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Everything you didn’t know about the legalities and the danger of large, dead trees
In our Replay and Horror Story today, Frank fills us in on his in-law suite
which is now on the right track. The same project began as a contractor
Horror Story that lasted about a year.
In the Feature today, a deer strike will ruin your day. Getting hit by a dead, falling tree could destroy your home, your car, and/or take your life. Today we get a short, intensive course on why our landscape, including roads and municipal rights of way, holds the potential for disaster with thousands of dead and dying ash, oak, and other trees. It’s a problem compounded by legalities and complacency about
corrective measures like removing fallen trees from power lines. We
explore this little understood, but vital topic with a veteran arborist and an
an attorney who specializes in municipal and tree law. What you hear should
lead you to conclude that the people of every impacted state need to be
fully educated about the danger in the trees, and, at the least, dead trees
that have fallen on power lines need to be removed as quickly as possible
and/or taken down before they drop.