Your Success At Last DNA | Daily Motivation | Goal Setting

Your Success At Last DNA | Daily Motivation | Goal Setting

Stop Waiting For The Moon & Stars to Align

May 19, 2013

First I am announcing the new podcast format and with it's shift to a daily schedule - listen for more details then....

Motivation Monday - How many times have you heard someone say or said yourself “I will get started when….†This is the kiss of death, you cannot wait for the sun and the moon and the stars to align – you have to reach out and start aligning them yourself.

Lets talk about the downward spiral that comes with this kind of thinking and what one simple thing you need to do to avoid it.

Also - I will ask you your daily question!

Think Successfully & Take Action!
Tracy Brinkmann

PS - go get your FREE copy of my ebook "Write Your Success Story" NOW - also I will tell you how to get some of my other eBooks and worksheets for free as well - CLICK HERE to get it NOW!