X22 Report

X22 Report

The [DS] Con Is Falling Apart, House Of Cards, News Unlocks, Dots Are Being Connected – Ep. 2836

July 28, 2022

The [CB]/[WEF] agenda is being exposed bit by bit. The people are reaching the precipice, the farmers are fighting back and people around the world are feeling the inflation. The US just entered a recession, the Biden admin wants people to believe everything is ok, the people know. They never expected all of this to happen so quickly. The [DS] house of cards is about to collapse. The con against the American people is now being exposed. The Dots are being connected by the people. Change of batter is coming, the push to remove Biden is on schedule. Someone will have to come in and fix all this, it might be sooner than everyone thinks. The [DS] are preparing a scare event, but the patriots are prepared.