Your Valuable Home
PEW Charitable Trusts, briefs us on the key factors PEW sees contributing to the unaffordability of the American housing.
In this week's replay, Donna Butts, Executive Director of the DC non-profit Generations United, reports on that organization’s recently released survey of multigenerational homes, and our own Kevin Kennedy and his family are applauded for their multigenerational lifestyle.
Our Horror Story today is about the case of the lost house, as told by Kim
Sledge, legendary singer, songwriter and longtime friend. Kim endured a
three-month ordeal after selling her home, and learning that her new home
was sold to another buyer. Kim also fills us in on her latest project. In our
Feature today, Tara Roche, the co-head of the Housing Policy Initiative at
the renowned PEW Charitable Trusts, briefs us on the key factors PEW
sees contributing to the unaffordability of American housing...especially for
first-time buyers. AND IN NEXT WEEK’S FEATURE we’ll learn from the
famous researcher, Wendell Cox, that the U.S. is not alone when it comes
to unaffordable housing and the reasons behind it. In fact, we have plenty
of company in countries around the world.