Your Great Journey

Your Great Journey

Guided Relaxation: A Gentle Meditation to Calm Stress

July 17, 2019

Guided Relaxation to Soothe and Calm Stress
Today we’re sharing a soothing guided relaxation that will help you find your center in stressful moments. This relaxation is an excerpt from psychologist Ted Zeff’s audiobook The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide: Essential Skills for Living Well in an Overstimulating World. You’ll be guided through a soothing, grounding meditation, which will leave you calm, centered, and happy.
The audiobook The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide: Essential Skills for Living Well in an Overstimulating World is a practical guide to help you learn how to manage your sensitivity to both physical and emotional stimulation. Using a series of engaging and easy to follow exercises, you can build your coping skills and be better prepared to make your way through our vibrant and highly stimulating world.
What's in this episode?
In this episode, Dr. Zeff shares a guided relaxation that will help you come back to center. This guided relaxation can also be enjoyed any time you just want to feel more grounded.

Ted Zeff, PhD, received his doctorate in psychology in 1981 from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, CA. He currently teaches workshops on coping techniques for highly sensitive people. He has taught stress reduction and insomnia management for over fifteen years at various hospitals and medical groups. He is author of The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide. For more information please visit

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By understanding, accepting, and appreciating your sensitive nervous system and by learning practical methods to deal with your sensitivity, you will gradually be able to identify and release any false beliefs that there is something inherently wrong with you.

Dr. Ted Zeff
The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide