, 2024

How do your opinions and preferences take you out of relationship and a life of practice? Honoring the Buddhas death, Nehan-e observance is an opportunity to pay closer attention to your life,
