The Hill Coaching Company Podcast

The Hill Coaching Company Podcast

Latest Episodes

S5-17: Have You Had A Serious Injury?
July 22, 2024

Nathan Shoesmith joins me on the podcast today to share his life experience following a serious injury. We discuss how Nathan's perspective, and life, have changed since his life-changing event. This

S3-40: A New Chapter
July 15, 2024

We finish this series with some exciting news. There's more to come! Listen on to hear what the future holds for you, Stephen, and I. Enjoy!

S5-16: [Replay] How To Read Like A Pro
July 08, 2024

This is a fact: A good book has the power to change your life. But if you hate reading (or never have the time to pick up a good book) where do you begin? If you struggle to absorb the information or

S3-39: It's Okay To Look Further Than Your Nose
July 01, 2024

Are you comfortable in your current setting? What if you were to extend your boundaries further afield to help grow your business? How could that benefit you? Who do you know? And who do they know? T

S5-15: [Replay] Mind Your Language
June 24, 2024

Mind your language! No Oliver isnt going to tell you to stop swearing (in fact his off mic language is pretty x-rated). No hes more concerned about using words that do more harm than dropping the F-

S3-38: What About You?
June 17, 2024

More and more leaders are not makeing time or thinking of themselves first. What about you? What can you do to help yourself first; as a leader? You can only help and support others if you help yourse

S5-14: [Replay] My Toughest Year
June 10, 2024

When we agreed for my Grandfather to move in with us, I anticipated that we would probably encounter some issues. After all, that's expected when an elderly family member begins living with you - isn'

S3-37: Actions Speak Louder Than Waffle
June 03, 2024

Where do you want to get to in life and work? What is it you want? Many of us tend to overthink about what we need to do... And then we procrastinate when we need to take action. This isn't just about

S5-13: Do You Consider All The Options
May 27, 2024

How often do we choose because that's what we've always chosen? What if there's a better option or a better decision to be made? In this episode, I explore the benefits of thinking outside of the box,

S3-36: The Power of Coaching and Mentoring
May 20, 2024

Ever feel stuck or unsure of your next move in life or business? In this episode, Stephen and I share our passion for empowering others, as we discuss the key differences between coaching and mentorin