Zebra Smash - Real Financial Planners | Real Conversations

Zebra Smash - Real Financial Planners | Real Conversations

Latest Episodes

Episode 5 - An Opinionated T3 Conference Recap
March 06, 2017

T3 Conference Recap

Episode 4 - An Evening With Andy Millard, Video Expert
February 20, 2017

Andy Millard - Video Marketing and Communications

Episode 3 - Recap of the 2017 NAPFA South Region Symposium
February 11, 2017

In this episode, we recap the Symposium recently put on by the South Region of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) in Atlanta, GA, titled The Softer Side of Financial Planning. This event is special to us, since at least one of

Episode 0 - The Prequel
February 11, 2017

Why a podcast and why the name zebra smash?

Episode 2 - All About Bonds, Part 2 [CFP CE Credit Eligible]
February 02, 2017

Another CFP CE-eligible hour all about the wonder of bonds

Episode 1 - All About Bonds Part 1 [CFP CE Credit Eligible]
January 30, 2017

Bonds 101 - CFP CE Credit Eligible!

Hello World
December 25, 2016

If you open up any beginning programming book, pretty much for any language, the first example code you'll be asked to complete is the famous Hello World program.  The aim of the Hello World program is to get your computer to display the words "Hello
