You Can Mentor: A Christian Youth Mentoring Podcast
Latest Episodes
All Frustration Comes from Unmet Expectations
Here are five keys to keep your heart in the right place while mentoring. 1. Don’t focus on outcomes 2. People aren’t projects, they’re people 3. No formula for mentoring. Every relationship is different. 4. Love is not performance based. 5. Hope
Breaking the Poverty Mindset with Derrich Phillips
Derrich Phillips is the Founder and Chief Mentor at Mentor Select, a great resource for mentorship and career guidance. Derrich shares personal stories of overcoming adversity, and highlights the power of building mentor relationships with kids from hard
What Does Success Look Like as a Mentor?
What does it take to be successful as a mentor? What questions should we be asking? In this episode we share three essential elements for finding success as a mentor.
Searching for Identity with Daniel De Jesús
In today's episode, you'll hear from Daniel De Jesús, the director of programs at Forerunner Mentoring. Daniel shares some of the struggles he faced growing up in NW Chicago and how a mentor stepped into his life.
The Basics of Mentoring
In today's episode we discuss the basics of mentoring. From staying humble to asking good questions, every mentor should regularly come back to these basic principles in their mentoring relationship.
The Power of Summer Camp Counselors with Travis Bearden
In today's episode, you'll hear about three mentors that changed Travis Bearden's life as he grew up without a father in East Texas.
There Is No Such Thing as a Bad Kid
In today's episode, we unpack our belief that there is no such thing as a bad kid.
Overcoming Fatherlessness with Zachary Garza Sr.
In today's episode, we interview Zachary Garza Sr., Founder and Executive Director of Forerunner Mentoring. We hope his story shows you the power of being a mentor.
Kids from Hard Places
What is a kid from a hard place? In today's episode, Zach shares the story of two kids who come from completely different circumstances.
You Can Mentor
Introducing You Can Mentor, a new podcast about the power of building relationships.