
Latest Episodes
New Decade: Purge and Plan
Don’t wane! Even though it’s late January, let’s stick with purging the past and strategically planning our future. And if strategery is not your strong suit, then sit back and at least imagine what you’d like your life to look like 1,
Sell or Keep Passive Income?
Yes, because it builds equity and if it’s our primary residence for 2 of the past 5 years, we could sell it and pay no capital gains ($250,000/$500,000). But if we just live in the house, we have security and “rent control” but it’s a “personal use” as...
Fall Fresh Start – Getting Organized
Apply four simple steps to keep your project focused, productive and quick. And today’s challenge: your purse! This month’s challenge: paper. Eek!
Money: Start with the End in Mind
Too often, we talk about budgeting now for "retirement" later. But a non specific future isn't very motivating. In today's podcast, we explore the vision of where we see ourselves on a very micro level. A really specific description of who we'll be,
Passion vs. 9-5 Job
Got a 9-5 and feel guilty that you're not pursuing your passion? Don't fret! Hopefully you're in a great position to earn a reliable, predictable income, contribute to your employer's 401K and otherwise set your financial life in motion.
Morning Rituals
Does your morning start with more “ughs” than “aaahs”? Mornings are your soul’s prime real estate…make sure you guard what parks there first thing upon waking. In today’s podcast, we explore various morning routines to start our day feeling blessed.
Be Still, Be Satisfied
Part of being financially at peace is to learn to be satisfied. Grateful. Still. Unfrantic. Today's podcast is about how one retired mother achieved financial peace on less than $40,000 a year.
Your Slightly Future Self Says “Hi”
In today's podcast, learn what it means to let go of the past and anchor to your slightly future self.
A Break Up? Make Sure You Do This One Thing
Flattened by a break up or a life disappointment? If you’re going to let yourself go…let it all go~hair, nails, shaving~but maintain this one habit. If you do this one thing, the bounce back and comeback will be so much easier.
Laid off? Why That May be a Good Thing
If you’ve just been fired, laid off, or “kicked to the curb,” it may be good news for you. Let’s discuss easy steps you can start today to get back on track. Keep your chin up! It’s a blow, for sure, but you’ve done other hard things.