Divine Purpose Insights

Latest Episodes
Spiritual Optimism
This podcast discusses how our spiritually backed optimism can make a positive difference in the world.
Running out of ideas?
This podcast discusses how to wake up to new ideas when we feel our well has run dry.
The Power of Love and Light (MLK)
This podcast discusses some vital ideas shared by Martin Luther King, Jr, their connection to spiritual Truth, and how we can bring these ideas into practical use today.
Staying Awake to Good
This podcast discusses how not to be hypnotized by troubles in the world or in our lives and how to instead stay awake to good and perpetuate it.
A New Year of Blessings
This podcast discusses how we can be awake and ready for blessings in this brand new year.
Simple Pleasures
This podcast discusses how we can find a little heaven in the simple pleasures of life.
Christmas Presence
This podcast discusses how to feel Christmas more deeply, and to be receptive to uplift and peace in each moment.
One Day at a Time
This podcast discusses how we can take our lives one day at a time, appreciating what each day has to offer and being awake to surprises, resolution, peace.
Let it Begin with Me
This podcast discusses how we can find and share a sense of peace, actively and powerfully.
This podcast discusses the idea of our spiritual wholeness and how its discovery can be healing.