Your Marriage Matters Podcast

Your Marriage Matters Podcast

Love Maps – The Key to Understanding – YMMP002

March 05, 2018

Did you know that couples get stuck in a cycle of conflict and miscommunication based in large part because they don’t understand each other?

Does your spouse GET you? Does he or she know what’s going on with you? Do you GET your spouse?

On today’s show, we talk about LOVE MAPS - what it means, why it’s important and how you can create an accurate love map.

“Building Love Maps; Knowing One Another’s World” is at the foundation of the Sound Relationship House Theory (as proposed by John Gottman; A love map is a road map of one’s inner psychological world.

Do you know the one quality essential for accurate Love Maps?  I’ll give you a hint. Unscramble these letters: S-T-O-N-E-Y-H

Today’s show went beyond 15 minutes, in part because I wanted to review 4 secrets on how to build an amazing marriage:

Self-awareness. You must seek the truth about yourself, and not be afraid to be vulnerable.
YOU are responsible for a big part of your marital happiness, so STOP staring at your spouse for answers or blame.
Teamwork. Always keep in mind that the husband and wife dynamic is like a team, working for the “greater good” and end goal of a fully functioning family unit. Say that 10 times fast. Fully functioning family unit…..
Stick with Your Marriage Matters and you won’t become a statistic! It is my hope that you become a pillar of your community, with an amazing marriage. Very few marriage counselors and coaches make guarantees and promises, but I do.
