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Latest Episodes

94: A Universal Rewrite is Underway!
August 30, 2017

There is a supercharged light reverberating through the dimensions and densities of earth. As Gaia’s crystalline core expands we in turn experience expansion in our consciousness. - This is why the lower timelines have been dropping away,

93: What Meditates You?
August 16, 2017

Is there something, that when you do it, seems to directly pull you into engagement with a peace within? What automatically helps you forget your mind and deeply connect with what’s around you? What "meditates’ you?

161: Connective Tissue: Order and Disorder
August 08, 2017

Join us in a conversation with Katy Fox, CYT. A Hatha Yoga practitioner and instructor. She teaches Embodied Anatomy and focuses on multiple contemporary movement disciplines. We will follow her journey of healing her own clinical issues and teaching t...

92: “There Is No Path, You Make the Path By Walking”
August 02, 2017

This quote attributed to Antonio Machado, sums up everything that I want to share in this world. The direction that you choose to stride into, creates your life’s dimensions as you go. One step leads to the next,

160: Mobilizing Your Healing Power
July 25, 2017

Join us in a conversation with James Kwako, MD, family physician, integrative medicine practitioner, Instructor at the Center for Lifelong learning and author. He has served on the boards of the American Holistic Association and the International Assoc...

91: Who Is in Charge of Your Ascension?
July 19, 2017

Haven’t thought about Ascension in a while? This higher, brighter path of love, harmony, compassion and peace is something that you can choose. You want to follow a powerful direction for this moment and always!

159: The Wellness Coach
July 11, 2017

Join us in a conversation with Margaret Moore, MBA. She is a social entrepreneur, author, lecturer, inventor and the founder and CEO of WellCoaches Corp. We will discuss the role of a Wellness coach and how you can help yourself to stretch your mind. -

90: Opening, Not Training
July 05, 2017

How many times have I suggested that you open to your intuitive nature, and your personal universal plan? You are already so enlightened, so capable of being who you are meant to be within the tests and seemingly strange trajectories taking place all a...

158: Music and Your Health
July 04, 2017

Join us in a conversation with Terry Wollman, Producer/Guitarist/Composer and Host of “Making It with Terry Wollman”, and my cousin. We will explore how music may effect physical and mental health and healing? Does playing an instrument help with memory?

89: An Era of Peace
June 24, 2017

Are you wondering if this is possible? Is it Peace on earth that you crave and find yourself crying out for? Look to yourself, to your center of knowing, to carefully draw peace forward … as you engage with your own peace,