Your Finances — Know You Can

Your Finances — Know You Can

Latest Episodes

Avoiding Regrets: Navigating Your Financial Future Correctly (Ep. 12)
April 12, 2023

Nothing is worse than feeling regret. And this is even more so when it comes to your investments or plans for your retirement. In this episode, Wes tackles the topic of regrets and how to avoid them i

How Do Top Portfolio Managers Posture During Economic Turmoil with David Fingold (Ep. 11)
January 04, 2023

Have you ever wondered what a portfolio manager does and how they take advantage of a perceived negative event like a market correction? In this episode, Wes speaks with David Fingold, Vice President

Your Secret Weapon to Planning Retirement (Ep. 10)
October 19, 2022

The financial consumer is experiencing high levels of uncertainty with inflation, stock market fluctuations and high interest rates. Learn how to bulletproof your financial plan in times like these.

From Hell to Heaven: How to Improve Your Retirement Picture (Ep. 9)
September 01, 2022

Retirement can be heaven or it can be hell and what YOU do to plan makes all the difference. Without the proper planning tools and guidelines, it is easy to feel stuck and uncertain about your futur

Thinking Long Term with Jean-Pierre (JP) Chevalier, CFA (Ep. 8)
June 20, 2022

A market correction is similar to weeding the garden, in order to get the desired results you are looking for, you must first get rid of the weeds or they will choke out the growth you really want. I

The Array of Benefits Financial Planners Have to Offer with Andrew Owsiak (Ep. 7)
May 17, 2022

When looking to invest your money, oftentimes people will go to banks as a safe option. What they dont realize is that they are short changing themselves when it comes to personalized planning if the

The Best Insurance is The One That’s There When You Need It with Devon Cheema (Ep. 6)
April 25, 2022

When you were adding insurance to your financial plan, did you complete a detailed needs analysis to ensure that your familys needs would be addressed? Many insurance companies follow a one size fit

Tax Planner vs Tax Preparer: What You Need To Know with Blake Carruthers, CFP (Ep. 5)
April 06, 2022

Do you have someone just preparing your taxes, or do you have someone that helps you plan for your taxes? Most clients are unaware of the amount of money they could be saving and potentially getting b

What You Should Know About Estate Planning? (Ep. 4)
March 15, 2022

If you were to die tomorrow, do you have a plan for how your estate would be handled? Who would be your power of attorney? Do you know who gets which assets? What about who pays for any outstanding de

How to Carefully Pick Your Financial Planner (Ep. 3)
March 01, 2022

Your investments are the fuel for your trip, but your financial plan is your flight plan. And without that, you dont know how much fuel or investments youre going to need. Say youve got the fuel an
