Your Darkest Secrets

Your Darkest Secrets

Latest Episodes

Your Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex Call
March 27, 2016

My best phone sex friend Miss June and I have been talking a lot lately about erotic hypnosis. We each do it very differently, but the end result is the same: a very enjoyable time for our callers and for us. Doing erotic hypnosis is fun,

A Valentine’s Day Detour with a Mature Phone Sex Goddess
February 13, 2016

What happens when a mature phone sex Goddess tries to come up with a story that will fit the disparate fetishes of her many callers? I gave this a lot of thought. Some of you are submissive; others rather dominant and still others resolutely part of th...

Mature Cuckolding Phone Sex: The Cuckold Whisperer
January 30, 2016

Talking About Cuckolds and Phone Sex I use “Cuckold Whisperer” a bit tongue-in-cheek and in fun. It took me a while to figure out how I could fulfill cuckolding phone sex calls in a way that is genuine but sexy.

Blogging About Mature Phone Sex (with an imp underfoot)
October 31, 2015

I don’t blog nearly as often as I should, so it was with firm intention that I sat down close to Halloween to write a post about mature phone sex while waiting for my phone to ring. The advantages of a mature woman. It seemed so write, I mean right,

Force of July: Independence on Fire Hot Phone Sex
July 05, 2015

Happy Independence Day! Phone sex is, for me, a lot about my own independence. I can remember my mother exclaiming in a fit of pique, using language she NEVER used: “Emma, do you HAVE to be so damned INDEPENDENT?” Ayep.

Dr. Emma, Your Therapist Phone Sex Fetish
June 06, 2015

My dear boys, you need a therapist. Well, you WANT a therapist. You may want a stern, humiliating, mind-fucking therapist, or a sexy, seductive therapist who makes hot use of that couch. You may even want someone you can really,

Dirty Talk Audio: A new site, an old friend
May 30, 2015

I’ve mentioned my dear friend June, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, several times here. Have you seen her latest evolution at I think it’s brilliant. You’re really missing something if you haven’t read her views on radical happiness.

Genuine Phone Sex, or, but I LIKE My Callers!
April 04, 2015

There are days when I think I’m going to scream if I see one more photo of a pretty girl sneering and flipping off the camera on Niteflirt. I get that the whole bratty, hateful attitude thing is a turnon for a lot of guys.

A Mature Phone Sex Tease–New Erotic Audio
February 07, 2015

I was a late bloomer sexually, and it took me a little while to understand that a whole lot of sex is about power. Not just in the hard, cold way that many people use it, or even in the power exchange that is at the heart of BDSM,

Taboo Fetish Phone Sex
January 18, 2015

This is about the lines we’re not supposed to cross–too naughty, too nasty to talk about. Forbidden fruit hidden away in the darkness. A surprising little thing I’ve learned about myself doing phone sex is that almost none of the no-no’s bother me in t...