X22 Report

Scavino Sends Message,Small Steps, [DS] Not In Control, Every Asset Deployed – Ep. 2897
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Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe entire world can see that the energy crisis is being driven by the [CB]/[WEF] and the corrupt leadership. Putin says that the EU can get gas from Russia. Climate Gate is a fraud. Confirmed, SA admits Biden wanted them to wait to cut production after the midterms. The news system is being born. The [DS] is not in control, they are panicking, all assets deployed. Every agenda of the [DS] is failing and being exposed at the same time. Durham is proving that the entire Russia hoax was concocted by the [DS]. This is treason. Scavino sends a message. The plan is on schedule, small steps gets you to where you want to go.
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Russia not to blame for EU households stockpiling firewood – Putin
- The country is ready to supply its energy to the bloc’s member states, including this fall and winter, the president pointed out
- The EU authorities are wrong to blame Russia for energy shortages, President Vladimir Putin said o
- “Ordinary Europeans suffer. Their electricity and gas bills have more than tripled in one year. The population, just like in the Middle Ages, has begun to stockpile firewood for the winter. What does this have to do with Russia? They are constantly trying to blame their own mistakes on someone else, in this case Russia. It’s their own fault, I want to stress that,” Putin said.
- He noted that the energy crisis does not stem from the after-effects of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, but is “the result of an erroneous policy in the field of energy for a number of previous years.” For instance, he criticized the spot pricing mechanism which is used in the EU. According to Putin, the bloc may lose up to 300 billion euro on spot pricing this year alone, or about 2% of the Eurozone’s GDP, which could have been avoided if Brussels chose long-term oil-linked contracts for gas imports instead.
- The President stressed that Russia is ready to supply energy to the region, including this fall and winter, via the surviving string of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Its capacity is 27.5 billion cubic meters per year, which is about 8% of all the EU’s gas imports. The pipeline has been ready for usage since last year, but bureaucratic setbacks and anti-Russia sanctions have so far prevented it from starting gas deliveries.
Source: rt.com
Biden Admin Begged Saudis To Delay Oil Production Cuts Until Days Before The Election: REPORT
- Biden administration officials urged Saudi Arabia to delay production cuts until a few days before the midterm elections, meaning that Americans would not have felt the impact of reduced supplies before casting their ballots, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.
- Saudi Arabia viewed the appeals as a cynical attempt to avoid fallout prior to the November elections and refused to do so,
Source: dailycaller.com
Five “Climate Change” Smoking Guns – Reasons Why “Manmade Climate Change” is a Lie
- Five “Climate Change” Smoking Guns – Reasons Why “Manmade Climate Change” is a Lie
- You’ve probably already guessed that the earth is not heating up. But you may not know these facts, any one of which would totally disprove the false global warming hypothesis (unproven theory). Here are five. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
- In 2009 1,079 emails between climate scientists at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in the United Kingdom and others working with them, were leaked. This small group of scientists had been the most influential in driving the worldwide alarm over global warming. Their emails proved that they were engaged in unethical practices, such as tampering with data and keeping scientists who disagreed with them out of the peer review system.
- These leaked email documents revealed discussions between these men about how they could manipulate data to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period, which extended from about 950 AD to 1250 AD. They revealed that this group also considered tactics to prevent the release of the data on which the IPCC’s conclusions were based: data requested by other scientists under Freedom of Information (FOI) laws. In Britain, failure to release FOI-requested data is a criminal offense. Phil Jones, head of the Climate Research Unit, claimed to have lost large chunks of this data.
- This totally incorrect graph is shown to our children:
The graph should actually look like this:
- This graph shows the correct percentage of water vapor, over 95% of all greenhouse gases, compared with carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The climate change alarmists chose carbon dioxide as the culprit, because it is produced when we burn gasoline and natural gas. Thus, they could blame
humanity for the “warming”. - 3. FALSE PREDICTIONS
- None of the many predictions by climate alarmists, starting in the 1970s have come true. In contrast, astronomy — a real science — is able to predict solar and lunar eclipses to the second.
- In the decade of the 1970s the media hammered us with thousands of articles saying that we were heading for an ice age. Then, when the climate started to warm in the 1980s, they suddenly reversed this story, stating that the earth is warming. You can read about the many false predictions in the book, The Green
- As unbelievable as it may seem, agencies in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and other nations have actually changed their own temperature records. Many climate scientists have been surprised and shocked to see later editions of graphs published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that were changed from their previous editions.
- NOAA moved older temperature records downward and more recent temperatures upward, making it appear that temperatures have risen. In other words, just as in the novel 1984, they’ve actually changed history.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Karine Jean-Pierre Absurdly Claims Real Disposable Income is Up and Gas Prices Are Down (VIDEO)
- White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre absurdly claimed that disposable income is up and gas prices are down.
- The only reason why gas prices budged a little is because Joe Biden drained the US’s strategic petroleum reserve.
- Inflation is outpacing wages thanks to Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend policies.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Americans saw ‘most severe’ pay cut in 25 years under Biden

- The decline in real wages is sapping the buying power of New Yorkers earning $70,000 per year by nearly $4,500, according to Earle’s calculations.
- An annual $70,000 salary is equivalent to $33.65 per hour in New York. The tax bite in New York is “roughly 25% total,” according to Earle, meaning “the earner is already down to $52,500 per year, or $25.24 per hour.”
- With inflation hovering at 8.3% year-over-year through August, that resident has “real wages” of approximately $48,150 per year, or $23.14 per hour, Earle’s calculations.
- “Between taxes and inflation, in August 2022, fully 32% — about one third – of wage earners take home is gone before they’ve spent a dime,” Earle told The Post.
Source: nypost.com
Bernanke: Fed is not forecasting a recession –JANUARY 17, 200810:4
Source: reuters.com
EXPLAINER: How do we know when a recession has begun?
- Recessions are officially declared by the obscure-sounding National Bureau of Economic Research, a group of economists whose Business Cycle Dating Committee defines a recession as “a significant decline in economic activity that is spread across the economy and lasts more than a few months.”
- Yet the NBER typically doesn’t declare a recession until well after one has begun, sometimes for up to a year. Economists consider a half-point rise in the unemployment rate, averaged over several months, as the most historically reliable sign of a downturn.
source: apnews.com
Bank of America warns US economy could lose 175,000 a month soon
- Source: foxnews.com
- Angry parents protested outside the Encinitas Union School District offices on Tuesday evening over the school board promoting a flyer for an “all-ages” Halloween drag show.
- The flyer was promoting an event called “Queerfest” for “youth and families” which featured a “Boo Bash” drag show. It boasted that the event is “the queerest free Halloween party for kids and families. It includes games, trick or treating, and a family-friendly drag show.”
- Even more shockingly, the event was sponsored by a gay bar and a gender reassignment surgery center.
- Parents became alarmed when the flyer was posted by the district on Peachjar, an app that allows community groups to submit events to the school board for promotional consideration. After being approved, it was sent out to the parents.
- Despite being shared by the school board, the flyer was stamped with a message saying that “distribution of this flier does not imply endorsement by the Encinitas Union School District, its schools, or staff and is distributed in compliance with federal and state law.”
- “Our message is very clear. We don’t want strip shows, we don’t want drag shows, and definitely not sent out inviting the parents and kids in our district,” one of the protesters, Carrie Boller, a mother of two, told ABC 10 News.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Herschel Walker Pledges to Pay Past Due Rents to Stop ‘Reverend Warnock from Evicting’ Church’s Tenants
- Following Monday revelations that Sen. Raphael Warnock’s (D-GA) church had tried to evict at least eight tenants for late rent during the pandemic, Walker announced he would help the tenants and pay overdue rent.
- Republican Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker on Tuesday pledged to pay past due rents to stop “Reverend Warnock from evicting” tenants who live in a building his church owns in Atlanta, Georgia.
Source: breitbart.com
Senior FBI Analyst Reveals Obama FBI offered Christopher Steele $1 million for ‘Dirt’ on Trump
- FBI supervisory analyst Brian Auten testified that Russia hoax dossier author Christopher Steele was offered $1 million by former President Barack Obama’s FBI for ‘dirt’ on Donald Trump, but he never got the money because he could not “prove the allegations.”
- According to the FBI official, Steele refused to provide the names of any of his sources during his meeting with the bureau. Furthermore, Steele didn’t give the FBI anything substantive that corroborated his claims in his debunked dossier.
- The FBI, however, did reimburse expenses for Christopher Steele, making him an FBI informant.
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Source: beckernews.com
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.171
Aug 20 2018 07:29:31 (EST)
Do you believe in coincidences?
Nothing to See Here.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ba70a6 No.11059802
Oct 13 2020 21:03:29 (EST)
What happens when too many people don’t buy what they are selling?
What happens when too many people wake up?
What happens when they lose control of the digital battlefield?
Mr. Russia collusion pusher himself now involved?
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e696 No.11085318
Oct 15 2020 11:22:19 (EST)
Why was POTUS framed re: Russia collusion?
Protect truth re: Hillary/DNC Russia collusion?
Why was POTUS impeached re: Ukraine?
Protect truth re: Biden/[CLAS 1-99] Ukraine collusion?
Blame ‘opponent’ for what they themselves are guilty of? [DNC media push echo _submitted ‘talking points’ _generate false narrative].
Trump appeals dismissal of Hillary Clinton-Russiagate lawsuit
- Former President Donald Trump filed an appeal to a decision by a federal judge dismissing a wide-ranging lawsuit in which he claims multiple political entities attempted to undermine his 2016 presidential campaign by claiming ties he had to Russia.
- Lawyers for the former president filed a notice of the appeal in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida on Tuesday, a month after it was dismissed by Judge Donald Middlebrooks.
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
A Venezuelan Gang Crosses Biden’s Open Border
- Last week, El American broke the news that members of the Tren de Aragua, the largest criminal organization in Venezuela (after the government), had crossed the southern border and were living in Orlando, Florida. The news came a week after Breitbart had claimed that Venezuelan criminals were crossing the border to live in the U.S.—more than likely continuing their criminal enterprises.
- The source told El American that the criminals were living in Bogotá, Colombia, and were able to change their identity by bribing Venezuelan officials. They traveled by land to Mexico’s northern border and crossed to the U.S., then established themselves in Orlando, where one of the members bought a car and applied for a Florida license plate with his new identity. The source believed that the crossing was not organized by the Maduro regime, but an isolated act of corruption.
Source: theamericanconservative.com
Trump: Voters Must Win ‘Historic Victory’ for Republicans in Midterms to Stop Border Crisis
- Save America Rally in Mesa, Arizona.,Voters must hand the Republican Party a victory in the upcoming midterm election so they can secure the southern border, former President Donald Trump explained Sunday.
- “
Source: breitbart.com
Geopolitical/Police State
President Biden and Dozens of White House Officials Sued Over Big Tech Censorship Campaign
- State attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri are suing the Biden administration for having ‘worked hand-in-hand’ with social media giants to censor news stories and public criticism that negatively impact the White House.
- “Throughout this case, we have uncovered a disturbing amount of collusion between Big Tech and Big Government,” Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said in a statement on Monday.
- “This egregious attack on our First Amendment will be met with an equally full-hearted defense of the rights of the American people,” the AG added.
- While the 164-page lawsuit was filed late last week it was updated on Monday. The new filing shows that Republican officials are targeting 47 more government departments, agencies and officials, in addition to the 20 defendants originally listed.
- Those listed in the suit included President Joe Biden, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Nina Jankowicz, who was initially slated to head Biden’s now-disbanded Disinformation Governance Board. Added to the list of defendants are top White House officials Andy Slavitt and Rob Flaherty and White House Counsel Dana Remus, FBI Section Chief for the Foreign Influence Task Force Laura Dehmlow, CDC Deputy Communications Director Kate Galatas, and other top-ranking officials.
Source: beckernews.com
Russia arrests eight suspects over Crimea bridge blast
- Russia’s Federal Security Service says five Russians and three citizens of Ukraine and Armenia have been arrested.
- Russia has arrested eight suspects over an explosion that damaged a strategic bridge linking annexed Crimea to Russia.
- Moscow regards the blast on the Kerch Strait Bridge as a “terrorist attack” organised by Ukrainian secret services.
- Explosives were stored in plastic film rolls that left the Ukrainian port of Odesa in August and transited through Bulgaria, Georgia and Armenia before entering Russia, the service said.
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Source: aljazeera.com
False Flags
- the White House’s Covid-19 coordinator, warned about new variants under observation, and a deadly winter for thousands of Americans if they don’t take their boosters
- At a press conference on Tuesday, Dr. Jha urged Americans to get updated Covid boosters ahead of the holiday season. The White House official estimated there would be 90,000 deaths and one million hospitalizations if the American people did not comply.
- Dr. Jha argued that all Americans over the age of 12 need to get their COVID shots annually.
Source: beckernews.com
Drug Pushers
Perfect timing
FDA Grants ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ for Young Children to Get Covid ‘Boosters’
- The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday granted another ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ for children as young as five years old to receive Covid ‘booster’ shots.
Source: beckernews.com
REPORT: NYC Subway Murders Hit 25-Year High
- Murders in New York City’s subway system reached a 25-year high in 2022 despite the plummeting number of riders.
- Between 1997 and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, there were never more than five murders a year on the NYC subway system, according to the New York Post. In 2020, that number rose to six murders, before hitting eight in 2021.
- There have been seven murders on NYC subways this year thus far, bringing the total number of murders between 2020 to 2022 to 21, more than all murders between 2008 and 2019 . Felony crime on the subway system is also up 42% compared to the same period in 2021.
Source: dailycaller.com
PANIC? Dem Group Cuts Funding To Candidates In Key House Races
- The House Majority PAC is cutting funding to key races, according to a new report.
- Democrats are being forced to defend candidates in races they didn’t think would be close.
- Townhall reported:
- As Townhall reported last week, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) whined to The Washington Post that it was unable to compete in several key House districts to defend Democrats or work to unseat GOP incumbents with one month to go until the midterms.Now, another Democrat spending group — the House Majority PAC — is doing the same in the latest bad sign for vulnerable Democrats who see their national support dry up in the final stretch of the campaign. The lack of funds for races that have been key to Democrats’ 2022 plans comes as Republican groups have expanded the midterm election map significantly, spending money in a range of places where Democrats didn’t plan to need defensive action.
- Democrats are being forced to cut funding because they don’t have enough resources to defend all their seats.
- Democrats can see the red wave coming!
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Pennsylvania’s Mail-In Ballots Law
- The Supreme Court has once again dealt a blow to Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot laws.
- “
- The latest Supreme Court decision adds to the commonwealth court’s major ruling against Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballots laws in January.
- “The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania… found the state’s mail-in voting law unconstitutional,” Just the News reported.

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