Your Valuable Home

2024 Real Estate Roundup Part 5
We’re Back on Apple Podcasts
Working with Apple Podcasts, our distributor, and a podcast consultant, we have resolved an issue that caused the Your Valuable Home show listing to temporarily be disconnected from Apple Podcasts. For a brief period, our listeners who pick up Your Valuable Home on Apple Podcasts did not have access to our newest episodes. From the internet chatter among podcasters who distribute to Apple, it appears that other podcasters had the same issue. ISSUE RESOLVED. To avoid any future glitches, we encourage you to subscribe to Your Valuable Home.
In the Replay today, Mike is estatic about his all-ProVia® exterior makeover.
It’s Bad Guy Bulletin time again, and Marc Furber from the Bucks County
DA’s Office has a story that will send shivers down your spine. In this multi-
layered scam, the scammers actually arrive at your house. Multiple cases
of this are currently being prosecuted by the Bucks DA’s office. Thanks for
the headsup, Marc.
In our Featured segment, Jake Maisner and colleague from the Jac Smith Group/Keller Williams brief us on the real estate market in St. Petersburg, Florida in 2024. They also hint at a robust market in 2025, given anticipated additional mortgage rate decreases. We conducted this interview pre-hurricane Milton. We’ll check back with the Jac Smith Group at the end of October.