X22 Report

X22 Report

[Scare] Necessary Event, Trump: “Who Is Going To Enter The Trump Quicksand?” – Ep. 2907

October 24, 2022

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[Scare] Necessary Event, Trump: “Who Is Going To Enter The Trump Quicksand?”Click On Picture To See Larger PictureBiden is continuing to tell lies about the economy and what he has done. The economy is a complete disaster. The policies that were put into place by the Ds continue to hurt the economy. Trump just debunked the entire climate agenda. DOJ pushing the narrative that bitcoin is used by criminals. The [DS] is now pushing the scare event. Not everything will be clean. Trump and the patriots know the playbook, countermeasures are in place. The [DS] is now pushing election interference and the Biden Admin have already assigned election officers and they are building the narrative that the elections for 2022 are not secure. Trump and the patriots are going to use this against them, this will boomerang because this will bring in to focus the 2020 elections. Trump sends a message that the [DS] might be making a move against him.


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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump


  • California wildfires cancel out nearly two decades of emissions reductions
  • Fires burned more than 4 million acres, emitting twice as much greenhouse gas the state’s total reductions over 18 years.

  • justthenews.com

  • California’s record-breaking wildfire season in 2020 essentially nullified nearly two decades’ worth of greenhouse gas emission reductions, according to a new study.
  • The record-breaking wildfire season, which resulted in more than 4 million acres burned, emitted twice as much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as the state’s total reductions over 18 years, a new study published in the journal of Environmental Pollution.
  • “Wildfire emissions in 2020 essentially negate 18 years of reductions in GHG emissions from other sectors,” the study’s authors concluded.
  • The study highlights that between 2003 and 2019, California’s greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by 13%, “largely driven by reductions from the electric power generation sector.” But the 2020 fire season alone is “two times higher than California’s total GHG emissions reductions,” researchers found.

Most Americans See Dem Control Of Congress As An Economic Ticking Time Bomb

  • Almost 60% of Americans believe a Democrat-controlled Congress following the 2022 midterm elections will further hurt the American economy, according to a Monday poll.

  • “The data is clear – the American people are keenly aware that progressive policies spell disaster for the economy. The voters are seeing the consequences in real time, with reckless White House spending bills such as the poorly named ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ as well as the Biden administration’s hostile policies against American energy rearing their ugly heads. If this continues, how much worse could it get?” Mark Meckler, president of the Convention of States, said in a press release.



  • When the United States has a significant amount of debt, high interest rates and a budget deficit, there can be no hope of ever paying it off.
  • Here’s my attempt at some potentially oversimplified math to explain the debt spiral.
When the United States has a significant amount of debt, high interest rates and a budget deficit, there can be no hope of ever paying it off.

“What Is The National Debt“ from the U.S. Treasury

  • As of October 13, 2022, the United States has $31,144,952,729,330.20 worth of outstanding debt. This is updated daily by the Treasury. To make the math a little more simple, let’s just call it $30 trillion. After all, what’s another trillion, give or take?
When the United States has a significant amount of debt, high interest rates and a budget deficit, there can be no hope of ever paying it off.

Treasury Average Interest Rates as of September 30, 2022

  • This implies a $621 billion annual interest payment on the debt this year. The Washington Post estimates $580 billion. Let’s split the difference and call it $600 billion.
  • If you’ve been paying attention, the Federal Reserve is aggressively raising interest rates and the market is equally aggressive in bidding up yield on government debt.. Every basis point that is added to the average rate on U.S. government debt will add about $3 billion in additional interest expense. That’s if the debt stays at its current level.
  • That unfortunately is not going to happen. Currently, the annual budget shortfall sits at $946 billion per year with no signs of ever going to zero. Since this is the case, not only will the U.S. government have to issue more debt at a rate of nearly $1 trillion more per year, it will be doing so while interest rates are going up fast.
  • The higher interest rates go, the more interest on the debt will be required to be paid. The more interest on the debt required to be paid, the larger the deficit gets. The larger the deficit gets, the more debt must be issued. More debt issued, more interest on debt. Even if the Fed dropped rates back to zero, the debt would continue to grow at a compounding rate because of the nature of the deficit.
When the United States has a significant amount of debt, high interest rates and a budget deficit, there can be no hope of ever paying it off.

“What Is The National Debt“ from the U.S. Treasury

  • Based on math alone, the Federal Reserve cannot continue to raise rates for much longer, nor keep them this high because the interest on the debt will become completely unmanable. There is a lot to be said about a Fed Pivot and when they will decide to taper their taper to lower interest rates back down. When will they actually do it? I’m not sure, but the Fed will have to eventually drop rates back down to try and slow the bleeding. And when it does, the rally that the bitcoin price will have is going to melt your face off.

Source: bitcoinmagazine.com


EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden was ‘complicit in SIX alleged white collar crimes’ including tax evasion, using nonpublic info for financial gain and illegally utilizing his alias email’ – 634-page watchdog report on contents of Hunter’s laptop claims

  • A report by Marco Polo claims Joe Biden is complicit in tax evasion, violated the Presidential Records Act, and used nonpublic information for financial gain
  • The six incidents involving Joe listed in the report span from June 2010 to December 2016 
  • A 2016 email shows the then VP’s senior advisor sent a schedule for his call with then-Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko – and copied Hunter in the message   
  • Copying his son in the VP’s schedule constitutes a use of nonpublic information from a government job for financial gain, the report claims 
  • The advisor had also sent the message to an alias email address Joe used under the name ‘Robert Peters’ 
  • The report claims Joe also ‘illegally utilized his private, alias email address’ under another pseudonym in a 2012 conversation with Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Source: dailymail.co.uk

Liz Crokin@lizcrokin

  • I tracked everyday what Trump & authorities under his administration did to combat human trafficking his entire presidency. The arrests were unprecedented. The biggest blows were Epstein, Ghislaine, Backpage & NXIVM. You can watch my report here:
  • rumble.com/vax50r-trumps-war-o
  • The Epstein case is STILL open & ongoing. It’s not over. There are a lot of things people forget like this. 
  • This all was NOT for nothing. Justice is coming. Have faith.





Geopolitical/Police State


Trump administration imposes new Huawei restrictions – 2020

  • The Trump administration is further tightening restrictions on China’s Huawei, seeking to starve it of crucial components by cutting off all access to U.S. technology.
  • “We don’t want their equipment in the United States because they spy on us,” Trump told Fox News on Monday. “And any country that uses it, we’re not going to do anything in terms of sharing intelligence.”
  • The Commerce Department’s new rules, rolled out Monday, will further block Huawei from accessing chip technology.
  • Washington cut off Huawei’s access to U.S. components and technology, including Google’s music and other smartphone services, last year. Those penalties were tightened in May when the White House barred vendors worldwide from using U.S. technology to produce components for Huawei.

Source: apnews.com


  • First reactions from the press conference:
  • -Not a single mention of elections. The crimes the FBI prevented were pretty… weak. It’s a slap in the face how they mentioned all the ways China seeks to infiltrate the US, but not a whisper about elections or actual threats to NATSEC (Konnech). Almost felt like a cover-up.
  • -Garland, and the other 2 DOJ brass, both repeatedly referred to these acts as coming from the PRC, didn’t mention CCP. While Wray did the opposite and repeatedly said CCP not PRC


  • There is a clear distinction between the CCP and the PRC.
  • White Hats like Grassley and Pompeo, put out anti-CCP comms on the same day as Russia, on 8/2/22.
  • Black Hats claim it’s the PRC, and not CCP.
  • How could the AG and FBI director call the enemy by two conflicting names in the same press conference?
  • Grassley, Wray, and Pompeo (Kansas) were all people we were told to trust.
  • Is it a coincidence they all refer to the true enemy as the “CCP”? 
  • China has a Deep State too.










  • I was tracking on this back on August 2nd, 2022, when Russia, China’s ally, came out and declared that “the PRC are the one true government in China”, denouncing the CCP.
  • Which was oddly echoed by Grassley and Pompeo on the exact same day, declaring there is a distinction between China, and the CCP.
  • Which leads into my overall thesis that Trump is aligned with Putin and Xi, and all 3 of them are anti-deep state.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 724ac8 No.11197253
Oct 21 2020 17:43:55 (EST)




Konnech is in the cross hairs, but the DOJ and FBI bring up this case, look here not over there.

Would-Be British PM Rishi Sunak’s Family Runs A China-Linked, World Economic Forum Partner Company Pushing Digital ID And Social Credit Scores

Canadians Can No Longer Legally Buy, Sell, or Transfer Handguns as Tyrant Trudeau Orders Immediate Freeze on the Sale of Handguns (VIDEO)

  • At a news conference in Surrey, British Columbia on Friday, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Castro channeled his inner Castro as his fascist government announced a statewide ban on the sale, purchase, and transfer of handguns effective immediately.
  • Canadians cannot also bring newly acquired handguns into the country.
  • The nationwide ban was initially declared in May 2022 alongside Bill C-21, which is currently being debated in the Canadian Parliament.
  • “In May, our government introduced measures to implement a national freeze on handgun ownership. Today, our national freeze on handguns is coming into force. From today forward, it is no longer legal to buy, sell, or transfer a handgun in Canada,” Trudeau said during the press conference.
  • “We have frozen the market for handguns in this country and our ban on imports that took effect in August remains in place. This is one of the strongest actions we’ve taken on gun violence in a generation,” he added.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Threats of a Dirty Bomb in Ukraine Reminiscent of Obama’s Red Line in Syria

  • Reminds me a lot of the previous efforts by the Brits and the Yanks to manufacture a crisis in Syria in August 2013 that would compel the United States and the Brits to send their troops to aid Islamic rebels seeking to overthrow Syrian leader Assad. Barack Obama had vowed in August of 2012 that any use of chemical weapons by Assad’s government would represent crossing a red line that would be followed by retaliation by the West. Why did Obama balk at responding to this alleged crime against humanity by Syria? Sy Hersh provided the answer:

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Biden Inches Closer to WWIII: US Troops on Ukraine-Romania Border in “Combat Deployment” Prepare to Invade and Fight Russian Forces in Ukraine

  • A report by CBS News this past week shows the Biden administration has about 4,700 U.S. troops with the 101st Airborne Division near the Ukraine border in Romania holding live fire exercises with the NATO ally, practicing ground and air assaults in preparation for invading Ukraine and fighting Russian forces there.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.9
Jan 13 2018 22:18:18 (EST)


We are at WAR [@].


Do you TRUST the US Military?

Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?










False Flags

Let Kids Choose: Joe Biden Slams Republicans for Banning Sex Changes for Little Children (VIDEO) 

  • President Joe Biden says ‘it’s wrong’ for states to ban sex reassignment surgery and puberty blockers for kids in White House interview with transgender TikToker Dylan Mulvaney

  • Joe Biden was interviewed this past weekend by trans TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney who now identifies as a woman or girl.
  • Joe Biden told Mulvaney he believes banning sex changes for children is wrong.

The Daily Mail reported:



Source: thegatewaypundit.com






REVEALED: Dems’ Jan 6 ‘hero’ cop violated civil rights of black man in racist incident

  • Despite the clear and evident abuse of power displayed by the former officer, he is still embraced by left-wing ideologues. MSNBC contributor Joy-Ann Reid, who regularly accuses people of being racists, proudly promoted his book with the convenient details left out.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

A BIG MISTAKE! washingtonexaminer.com/news/ca

  • DeSantis endorses O’Dea in Colorado Senate race, bucking Trump
  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is recording a robocall for underdog Senate contender Joe O’Dea, a boost for the Colorado Republican after former President Donald Trump urged grassroots conservatives to…


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • New PA Poll Shows Oz With 4.5-Point Lead Over Fetterman, Mastriano In Striking Distance | The Daily Wire


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • Attorney General Letitia “Peekaboo” James is absolutely against fighting the record setting murder and other forms of violent crime that is taking place in New York. She is a complete disaster! If she and Governor Hochul win re-election, New York will quickly dissolve into a Third World Hell Hole, where violent criminals will completely rule the streets – If they don’t already? Remember, all of my predictions have been right!

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • The highly partisan Democrat Witch Hunt goes on, this time in New York where, after viewing millions of pages of documents over many years, charges were brought against a long time Trump executive who they “tortured” & threatened for years, for not paying taxes on the use of company cars, the use of a company apartment, & the education of his grandchildren. No such “fringe benefits” case has ever been brought criminally(?) in the U.S., & right during the important Mid-Term Elections, of course!

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • …Can you imagine, the failed Manhattan District Attorney, Cy Vance (at the time), took Crooked Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, from her and the Democrats Law Firm, Paul Weiss, Rifkind…., and gently placed them into the District Attorney’s Office in order to PROSECUTE “TRUMP.” They have GREAT liability for doing this! It got so bad that various prosecutors quit because they thought that Donald Trump was being treated so badly and unfairly – and it continues. In the end, Justice Must Prevail!

Biden admin set to warn about threats to nation’s election infrastructure

  • Top Biden national security officials are tracking multiple threats to the nation’s election security infrastructure ahead of the midterms and are set to issue warnings, including in an internal intelligence bulletin this week,
  • The bulletin will lay out details of cyber threats posed by China and Russia, as well as other non-state actors, and potential physical threats to election officials in jurisdictions across the country, the people said. The warnings come as the midterm elections near and amid increasing reports of intimidation at ballot drop boxes. The people requested anonymity to talk freely about sensitive national security and election matters.

source: politico.com

U.S. Attorney Graves Announces Appointment of Election Day Officers

  • Part of Department of Justice Efforts to Protect the Right to Vote and Prosecute Ballot Fraud
  •   U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves today announced the appointment of Assistant U.S. Attorneys Elizabeth Aloi and Joshua S. Rothstein to lead the efforts of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia in connection with the Justice Department’s nationwide Election Day Program for the upcoming Nov. 8, 2022, general election.
  •             Assistant U.S. Attorneys Aloi and Rothstein, of the Office’s Fraud, Public Corruption, and Civil Rights Section, will be responsible for overseeing the Office’s handling of election day complaints of voting rights concerns, threats of violence to election officials or staff, and election fraud, in consultation with Justice Department Headquarters in Washington.
  •              “Every citizen must be able to vote without interference or discrimination and to have that vote counted in a fair and free election,” said U.S. Attorney Graves. “Similarly, election officials and staff must be able to serve without being subject to unlawful threats of violence.  The Department of Justice will always work tirelessly to protect the integrity of the election process.”
  •             The Department of Justice has an important role in deterring and combatting discrimination and intimidation at the polls, threats of violence directed at election officials and poll workers, and election fraud.  The Department will address these violations wherever they occur.  The Department’s longstanding Election Day Program furthers these goals and also seeks to ensure public confidence in the electoral process by providing local points of contact within the Department for the public to report possible federal election law violations.

Source: justice.gov


So now the D, fake new will be pushing that the 2022 elections are not secure after they spent over 2 years telling us that the US elections are the most secure.

  the FBI/DOJ agenda is obvious.

15 days before the 2018 midterm election the FBI promoted a “MAGA mail bomber”, Cesar Sayoc case, claiming the suspect mailed “energetic material that could become combustible when subjected to heat or friction.”

15 days before the 2020 presidential election, the FBI promoted the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case, claiming a group of Michigan extremists were foiled in their plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor.  Inside the plot the FBI had used more than a dozen agents, informants and sources to literally construct the events and facilitate the claims.

Today, not coincidentally a repeat of 15 days before the 2022 midterm election, once again the FBI/DOJ is promoting an election interference narrative:

Trump and the patriots are about to trap them in the election narrative. 

Judge Strikes Down Michigan Secretary Of State’s Restrictions On Poll Challengers

  • In the latest advance for election integrity, the Republican National Committee (RNC) just won its lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for restricting the rights of poll challengers.
  • As previously reported, before Michigan’s Aug. 2 primary, Benson issued last-minute guidance limiting poll challengers’ ability to oversee local elections. This guidance included the superfluous addition of a form to apply to be a challenger, creating an artificial deadline for when poll challengers may be appointed, restricting who poll challengers can communicate with, and banning the use of electronic devices in absentee ballot counting areas.

  • The lawsuit alleges that by issuing such guidance “without any formal rule-making or process,” Benson violated Michigan’s Administrative Procedures Act.
  • Michigan Court of Claims Judge Brock Swartzle agreed with the RNC and invalidated the new guidelines. Benson and the state’s elections director, Jonathan Brater, must now rescind the guidelines or revise them to comply with Michigan election law. Swartzle also found that some of the provisions were at odds with Michigan’s election code.

Source: thefederalist.com

New York Judge Rules that Continued Absentee Mail-In Voting Based on COVID is Unconstitutional

  • A judge in New York ruled that the continued use of COVID as the excuse for using absentee ballots in elections is not constitutional. 
  • The New York Post reported on this ruling out of the state:

 The 28-page ruling by Saratoga County Supreme Court Justice Dianne Freestone ordered local boards of election to stop counting the absentee ballots they’ve already received.

FOX News reported yesterday on this development in New York state:

A judge in New York ruled that voting by mail over fears of the coronavirus is unconstitutional.

  • Democrats in the state are appealing the ruling.  They know that without cheating, they have no chance of winning elections.


source: thegatewaypundit.com

U.S. Supreme Court’s Thomas temporarily blocks Graham election case testimony

  •   U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas temporarily blocked a lower court’s order requiring Senator Lindsey Graham to testify to a grand jury in Georgia investigating whether then-President Donald Trump and his allies attempted to overturn 2020 election results in the state.
  • Thomas granted the Republican senator’s request to halt the lower court’s decision pending a further order to come, either from him or the Supreme Court.
  • Graham has argued that his position as a senator provides him immunity from having to appear before the grand jury.

Source: reuters.com

Dominion Voting Systems CEO Caught in Major Lie on ’60 Minutes’ on His Voting Machine Capabilities (VIDEO)


  • Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos went on ’60 minutes to discuss the controversial voting systems company.
  • Poulos told a disinterested and gullible Anderson Cooper that Dominion machines cannot switch votes.
  •   Poulos is lying in a quick online search.
  • There is video of 19,958 votes switched on election night from President Trump to Joe Biden in Pennsylvania.


And we previously reported on two different videos of Dominion’s anti-Trump former executive Eric Coomer showing election officials how to switch votes.

Dr. Eric Coomer who is responsible for the strategy and Security at Dominion Voting Systems.

In 2016 Coomer told the Illinois States Board of Elections that it was possible to bypass election systems software.


And in 2017 Eric Coomer explained how to alter votes in the Dominion Voting Systems in a Chicago demonstration.
A video turned up from 2017 where Dr. Eric Coomer from Dominion Voting explained to Chicago elections officials how to alter votes in the Dominion voting machines.

This then is the SECOND VIDEO of top Dominion executive explaining to elections officials how to alter votes with the Dominion machines!

This was a separate demonstration in the Chicago area (notice he is wearing a dark jacket and is without the wrist protector.)