X22 Report

X22 Report

Trump Shuts Down Zelensky, Sleepers Exposed, Pieces Coming Together, March Madness – Ep. 3584

February 28, 2025

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Trump Shuts Down Zelensky, Sleepers Exposed, Pieces Coming Together, March MadnessClick On Picture To See Larger Picture

Americans are beginning to worry about the market, People are feeling the recession that Biden admin created. The [CB] has set a trap for Trump, they want him to take the blame for the recession when he moves forward with his economic policies. This will fail, Elon and Trump know the playbook. Trump and the patriots have set a trap for the [DS] and fake news. They believe that Kash and Pam don’t have anything in regards to Epstein, they believe they are blocking the information, but the reality is that sleepers have now been exposed. A clear message was sent, the WH will bypass the fake news. The pill must be easy to swallow and the people will need to digest it. All the pieces are coming together and they lead to Comey.

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  that, this percentage is still near its highest levels since 1987. To put this into perspective, the long-term average is 35.1%. Meanwhile, 32.8% of Americans anticipated stock prices to decrease over the year in February, up from 24.8% in the prior month. Sentiment is shifting.


The Federal Reserve’s favorite recession indicator is flashing a danger sign again 

  • The 10-year Treasury yield passed below that of the 3-month note in Wednesday trading. In market lingo, that’s known as an “inverted yield curve,” and it’s had a sterling prediction record.
  • While there’s no certainty that growth will turn negative this time around, investors worry that expected growth from an ambitious agenda under President Donald Trump may not happen.
  • Yield curve inversions have had a strong but not perfect forecasting history. In fact, the previous inversion happened in October 2022, and there’s still been no recession, 2½ years later.

Source: nbcnews.com


  •  greater spending package (“will someone please think of all the unemployed”) one which eclipses all of DOGE’s spending cuts. What Musk is doing in trying to streamline the govt is admirable but ultimately it will be Congress that decides the endgame. And there things are as status quo as always.


result in no cars and a much worse standard of living, but GDP would appear to be the same!


 or have gathered some savings.


 people. When the government relies on taxing individual income, it shifts from serving its citizens to exploiting them as a revenue source. This dynamic creates an inherent friction, where the government no longer answers to the people but to the system that extracts from them. And if you look around, it’s clear—whatever our tax dollars are funding, it’s not serving us. This is what modern economists fail to grasp when they dismiss tariffs, sales taxes, or luxury taxes as harmful. The structure of taxation matters, not just the amount collected. The income tax distorts governance itself—and it needs to go.





The Gold At Fort Knox Was Stolen From Americans

  • In recent days, President Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Senator Rand Paul, and some others have pressed for an audit of the US gold reserves, with a special focus on the gold at Fort Knox. This is perfectly reasonable given that the US gold reserves – which are the property of the US Treasury and not the Federal Reserve – have not undergone even a partial audit in at least forty years.
  • Part of the reason for the audit is to discover if any of the gold has been stolen. 
  • This would be a fitting destiny for the US government’s gold since much of that was stolen to begin with. When I say “stolen,” I don’t even mean in the sense that “taxation is theft” and that the US bought the gold using tax dollars. In truth, the way the US Treasury acquired much of its gold hoard is even more underhanded than ordinary taxation.
  • Rather, it is likely that most of the gold at Fort Knox, as with the US regime’s gold in general, is gold stolen from ordinary Americans as a part of Franklin Roosevelt’s efforts to end the gold standard and confiscate private gold holdings in the United States. That is, the US gold reserves are a legacy of the way the US government reneged on its promises to redeem US dollars in gold. Rather than pay out the gold that was owed to holders of US dollars, the US government hoarded it instead. That stolen gold is what the auditors will be counting if the US government ever allows an honest accounting of the Treasury’s gold reserves.
  • Where Did the Gold at Fort Knox Come From?
  • In his 1994 article for The Journal of Economic Education, economist William C. Wood writes that “the Fort Knox depository is now an artifact of gold standard days.“ He then adds, “The gold currently in Fort Knox came from the melting of Depression-era gold coins, from lend-lease arrangements in War II, and from government operations under the gold standard.”
  • That reference to “Depression-era gold coins” is telling. Most of those gold coins were likely the coins confiscated from private owners by the US government following Roosevelt’s Executive Order 6102 which outlawed the private ownership of gold. Few Americans owned gold bars, of course, and the gold that was in non-institutional private hands was mostly gold coin. Roosevelt’s edict required that private citizens hand this gold over to the US government in exchange for what was effectively below-market prices. And what if you would rather not give up your property to the US government? Too bad.
  • Moreover, private banks and the central bank held gold in the form of coins for dollar holders who, prior to confiscation, would occasionally present US dollars for redemption in gold. This is, in part, the gold in Fort Knox that that Wood classifies as gold held for “government operations under the gold standard.” After 1933, however, banks did not need to hold onto any gold coins for this purpose since Roosevelt’s effort to end the gold standard included a prohibition on banks paying out gold.
  • So, these coins ceased to have an immediate market value among banks. Where did all these gold coins end up? Most ended up with the US Treasury after the Treasury seized the Federal Reserve’s gold in 1934.

  • US Gold Reserves: A Legacy of Theft and Lies
  • The gold reserve was never supposed to be a static, untouchable hoard of the US federal government, as it is now. It was supposed to be there for Americans and other users of dollars who traded in their dollars for gold. Gold was supposed to flow in and out. Then, the US government slammed the doors of the federal gold vaults shut and declared “the gold is all ours forever.”

Source: zerohedge.com


FBI Reportedly Probing Biden’s $20 Billion Green Fund For Potential Fraud

  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is reportedly probing a massive Biden-era Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program for possible fraud, according to The Washington Post.
  • FBI agents reportedly interviewed EPA employees this week as part of an escalating investigation of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), a $20 billion program that awarded billions of dollars to green groups loaded with Democrat donors and insiders, the Post reported Friday citing anonymous sources familiar with the situation so that they could speak freely. EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin has repeatedly expressed concern about the GGRF abusing taxpayer dollars to benefit friends of the Biden EPA, though some career federal prosecutors have shied away from advancing the investigation when called upon to do so.
  •  Believe it or not, the former CEO and current CEO of a green organization picked to receive billions from the Biden @EPA are both big time Democrat donors.


Source: dailycaller.com

ICE to open East Coast’s largest federal immigration detention center in Newark

  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement will reopen a federal immigration detention center in Newark, New Jersey that has a 1,000-bed capacity — the largest facility of its type on the East Coast.
  • ICE announced Thursday that Delaney Hall will be the agency’s first detention center to open under the Trump administration, which has made cracking down on illegal immigration a top priority.
  • “The location near an international airport streamlines logistics, and helps facilitate the timely processing of individuals in our custody as we pursue President Trump’s mandate to arrest, detain and remove illegal aliens from our communities,” acting ICE Director Caleb Vitello said in a statement.
  • Delaney Hall, owned by private prison company GEO Group, previously housed immigrant detainees between 2011 and 2017. It’s located next to Essex County jail.

Source: nypost.com



In regards to the influencers receiving Phase I binders. This was done on purpose to bypass the fake news. By doing this the fake news, trolls and many others will say that this is all fake.

The documents can be downloaded at this link; we will post them directly to this piece shortly.


 plea deal before Epstein was charged, this directly ties Hillary and Bill Clinton to Epstein’s network.


  •   numbers. No “smoking gun.” Still, Bondi promised to release the documents, so she prepared a binder of them. THEN, last night a whistleblower contacted Bondi & revealed that the SDNY was hiding potentially thousands of Epstein files, defying Bondi’s order to give them all to her. We’re talking recordings, evidence, etc.
  • The juicy stuff. Names. These swamp creatures at SDNY deceived Bondi, Kash, and YOU. Be outraged that the binder is boring. You should be. Because the evil deep state LIED TO YOUR FACE.
  • The binder is powerful because it’s tangible physical evidence of the disgusting stunt the SDNY tried to pull. Bondi is now demanding ALL the Epstein evidence from SDNY plus an investigation into the persons who committed this act of defiance. The legacy media has betrayed you again and again and again.
  • They lie to you. They smear you. They gaslight you. They deserve no special access to realtime exposure of corruption… because they played a role in covering it up in the first place!
  • You are the media, Elon said. Yes, we are. So celebrate the regular people are being given access to the most powerful people in our country to report on despicable corruption as it’s being uncovered in realtime.
  • And be very, very angry that deep state agents in the swamp at the SDNY are at this very moment defying President Trump & AG Bondi & you who voted him into office, lying, and hiding the truth about Jeffrey Epstein because they don’t want their own corruption & weaponization of govt exposed. That’s the story.









Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: fbc52d No.17359

Dec 1 2017 00:17:43 (EST)
SA controlled US puppets.

Strings cut.

D’s dropping all around over sexual misconduct (1st stage).

Coincidence directly after SA?

Don’t you realize the war has gone public?

List who will not be running for re_election.


Phase I.

Easy to swallow.

Loss of power/influence.

Good time to prosecute.

Just wait until next week.

You are all Patriots.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4662eb No.5094276

Feb 9 2019 15:48:12 (EST)

Attempts to retain ‘BLOCKADE’?

Attempts to prevent public release of the TRUTH?


Do not mistake ‘public’ silence for inaction.

“This is not another 4-year election.”



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c6f403 No.9682825

Jun 20 2020 12:00:58 (EST)


Importance of SDNY control?


Weiner evidence collection

Clinton Foundation

Epstein evidence collection


(focus on above [for now])

[Watch NYC]



POTUS refusal to formally nominate?

APPOINTED TO POST BY SDNY JUDGES [unusual][removal of ‘acting’]?

The stakes are high.

They will fight.

Super bowl > puppy show


Comey Family Member Was Lead Prosecutor in Epstein Case In SDNY, Where Files Released to DOJ Were Heavily Redacted, Many Are Missing

  •   AG Bondi sent a letter to FBI Director Kash Patel demanding the full release of all documents related to the Epstein case by 8:00 a.m. on Friday. In her letter, Bondi assured the DOJ that it would protect the identities of the victims. Bondi also demanded a full investigation into why her order to release all documents was ignored.


  • In a tweet on X, Kyle Becker revealed that the daughter of the dirty former FBI director James Comey was the lead prosecutor of the Epstein case.


  •   Maurene Comey?
  • According to Newsweek,  Ms. Comey’s LinkedIn profile, Assistant U.S. Attorney Comey heads the SDNY’s Violent and Organized Crime Unit and has been with the office since 2015.
  • Maurene Comey is the daughter of former FBI Director James Comey and Patrice Failor, and is one of six children.

  • She is married to Lucas Issacharoff, a Harvard Law School graduate and U.S. Assistant Attorney for the SDNY’s Civil Division since September 2019.

  • Maurene Comey (often misspelled as “Maureen”) was indeed involved in the Jeffrey Epstein case as one of the prosecutors. She is an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) and was part of the team that handled Epstein’s case following his arrest in July 2019. Maurene, the daughter of former FBI Director James Comey, worked alongside other prosecutors, including Alex Rossmiller and Alison Gainfort Moe, on the sex trafficking charges brought against Epstein before his death in August 2019. Her involvement in such a high-profile case has drawn attention due to her family ties and the case’s significant public interest. While she played a role, she was not the sole or lead prosecutor but rather one of several key figures in the SDNY team assigned to the matter.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

  •  AND she was picked to hold a similar role in Jeffrey Epstein’s case (until he was mysteriously suicided).
  • I’d say we need to hang tight, grab some popcorn & try to enjoy the show! And since the Epstein files most likely involve both foreign & domestic governments, maybe go re- read the #FVEY drops