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Destination Freedom (052) 1949-07-03 Norfolk Miracle
The fifty-second episode of “Destination Freedom,” titled “Norfolk Miracle,” aired on July 3, 1949. This episode tells the story of Dorothy Maynor, a renowned African American soprano and concert sing
Destination Freedom (051) 1949-06-26 Harriet’s Children
The fifty-first episode of “Destination Freedom,” titled “Harriet’s Children,” aired on June 26, 1949. This episode tells the story of Harriet Tubman, an iconic figure in American history known for he
Destination Freedom (050) 1949-06-19 Ghost Editor
The fiftieth episode of “Destination Freedom,” titled “Ghost Editor,” aired on June 19, 1949. This episode tells the story of Roscoe Dunjee, a pioneering African American journalist, editor, and civil
Destination Freedom (049) 1949-06-12 Negro Cinderella
The forty-ninth episode of “Destination Freedom,” titled “Negro Cinderella,” aired on June 12, 1949. This episode tells the story of Lena Horne, a legendary African American singer, actress, and civil
Destination Freedom (048) 1949-06-05 Anatomy of an Ordinance
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Destination Freedom (047) 1949-05-29 The Saga of Melody Jackson
The forty-seventh episode of “Destination Freedom,” titled “The Saga of Melody Jackson,” aired on May 29, 1949. This episode tells the story of Henry Armstrong, a legendary African American boxer who
Destination Freedom (046) 1949-05-22 046 The Secretary of Peace
The forty-sixth episode of “Destination Freedom,” titled “The Secretary of Peace,” aired on May 22, 1949. This episode tells the story of Benjamin Banneker, a self-taught African American mathematicia
Destination Freedom (045) 1949-05-15 The Ballad of Satchel Paige
The forty-fifth episode of “Destination Freedom,” titled “The Ballad of Satchel Paige,” aired on May 15, 1949. This episode tells the story of Satchel Paige, one of the greatest pitchers in baseball h
Destination Freedom (044) 1949-05-01 Help the Blind
The forty-fourth episode of “Destination Freedom,” titled “Help the Blind,” aired on May 1, 1949. This episode tells the story of Josh White, a renowned African American folk singer, guitarist, and ci
Destination Freedom (042) 1949-04-17 Before I Sleep
The forty-second episode of “Destination Freedom,” titled “Before I Sleep,” aired on April 17, 1949. This episode tells the story of Paul Laurence Dunbar, a renowned African American poet and novelist