You're a Financial Planner, Now What?

From Psychologist to Financial Planner – The Exceptional Career of Carol Craigie
For episode two of our our three part series we are joined by Carol S. Craigie, CFP®, ChFC, MA, the founder of Fiscal Fitness Clubs of America. Carol is a “psychologist turned financial planner” and has had a long and impressive career in financial planning. Carol’s passion to improve individual’s financial lives keeps pulling her out of retirement and re-imagining how to bring financial planning advice to the masses.
Carol’s passion for financial planning is inspiring and I’m so excited to share part of her story with you today.
“We want to be Weight Watchers of money… [to] get people in clubs and bring money out of the closet. And You get people, just like dieting, to do budgeting so they accomplish their goals!”
The FPA Board of Directors
Dick Wagner Tribute