You've Got This, Mama - Podcast

You've Got This, Mama - Podcast

e019 – Manifesting Mama – with Kari Keating

January 22, 2019

Today #onthepodcast we are talking all things intention setting, balancing business and babies, manifesting your dream life and discovering your passion work.

This is a topic close to our heart at YGTMAMA as our host Sabrina Greer is in the throes of all of it being a mama to three young boys and growing this crazy beast of an empire.

Kari Keating is a transformational business coach, lifestyle entrepreneur, host of The Work Hard Mom Hard Podcast and mother of three boys under the age of six. Her zone of genius is all about helping you create a clear strategy to grow your impact, maximize your income and find true fulfillment in the work you do.
She's laser-focused in getting you out of your head and into action so you can make the impact you crave and the income you deserve.

Work Hard Mom Hard is a podcast dedicated to Mom's who are working hard to build their business while raising their babies. Each week Kari dives into mindset, motivation, inspiration and practical tools to help you find clarity in the chaos.

We start the show off by commiserating about being boy-moms, both Sabrina and Kari have three young boys and this is what originally connected them on Instagram. Boys are a busy breed full of tons of physical energy but oh so fun and as you can see from the photo above, super adorable!

We dive a little deeper into the evolution of Kari's business. To understand where she is going, she thought it was important to know where she came from. She started off in a seventeen-year corporate career for one of the largest athletic companies in the world. She talks about the career map, you know - knowing exactly how much money you are going to make, what the next few years are going to look like and how exhausting this corporate structure can be. She was time poor and looked forward to the fifteen minutes she got in the pumping room after she had her first two babes. She got a lot of inspiration from her father and always had a pull towards serving others on a large scale. The girls chat all things health and wellness, side hustles, network marketing and what it means to be a Boss Mama. Kari shares her struggles moving from the corporate mindset of working for someone else to the transition of being an entrepreneur and your own boss.

"You cannot create a 7-figure business without doing the inner work." ~ Kari Keating

Kari shares that fear and resistance is the root of so many problems in business and life. Personal development is key when it comes to overcoming adversity and the tough times. She invites us to not apologize for who we are and for being in messy action. Sabrina asks Kari for any advice for mama listeners wanting to leave their 9-5 jobs or the corporate world. She suggests that gratitude is number one. Be thankful for the life you have. Embrace where you are. She also encourages you to find something, mentors, community and a company that aligns with who you are and what you want to be contributing.

"To have a sustainable business you need to leverage what you know and solve a problem. Ask yourself - what am I good at? What is a need in the marketplace? How can I make a $1K offer that you can get in front of your ideal client 10x?"

Stay tuned for her upcoming program on how to get from $0-$10K.

Next, the girls dive into setting intentions. Kari follows Danielle Laporte's framework of core desired feelings. She shares hers with us and details how she implements them in this busy, chaotic life. She references Jim Kwik - leaving space for magic. Kari leaves space between to-do lists for magic. She tends to lean more towards meditation and getting out of your head then aggressive scheduling.

"What I don't want to do is get to the goal and have not enjoyed the journey." ~ Kari Keating

Kari's core desired feelings: