X22 Report

X22 Report

[DS] Planning To Sneak One In, Trump Turned The Tables On The [DS], Proxy President – Ep. 2990

February 06, 2023

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The Scottish power admitted that 71 windmills are being powered by fossil fuels. The GND is falling apart. The fake news is getting ahead of the story of why fuel prices are moving up again. The [CB] is now panicking over digital currency, they want to know who has it. The [DS] is covering their lies with more lies. The balloon agenda exposed them all and the people are seeing the truth. Trump is a proxy President, the patriots are in control, he has turned the tables on them. The [DS] is now prepping to sneak one, if [JB] announces he is running they will remove [KH] and bring in another person. This is going to get interested, buckle up.


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Dozens of giant turbines at Scots windfarms powered by diesel generators

  • Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed with their power supply.
  • Dozens of giant turbines on Scotland’s windfarms have been powered by diesel generators, the Sunday Mail can reveal. Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed on the grid.
  • The firm said it was forced to act in order to keep the turbines warm during very cold weather in December. But a whistleblower has told the Sunday Mail the incident is among a number of environmental and health and safety failings.
  • The worker, who asked to remain anonymous, said: “The Scottish Government wants to make our country attractive to foreign investors as 40 per cent of the wind that blows across Europe blows across Scotland. However, that should not mean we put up with our waterways and nature being polluted with carbon from diesel generators and hydraulic oil.

Source: dailyrecord.co.uk

Dell to cut 6,650 jobs amid diminishing demand for company’s computers

  • Dell Technologies Inc. will eliminate about 6,650 jobs because of a drop in demand for the company’s personal computers.
  • The 6,650 jobs cut is about 5% of Dell’s global workforce.

Source: foxnews.com

Why gas prices haven’t dropped yet

  • The national average gas price recently rose for the fifth straight week, bringing it to $3.49 per gallon, according to AAA. That is 9.7 cents higher than a week ago, and Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, suspects that price is unlikely to fall due to some major hurdles.
  • Supply and demand issues are always the biggest factors when it comes to the price of gas, and De Haan said many abnormalities are still fueling the market.

  • 8 tax deductions, credits you may qualify for in 2023 

  • “U.S. refining capacity is still not what it was prior to the pandemic,” De Haan said. “If there are any issues, Russia’s war in Ukraine and the global economy will have a great impact on the price of oil, especially China as it reopens, demand is likely to go up.”
  • He said refinery utilization still hasn’t fully recovered from December’s cold weather, which delayed refinery maintenance season even further.

  • In other words, drivers likely won’t see prices drop until the summer ends, and that’s only if refinery maintenance isn’t delayed further.

Source: thehill.com

Ban on China Buying Up Farmland in the United States Gathers Steam in the House

  • Two Republican members of Congress introduced a bill Thursday that would prohibit nonresident aliens, companies and other entities associated with the Chinese government from buying agricultural land in the U.S.
  • Washington Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Dan Newhouse’s Prohibition of Agricultural Land for the People’s Republic of China Act would also ban those interests’ participation in U.S. Agriculture Department (USDA) programs beyond food safety inspections, according to her press release. Chinese foreign investors held more than 191,000 acres of U.S. agricultural and non-agricultural land in 2019, the USDA indicated.
  • Grand Forks, North Dakota, Mayor Brandon Bochenski announced an effort Tuesday to stop China’s Fufeng Group from building a corn mill on 370 acres purchased in his city not far from Grand Forks Air Force Base, according to The Wall Street Journal. Bochenski and other local leaders had celebrated the project when the Fufeng Group’s decision to build in Grand Forks was publicized in 2021, but Air Force Assistant Secretary Andrew Hunter said Jan. 27 the Defense Department believed it presented “a significant threat to national security,” the WSJ reported.

Source: beckernews.com

ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter@PepeLivesMatter


  • Covid relief funds inexplicably went to Abortion clinics (80 billion), “racism” issues (billions), and drag queen story time (thousands).
  • As they were hiding cures to Covid, the government was sending billions that was supposed to be about Covid to abortion clinics killing children.
  • Audit all Covid relief funds and give the people their money back!


Polls Show Record Number Of Americans Worse Off Financially Since Biden Took Office

  • According to a new ABC/Washington Post poll, 41% of the American public say they are now in worse shape financially since Joe Biden took office.  Only 16% of those polled said they were better off.  This is a record number of people in dire straights according to the data, which has been collected for 37 years.   Contrast this with the first two years of Donald Trump’s administration, when only 13% of people said they were worse off.
  • This leads us to a not so surprising development among Democrats:  6 in 10 Democrats do not want to see Biden run for a second term.  

Source: zerohedge.com

IRS Issues Tax Return Checklist With Key Warning About The Dreaded Notice Letter 

  • The list also includes a warning to taxpayers that they must report all types of income on their tax returns.
  • “This is important to avoid receiving a notice or a bill from the IRS,” the agency stated.
  • The IRS singled out several sources of income for taxpayers not to forget to include in their filings, including sales from goods created and sold on online platforms; investment income; money from part-time or seasonal work, self-employment, or other business activities; and services provided via mobile apps.
  • It appears that the proliferation of digital assets like cryptocurrencies and tokens has come into sharp focus at the IRS, prompting the agency to highlight the fact that these are considered taxable property and failure to report them can result in penalties and interest—and a potentially upsetting IRS notice letter.
  • Focus on Digital Asset Reporting
  • The IRS recently issued a cautionary reminder that taxpayers must report all digital asset-related income and answer a new digital asset question on their 2022 federal income tax returns.
  • A key change on tax forms this year is that the IRS has replaced the term “virtual currency” with “digital assets,” in addition to some other modifications to the wording.
  • The “Yes” or “No” question, which was expanded and revised this year to update terminology, reads as follows:
  • “At any time during 2022, did you: (a) receive (as a reward, award, or payment for property or services); or (b) sell, exchange, gift or otherwise dispose of a digital asset (or a financial interest in a digital asset)?”
  • The question appears at the top of tax forms 1040, Individual Income Tax Return, 1040-SR, U.S. Tax Return for Seniors, and 1040-NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return.
  • “All taxpayers must answer the question regardless of whether they engaged in any transactions involving digital assets,” the agency cautioned.

  • Taxpayers need to check the “Yes” box if they:
  • Received digital assets as payment for property or services provided;
  • Transferred digital assets for free (without receiving any consideration) as a bona fide gift;
  • Received digital assets resulting from a reward or award;
  • Received new digital assets resulting from mining, staking, and similar activities;
  • Received digital assets resulting from a hard fork (a branching of a cryptocurrency’s blockchain that splits a single cryptocurrency into two);
  • Disposed of digital assets in exchange for property or services;
  • Disposed of a digital asset in exchange or trade for another digital asset;

Source: zerohedge.com



  • Liberal logic:
  • Supporting Trump’s policies = CULT
  • Worshiping pharmaceutical companies, slaughtering babies, censoring journalists/scientists, ignoring basic human anatomy/biology, promoting child self-mutilation, normalizing pedophilia, and glorifying satan = NOT CULT

FTX Is Asking for Money Sent to Political Donors to Be Returned – But the Real Amount of Money Laundered to Politicians is Still Unknown

  • FTX is reportedly requesting that donations that were sent to politicians be sent back to the company to repay its creditors.  Is this a good-faith request or a cover-up? 
  •  (Via Axios) – Bankrupt crypto exchange FTX is sending notices to former donor recipients asking for the donated funds to be returned, the company said in a press release Sunday.

Why it matters: Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX Digital Markets Co-CEO Ryan Salame were two of the largest political donors during the last election cycle. Now the company’s debtors want the money back. 

    • Bankman-Fried primarily backed Democrats and was the party’s second-largest donor last cycle with around $37 million in contributions.
    • Salame’s $19 million to Republicans made him the party’s 10th largest donor.

The big picture: FTX’s debtors are confidentially contacting “political figures, political action funds and other recipients of contributions or other payments.” (more)

  • Two entities have reportedly inventoried the list of donors.  Coindesk and “Unusual Whales” have put these inventories together but at first glance, they appear misleading.

  • We have no idea how much money was laundered to the Democrats through FTX.  Billions were flowing through the company.  The company’s financial processes and controls were weak and non-existent.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

EXCLUSIVE: The Same Person Who Slipped Up that Obama Was Spying on Trump Is the Same Person Who Oversaw DoD Unit that Sent $23 Million to Hunter’s Metabiota

  •  The same person who slipped up in an interview and told the world that the corrupt Obama administration was spying on then-candidate and citizen Donald J. Trump, is likely the same person that approved $23 million for Hunter Biden’s Metabiota lab in Ukraine. 

  •  The individual who likely approved the funding at that time was none other than Dr. Evelyn Farkas.  In 2012, Farkas was appointed by President Obama to serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia.  In her role it was very likely that Farcas was the one to approve such a transaction in the millions to a US company in Ukraine.

  • Dr. Farkas is the same individual who slipped up and said in a TV interview that Obama’s team was spying on candidate and President Trump.

  • There are no coincidences.  

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • The Pulitzer Board should have long ago rescinded awards given to the Washington Compost (known to some as the Washington Post) & the Failing NY Times for their fake stories on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax. However, Pulitzer refuses to do the right thing! The Hoax has now been further exposed by the devastating, irrefutable piece in the Columbia Journalism Review, and Pulitzer has no comment. I am suing the Pulitzer Board to set the record straight and continue fighting for TRUTH in America!

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • Panel that awarded Pulitzers for Russiagate stories mum after scathing exposé on reporting failures
  • The “Russiagate” narrative, which permeated mainstream news coverage during the Trump years, was dismantled in an exhaustive four-part series in the Columbia Journalism Review by investigative reporter…
  • justthenews.com

Geopolitical/Police State



Canadian Senate Passes Trudeau Government’s Controversial Online Censorship Legislation

  • In a move that has sparked controversy across the country, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party-backed online censorship bill C-11 has passed the Senate and is now one step closer to becoming law. this censorship could be used to silence certain political opinions or those of religious or charitable organizations.John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms also commented on the bill, saying it would give the CRTC power to regulate any online streaming service they wanted, including private citizens.He said this could potentially censor religious, political, and charitable non-profits who post content online.

Source:  6ix.buzz


Report: Biden Administration Tried to Hide Chinese Spy Balloon from American Public 

  • The Biden administration was aware of the Chinese spy balloon entering United States airspace on January 28 but tried to hide its existence from the American people until being forced to go public, according to a report on Saturday.

  • As it turns out, US authorities were well aware of the unidentified object that had entered American airspace on Jan. 28, that had then left and re-entered over North Idaho on Tuesday. But with such a high-profile trip at stake, keeping it on the down-low was key.
  • However, on Wednesday, February 1, a Billings, Montana, resident spotted the balloon around 5:30 p.m. local time, and the next day, a local Montana paper published a report about it. Later that day, late Thursday afternoon, the Pentagon finally confirmed the existence of the balloon.


Source: breitbart.com

The Pentagon Reveals Why It Waited to Shoot Down the Chinese Spy Balloon

  • The U.S. was able to collect valuable information on China’s surveillance capabilities while observing the spy balloon as it traversed the continental U.S. for several days, a senior military official and senior defense official claimed Saturday.
  • President Joe Biden asked for possible military options for removing the threat of the suspected Chinese spy balloon Tuesday, but the Department of Defense (DOD) opted against doing so Wednesday over concerns falling debris could endanger civilians, officials said at a briefing Saturday. However, they did not clarify whether a military option was considered when the craft transgressed U.S. airspace over Alaska’s Aleutian Islands on Jan. 28, before crossing into Canada and reentering U.S. territory on Jan. 31 in northern Idaho.
  • Waiting to down the balloon “actually provided us a number of days to analyze this balloon, and through a number of means,” the defense official said. “We don’t know exactly all the benefits that will derive, but we have learned technical things about this balloon and its surveillance capabilities.”

  • The U.S. was able to “study” and “scrutinize” the balloon and its spying capabilities, which the official described as “broad.”

Source: beckernews.com


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • The Chinese Balloon situation is a disgrace, just like the Afghanistan horror show, and everything else surrounding the grossly incompetent Biden Administration. They are only good at cheating in elections, and disinformation — and now they are putting out that a Balloon was put up by China during the Trump Administration, in order to take the “heat” off the slow moving Biden fools. China had too much respect for “TRUMP” for this to have happened, and it NEVER did. JUST FAKE DISINFORMATION!I



Here Are the Countries Where China Spy Balloons were Also Spotted Up in the Sky in Last Two Years (VIDEO) 


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The Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai’s west coast is one of the US military’s most advanced testing sites. The Navy describes it as “the world’s largest instrumented multi-environmental range capable of supporting surface, subsurface, air, and space operations.”


China Spy Balloon Biden Allowed to Traverse Across US Carried Explosives to Self-Detonate




  • And here we go
  • General Mattis admits he didn’t tell the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces about Chinese spy balloons b/c he thought President Trump was “too provocative”
  • This is what’s known as “giving aid to the enemy”
  • Also known as Treason


  • TREASON! Rep. Waltz Says DOD Told Him China Spy Balloons Crossed US During Trump Years But Gen. Mattis DID NOT TELL TRUMP…
  • President-elect Donald Trump, General Mattis, Mike Pence after the 2016 election victory. Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) joined Stuart Varney on Monday morning on FOX Business Network. Rep Waltz says current Pentagon…
  • The Gateway Pundit





Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland

  • Biden Admin. attempt to fix lie #1 with lie #2 will be even more disastrous if @realDonaldTrump asks for classified briefing #CNN claims Biden offered Trump Admin. officials.
  • Trump: “Okay, Joe, show me proof, Chi-Coms had spy balloons over US air space while I was Pres. & you only learned after?”
  • Biden: “No b/c you were irresponsible w/ classified docs.
    Trump:   laugh

think about, 

Russia Hoax
All the fake lawsuits
Getting his taxes
Impeachment 1&2
Go after Trumps businesses
so if they had this information they would have used it back then, this is how you know it is fake.


Trump Created A DOJ Task Force Protecting U.S. From Chinese Spy Balloons, Joe Biden Shut It Down Over Racism

  • in 2018, 45th President Donald Trump put in place a program that identified and prosecuted Chinese threats to national security just like the Chinese spy balloon.
  • In February 2022, The Biden administration ended Trump’s program, named the “China Initiative,” because it was called racist by Asian-American groups.

source: dcinquirer

Think about what Biden has been saying for the last week or so,

when a reporter asked when are you ending the national emergency that Trump put into place, he said that the Supreme court would have to do it on May 11

Now with the Chinese balloon he said he gave the order to shoot it down but he was overrule by Milley 


Trump as proxy president 

  • Is President Trump acting as a sort of proxy president in the wake of Joe Biden’s 2020 stolen election?
  • The China spy balloon incident sure seems to indicate something of that sort.
  • While Joe Biden was dithering and downplaying the news of a Chinese spy balloon traversing the entire continental United States over the course of days as the public helplessly looked on, President Trump was issuing crisp presidential orders, almost as if he were still president.


  • Biden, who was on vacation at Camp David when it happened, eventually got around to ordering the shootdown of the balloon yesterday — after it had completed its mission, and while its debris rained down into the Atlantic Ocean, where retrieving it would be very difficult. It was almost as if he didn’t want to do it. It was almost as if he did it for public relations purposes, which is how he’s handled this entire affair.
  • But there seemed to be another factor: Trump, who was decisively calling for its shootdown. Biden actually seemed to be prompted by Trump, who was issuing those crisp orders that made so much sense to the American people 

  • This isn’t the first time we have seen this happen. Back when the Bidenites were refusing to go to the border, Trump forced that issue, too, by declaring that he was going to the border. Very shortly after that declaration, Vice President Kamala Harris got a sudden and newfound urge to go to the border herself, just ahead of Trump as if to steal his thunder.

Source: americanthinker.com

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • The Chinese would never have floated the Blimp (“Balloon”) over the United States if I were President!!!

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • Who sends a Billion Dollar blimp, with the most sophisticated equipment in the World, and large enough to hold ten cars or 3 large buses, into a complex pattern over the United States, without it quite possibly being manned, such as the “manned spacecraft?” China should have been called to ask. If “no,” shoot it down, if “yes,” negotiate the greatest deal EVER!

Republicans to Announce Probe into China Spy Balloon Humiliation on Same Day as Biden’s State of Union (VIDEO)


Here is a list of the US Military bases in the path of the China Spy Balloon.

** Malstrom Air Force Base – Montana – home of 341st Military Wing

** Ellsworth Air Force Base – South Dakota – home of 28th bomb wing

** Joe Foss Field ANG – South Dakota – home of 114th fighter wing

** Sioux City ANG – Iowa – national gard base

** Offutt Air Force Base -Nebraska – headquarters US strategic command

** Camp Ashland – Nebraska –

** Lincoln ANG – Nebraska

** Whiteman Air Force Base – Missouri – home of B52 bombers

** Fort Leonard Wood – Missouri – Army training installation

** St. Louis Army Human Resources – St. Louis, MO

** Scott Air Force Base – Illinois – home of the Air Mobility Command

** Fort Campbell – Tennessee – home fo Screaming eagles, the 101st Airborne

** Nashville ANG – Tennessee

** Smyrna ANG – Tennessee

** Houston Barracks – Tennessee

** McGhee Tyson ANG – Tennessee

** Pope Air Force Base – North Carolina – Air mobility command

** Fort Bragg – North Carolina – one of the largest military installations in the world

** MCAS New River – North Carolina

** Camp Lejeune – North Carolina – military training facility

** US Coast Guard Station Fort Macon

This was an unprecedented national security threat.

On Monday House Republicans said they will announce an investigation on the Biden regime’s balloongate national humiliation.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com



False Flags



CA no longer pursuing COVID vaccine mandate for K-12 schools, public health department says

  • The California Department of Public Health said Friday it is not exploring emergency rules to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of required school vaccinations.
  • That’s a reversal from Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2021 announcement that the state would add the COVID-19 vaccine to its list of mandated vaccinations for kids to attend school. Last year, state officials delayed that requirement until at least the summer of 2023.

Source:  abc7.com

Thailand to BAN Pfizer After Thai Princess Falls Into a Coma Following Booster Jab

  • Just days after receiving her covid booster jab, the daughter of the king of Thailand collapsed and fell into a coma.
  • Princess Bajrakitiyabha, who is the potential heir to the Thai throne, is in a grave condition weeks after she collapsed.
  • Some reports suggest she had suffered a heart attack though her family were told she likely suffered a bacterial infection. None the less, six weeks later and the princess is still in a coma and being kept alive by machines.
  • The Royal Family have now been alerted to the fact that the princess has most likely been a victim of the jab.
  • Top Thai authorities including advisors to the King have been in discussions with Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi and are preparing to have the Pfizer contracts declared null and void according to reports.
  • If this happens Thailand will become the first country to make the contract null and void, meaning that Pfizer will become responsible for all vaccine injuries.
Source:  eutimes.net


HERE WE GO: House GOP Issues First Subpoenas To Merrick Garland And Christopher Wray  

  • The House GOP is starting to take on the Deep State.
  • The House Judiciary Committee has sent its first subpoenas to Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona.
  • It requests all communications between the DOJ, FBI, Department of Education, and the National School Boards Association.
  • The subpoenas are over the school board memo targeting parents. 

The memo classified parents as “domestic terrorists” for speaking out against left-wing ideas being pushed in schools across the country.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

GET THE CLOWN MAKEUP READY: Incompetent Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Has A Crazy Idea On How To “Reduce” Crime (VIDEO) 

  •  Lightfoot said her plan to end the crime wave involves telling vendors to stop using cash.




Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Poll: Only 39% Want Kamala Harris to Be Joe Biden’s Running Mate in 2024 

  • Only 39 percent of likely voters in the United States want Vice President Kamala Harris to remain as President Joe Biden’s running mate in 2024, a Rasmussen Reports poll found.

Source: breitbart.com

NY Times signals Kamala that her White House ambitions are hopeless 


Now there is a  major article in  the Times on Kamala Harris is so interesting.


 But the painful reality for Ms. Harris is that in private conversations over the last few months, dozens of Democrats in the White House, on Capitol Hill and around the nation — including some who helped put her on the party’s 2020 ticket — said she had not risen to the challenge of proving herself as a future leader of the party, much less the country. Even some Democrats whom her own advisers referred reporters to for supportive quotes confided privately that they had lost hope in her.

It gets worse.

Through much of the fall, a quiet panic set in among key Democrats about what would happen if President Biden opted not to run for a second term. Most Democrats interviewed, who insisted on anonymity to avoid alienating the White House, said flatly that they did not think Ms. Harris could win the presidency in 2024. Some said the party’s biggest challenge would be finding a way to sideline her without inflaming key Democratic constituencies that would take offense.

The action plan is clear: get Kamal off the ticket if Biden runs for re-eleciton, as appears increasingly probable.

Source: americanthinker.com

Italy warns hackers targeting known server vulnerability

  •  Thousands of computer servers have been targeted by a global ransomware hacking attack targeting VMware (VMW.N) ESXi servers, Italy’s National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) said on Sunday, warning organisations to take action to protect their systems.
  • The hacking attack sought to exploit a software vulnerability, ACN director general Roberto Baldoni told Reuters, adding it was on a massive scale.

Source: reuters.com

Neo-Nazi Couple Arrested For Alleged Plot To ‘Completely Destroy’ Baltimore

  • A neo-Nazi couple was arrested and charged with conspiracy to damage power substations encircling Baltimore City that would “completely destroy” the metro area, according to Department of Justice (DoJ) court documents
  • On Monday, DoJ prosecutors announced Florida resident Brandon Clint Russell, an alleged leader of the neo-Nazi terror group Atomwaffen Divison, and Catonsville resident Sarah Beth Clendaniel conspired to destroy power substations with gunfire. 

Source: zerohedge.com


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 12fc95 No.8057064
Feb 6 2020 23:40:18 (EST)

More than selling of State Secrets.

More than selling of US security.

More than selling of MIL tech.

More than selling of C_A assets.

More than selling of NSA bulk data collection programs.

More than selling of Uranium.

More than selling of US Space NAT SEC programs & positions.

More than selling of US AID..

More than selling of SAPs

CLAS 1-99


>Crimes against Humanity.

When you cannot destroy/defeat the United States of America by attacking head on, you change tactics and deploy a ‘KILL FROM WITHIN’ [internal] operation.



>Division of Citizenry

>Border Collapse
[Install ‘like-minded’ leaders in key positions of US Gov]

How many people [removed] from the FBI had Iranian family backgrounds?

The Silent War Continues…..



Feb 05, 2020 12:23:38 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df6b0a No. 8035891 



People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?
End to our Constitutional Republic?
No equal justice under the law?
No accountability?
Escape unscathed?
Buckle up!

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