You've Got This, Mama - Podcast

You've Got This, Mama - Podcast

e022 – Mindful Mommin’ – with Cassie Jeans

February 20, 2019

The theme on YGTMAMA this month is LOVE. Today we are diving into divine love and all things spirituality with the one and only Cassie Jeans.

Cassie Jeans is a #1 best selling author, an inspirational speaker, and a dedicated leader for women who want to fully embrace all aspects of their soul and take full ownership of their life. She is an advocate for the transformational power self-worth has in a woman's life and has a gift of eradicating self-doubt and limiting beliefs using the power of words, practical step-by-step solutions and the wisdom of intuition. She is interested in what lights up a person's soul and guides them to see that by following that path alone all other core desires will naturally fall into place. She is a contributor in You've Got This, Mama, Too and host of In The Bedroom with Cassie Jeans - a podcast that will surely light up your soul.

The ladies dive right in. Sabrina admits that spirituality has not always come easily to her. Growing up with a non-practicing Catholic mother and an atheist father, religion was not something engaged in or talked about in the home. She admits that she has always thought religion and spirituality were synonymous. It actually wasn't until she became a mother that her spiritual practice developed and evolved.

Cassie shares her journey and answers questions around how we can be more soulful in our relationships and bring mindfulness into parenting.

"Motherhood is a divine experience, our children can be our greatest teachers." ~ Cassie Jeans

Spirituality and soulfulness do not require grandiose life changes. What lights you up? What feels good? What has you curious?  You do not need to go on a six-week hunger strike or a vow of silence to practice more mindfulness. Sometimes it is just sitting with your breath and taking in your surroundings. Cassie shares that nature is her temple and she is incredibly connected with Mother Nature and all of its beauty. "I learn so much from flowers, the water, grass."  She also explains that she sees this in her children as they develop and grow, the oneness with the earth and that is a beautiful thing. Cassie mentions some of her favorite reads that will help engage that curiosity in your soul. Light is The New Black and Women Who Run With The Wolves are two of her favorites. You can also pick up a copy of Cassie's first book Her Art of Surrender.

To find Cassie you can hang out with her on Instagram and follow along with her word butter, musings! Also, head over to Cassie's website you can join her 10-day gratitude challenge or access her coaching services.