You've Got This, Mama - Podcast

You've Got This, Mama - Podcast

e024 – Own Your Life, Mama – with Deirdre Slattery

March 05, 2019

Hello March!
With International Women's Day just around the corner, it only made sense for the theme this month on YGTMAMA to be inspirational women! We are diving deep into the triumphant stories of overcoming. These women push past the limits of the societal norms, they have figured out how to design a life that suits them.
Deirdre Slattery is a retired physical education teacher and sports coach turned transformational fitness and health coach, a personal trainer, 5x published and 1st place fitness model, 4x published co-author and lead author of her first book launching this year. Her background is Bachelor of Kinesiology, and Bachelor of Education. She is a motivational speaker and solo mama to a teenage girl.

In this episode, Deirdre and Sabrina start off strong and they dive right into what it means to own your life. Deirdre admits that it didn't come easy for her. She spent many years doing what she thought she should be doing, not what set her soul on fire. She talks about the courage it takes to follow those nudges that our intuition gives us so often.
They speak to the ease and comfort that comes along with "one-day" goals. "One day when I ___, then I will___." This inspiring mama right here can attest to what it means to take the reins back and get back into the driver's seat of your own life. It is normal to have excuses. "I'm too; old, poor, ugly, fat, unworthy . . . " Well, this beautiful FORTY-SIX-year-old woman is here to prove to you that those are all just stories that happen between your ears.

“It's about being stronger than your excuses.” ~ Deirdre Slattery

Deirdre explains that our power really comes from how we manage our excuses and emotions. We all get them; negative thoughts and self-talk, lack of will power, defeat, feelings of unworthiness. This is our egos trying to keep us small and away from our full potential. It is sooo often, especially in motherhood, guilt, and fear that fuel these emotions and anxieties. She encourages our listeners to strive for what truly brings us joy and makes us happy. As mamas, we have a responsibility to our children to model the behaviors we want to see in them. As a mama to a teenage girl, Deirdre shares the immense importance in this.

"I've got beautiful eyes watching my every move. When I step up into my power, she is my biggest cheerleader and is always in my corner." ~ Deirdre Slattery

The girls chat about what it means to be a BOSS MAMA and that really the definition is having control over your life. Being the sole decision maker when it comes to the energy you allow into your circle and having control over how you spend your time. Time is truly the only renewable resource, how are you going to spend it? Deirdre shares that she wasn't unhappy in her small town teaching job, she just knew her soul craved more and that she was destined to be more, for her daughter and herself. Now she inspires women everywhere to step into the best version of themselves, without the guilt and the shame that can accompany such success.
Deirdre will be sharing her website with our community soon and her online programs but for now you can catch up with her on Instagram, and her business Facebook page.