X22 Report

X22 Report

[KH] Trapped In Her Copycat Policies, Infighting Begins, Did Trump Send A Warning To [KH]? – Ep. 3435

August 27, 2024

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[KH] Trapped In Her Copycat Policies, Infighting Begins, Did Trump Send A Warning To [KH]?Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe [WEF] is now showing everyone what they want our future to be, we will not leave the cities, will share cars, our main transportation will be bicycles, it will get worse. The [DS]/[CB] are now showing everyone who they are. Countries are seeing that the blockchain is the way to transact business across the border. The [DS] are now fighting amongst each other. [KH] is trapped in the copycat policies. They would rather her not debate Trump, Trump has now worked out the terms of the debate. Trump sends a warning that when Biden debated him it didn’t work out well, he was replaced. Will this happen to [KH]?


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  •  ” “Residents will be encouraged to cycle, use public transport” “Everything that residents need will be within walking distance” This sounds like hell and it’s coming to America if you vote Democrat


California to Provide Subsidies of Up to $150K for Home Buyers – but Only If They’re Illegal Immigrants


  •   house they want. Democrats HATE Americans! Her name is Jean Jacques, and she said, “I’m not going. They’ll have to bury me because I have no place to go… They have all my money.” Instead of taking care of our seniors, Democrats are fixated on giving freebies to illegal criminals. God bless this innocent lady.

BREAKING: California approves AB 1840, allowing undocumented immigrants to receive up to $150,000 in housing grants. The California Dream for All allows residents to earn 20 percent in down payment help from the state. It’s a highly competitive program, with only 1.700 Californians previously receiving the grants out of 18,000 applicants.




  •  accounted for just ~25% of the S&P 500. Now, this percentage even exceeds the 2000 Dot-Com bubble levels by ~12 percentage points. A few key stocks *are* the stock market.

Russia to Launch Cryptocurrency Exchange Trials for Cross-Border Payments Starting September 2024 

  •   In a move to circumvent Western restrictions, the Russian government has announced plans to launch regulated trials of cryptocurrency exchanges for cross-border payments starting on September 1, 2024.
  • According to sources familiar with the plan, Russia will utilize its National Payment Card System (NPCS) to facilitate the exchange of rubles into cryptocurrencies for international transactions. The NPCS, which currently handles ruble-denominated interbank settlements, will be adapted to support these crypto-based payment trials under the supervision of the Central Bank of Russia.

  • Russia’s central bank had previously pushed for a complete ban on cryptocurrency activities, citing concerns over financial stability and illicit activities. However, the narrative has now shifted, with the government viewing digital assets as a potential tool to mitigate the impact of sanctions.

Source: finance.yahoo.com 


Oklahoma Teen Bravely Fights Back Against Woke School Officials After Being Told He Can’t Fly American Flag from His Pick-Up – Community then Rallies Behind Him with Patriotic Protest (VIDEO)

  • An Edmond, Oklahoma, high school student is fighting back against woke school officials despite facing disciplinary action after being told he couldn’t fly an American flag from his pick-up truck, and the community is rallying behind him.
  • KOCO reported that last Wednesday, Edmond High School senior Caleb Horst was told he could not display this beautiful but straightforward display of patriotism despite the student pointing out that he had been flying it for “quite a while.”
  • To make matters even more ridiculous, the display of American flags on campus is not even against official school policy. Edmond Public Schools says they encourage them not to fly Old Glory as part of a “practice,” not a requirement.

  • Following his school’s outrageous action, Horst received incredible backing beginning Thursday from other students, parents, and local lawmakers demanding the outrageous decision be reversed. Students, parents, and other Edmond residents even organized a beautiful, patriotic protest yesterday, which was full of American flags, to demand Edmond High School back off.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Harris flip-flops on building the border wall  


  • If she’s elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called “un-American” during the Trump administration.


Source: axios.com





  2024: Kamala claims to support the wall

This is all for the elections


  •   or names because they don’t want to be pinned down in the future to what they are saying because they don’t believe or support what they are saying now.


Kamala is now copying all of the policies of Trumps, why would anyone want a copy when they can have the original.  originals have value, copies do not

Trump-Appointed Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden’s Attempt to Give Amnesty and Pathway to Citizenship to Over a Million Illegal Aliens

  • The Biden regime recently announced a program called “Keeping Families Together” that would have given amnesty to individuals who have entered the country illegally and consequently married an American citizen.
  • A federal judge temporarily blocked another illegal effort by the Biden regime to give amnesty to illegal aliens who are married to U.S. citizens.

  • U.S. District Judge J. Campbell Barker issued an administrative stay just days after 16 Republican states, filed a challenge against the program, which would open up a pathway to citizen for up to a million illegal immigrants.

  • Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who helped spearhead the lawsuit, argued that it “directly violates the rules created by Congress” and was used for “blatant political purposes.” 



Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Geopolitical/Police State

If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. – George Washington




  •   able to Support the Defense of Israel as well as Protect our Forces in the Region should they be Attacked.”

New Documents Reveal Kamala Harris Lied About Afghan ‘Refugees’ Brought to the US

  • New documents obtained by America First Legal reveal the Biden-Harris Regime claimed that they were importing Afghans as refugees who helped the US government, when in reality, officials admit that they did not know their identities.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com


  •  censorship of politically damaging information right before the election to beat Trump


Zelenskyy to present plan to Joe Biden to end war with Russia, but says Kyiv won’t ‘compromise’

  • The Ukrainian leader, addressing a news conference, said Kyiv’s three-week-old incursion into Russia’s Kursk region was part of that plan, but that it also comprised other steps on the economic and diplomatic fronts. He said he will also discuss the same with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

Source:  deccanherald.com 

Cyber Attacks

False Flags


  • The Biden White House forced tech giants to censor these five COVID claims – that all turned out to be accurate.

    Claims that COVID was:

    1. manmade,

    2. manufactured,

    3. bioengineered

    4. a bioweapon

    5. created by an individual government

    6. modified through gain of function research

  • The Biden White House forced Big Tech to change its content moderation policies.
  • 7. Amazon employees admitted they changed their content moderation due to pressure from the Biden regime.

    8. Amazon changed its bookstore policies due to criticism from the Biden regime.

    9. Facebook employees admitted Facebook censored the man-made theory due to pressure from the Biden regime.

  • The Biden Administration targeted truthful information and even satire that went against their beliefs.
  • 10. The Biden regime pressured Facebook to block content that was negative about the vaccines.
  • And the Biden Administration pressured social media to “do more.”

SHAMELESS: Biden-Harris Regime Issues Vile Response After Mark Zuckerberg Admits They Pressured Him to Censor Millions of Americans

When asked for comment by Fox News, a Regime spokesperson responded with a disgusting statement that doubled down on their tyrannical actions and took a swipe at Zuckerberg in the process.

  • “When confronted with a deadly pandemic, this administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety. Our position has been clear and consistent: we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present.”
  • Translation: the 1st Amendment is an obstacle in our way of achieving a dictatorship, so it is incumbent upon outside actors to provide a workaround. Shame on Zuckerberg for blurting out our sinister scheme for the world to hear.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

One of America’s most famous race hustlers is accused of plagiarism 

  •   the white woman who’s achieved tremendous fame and fortune by accusing other whites of being racist. DiAngelo is accused of having plagiarized the work of two Asian American scholars (as well as many white scholars) when she wrote her doctoral thesis:


According to a complaint filed last week with the University of Washington, where DiAngelo received her Ph.D. in multicultural education, she plagiarized several scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral thesis.

The 2004 dissertation, “Whiteness in Racial Dialogue: A Discourse Analysis,” lifts two paragraphs from an Asian-American professor, Northeastern University’s Thomas Nakayama, and his coauthor, Robert Krizek, without proper attribution, omitting quotation marks and in-text citations.


DiAngelo also lifts material from Stacey Lee, an Asian-American professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in which Lee summarizes the work of a third scholar, David Theo Goldberg.


DiAngelo wrote:



Goldberg (1993) argues that the questions surrounding racial discourse should focus not so much on how true stereotypes are, but how the truth claims they offer are a part of a larger worldview that authorizes and normalizes forms of domination and control.

  1. So, while DiAngelo didn’t plagiarize Goldberg’s core idea, she seemingly stole how Lee had summarized that core idea. Put aside the fact that everything Goldberg, Lee, and DiAngelo wrote is vapid, academic gobbledy-gook. Focus only on DiAngelo’s laziness—which seemingly amounts to fraud.


  • DiAngelo, of course, is not alone. Recent discoveries have revealed that several people in the DEI industry, in true communist fashion, have no compunction about redistributing to themselves other people’s work product. In March, the New York Post editorial board summed it up this way:

Yet another Ivy League chief for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion stands exposed as an apparent plagiarist — further suggesting DEI is more of a racket than anything else.

The top DEI officer at Columbia’s medical school, Alade McKen, stands accused of lifting about a fifth of his thesis from 30 other academics and copying heavily from Wikipedia, per a Washington Free Beacon report.

This comes just a week after news of a whistleblower’s complaint against Shirley Greene, a DEI officer at Harvard extension school, alleging that she plagiarized more than 40 passages of her dissertation.

And weeks after Harvard’s chief DEI officer, Sherri Ann Charleston, got hit with an anonymous complaint alleging dozens of instances of plagiarism in her work over the last 15 years.

All this follows the fall of Harvard prez Claudine Gay (whose hiring was all about DEI) over dozens of plagiarism allegations, which evidently inspired a wave of freelance detective work that seems likely to keep the complaints coming against many more recent hires across academia.

Source: americanthinker.com


Kamala Harris’ Latest Interview Ploy Shows How Terrified She Is
Source: redstate.com


‘Enough with the games’: Trump campaign questions Harris debate rule changes


Source: rsnbc.com

Three Quarters Of Democrat Voters Don’t Know What Any Of Kamala Harris’ Policies Are

  • A new poll has found that around three quarters of Democrat voters have no clue what Kamala Harris’ positions on key political issues are.

  • The survey, conducted by the Media Research Center, found that over 70 percent of “registered Democrats“ as well as Independents said they “either had not heard of Harris’s position or were unsure” on ten different issues.
  • The poll found that 78% of voters surveyed were unaware that Harris promoted a fund that aided violent BLM agitators to be bailed out of jail during the 2020 unrest. 

  • Seventy-four percent said they were unaware that Harris supported decriminalizing illegal immigration, and 72 percent had no clue that Harris “never visited a conflict zone on the border as Border Czar.”
  • Those surveyed stated that they get news information primarily from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC.
  •  .

Source: zerohedge.com

JUST IN: Democrats Panic After Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Can Remain on Ballot in Crucial Swing State

  • The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Monday ruled that Green Party candidate Jill Stein can remain on the 2024 presidential ballot.
  • The Democrats earlier this month filed a complaint to keep Jill Stein off the ballot in the crucial swing state of Wisconsin.
  • Jill Stein has angered the Democrat elitists with her bid for the White House since she is seen as a “spoiler.”

  • Dr. Stein took thousands of votes away from Hillary Clinton in the crucial swing states of Michigan and Wisconsin in 2016.
  • The Democrats are in a panic after Jill Stein, who received more primary votes than Kamala Harris, will remain on the ballot in Wisconsin.

The party of Democracy!

CBS News reported:


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Hundreds of former Bush, Romney, and McCain aides endorse Kamala Harris over Trump

  • More than 200 aides to former Republican presidential contenders Sen. Mitt Romney, the late-Sen. John McCain, and former Presidents George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday, over former President Donald Trump.
  • McCain was Republican presidential nominee in 2008, but lost to former President Barack Obama. Romney also lost to Obama, in 2012. Romney has told CNN that he would support President Joe Biden over Trump this election, but has not specifically endorsed Harris.
  • The group said that while they have “ideological disagreements” with Harris and her running-mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, another four years of Trump would be “untenable.” The majority of the group also endorsed Biden over Trump in 2020.

Source: justthenews.com


  • Is Trump now telling KH not to do a debate, if she does a debate they will have to replace her like they replaced Biden

  •  “fair and equitable” Debate, and that neither side will be given the questions in advance (No Donna Brazile!). Harris would not agree to the FoxNews Debate on September 4th, but that date will be held open in case she changes her mind or, Flip Flops, as she has done on every single one of her long held and cherished policy beliefs. A possible third Debate, which would go to NBC FAKE NEWS, has not been agreed to by the Radical Left. GOD BLESS AMERICA!


Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147681912

Nov 2 2017 18:21:32 (EST)
To those watching (you know who you are):

You have a choice to make.

You can stand up and do what you know to be right.

Or you can suffer the consequences of your previous actions.

Make no mistake, you are on the losing side.

The choice is yours.

If you decide to take down /pol/ and the net we will be ready.4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192

Alice & Wonderland.

JUST IN: Jack Smith Files Brief Appealing Judge Cannon’s Dismissal of Trump Classified Docs Case  

  • Special Counsel Jack Smith filed his brief appealing Judge Aileen Cannon’s dismissal of the classified documents case against President Trump.
  • Last month Jack Smith appealed Judge Cannon’s decision to toss the classified documents case to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • Judge Aileen Cannon last month dismissed Jack Smith’s classified documents case based on unlawful appointment and funding of the special counsel.

  • Judge Cannon dismissed the ENTIRE case: “The clerk is directed to close this case,” Cannon wrote.
  • Cannon dismissed Jack Smith’s case based on both unconstitutional elements: 

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Jack Smith brings new election interference indictment against Trump

  • Special counsel Jack Smith brought a superseding indictment against Donald Trump in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, charging the same four felonies he did one year ago over allegations the former president illegally attempted to overturn the 2020 election.

  • The indictment is slightly shorter than the previous one Smith brought last August, as the special counsel excised portions of it after the Supreme Court ruled in July that some of the initial indictment included activity protected by presidential immunity.

Source: washingtonexaminer.com

Trump Lawyers Ask Appeals Court to Remove Fani Willis over Racist Speech

  • Lawyers for former President Donald Trump asked an appeals court in Georgia to remove Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the prosecution of Trump and 18 co-defendants over what they called “racial animus.”
  • The filing (via the Washington Post) refers to a speech Willis made in January, after Trump co-defendant Mike Roman alleged — correctly, it turned out — that Willis had been having a romantic relationship with fellow prosecutor Nathan Wade, and that the two had conducted improper and unethical financial transactions as part of their relationship.
  • Willis gave a speech in a predominantly black church in which she accused the defendants of racism — and described them in racial terms.

Trump’s attorneys criticized the speech at the time, in joining Roman’s filing.

In the new filing, Trump’s attorneys note:


Source: breitbart.com


BREAKING: Michigan’s Democrat Secretary of State Says RFK Jr. Will Remain on 2024 Ballot in Crucial Battleground State Despite Suspending His Campaign



You Can’t Make This Up: DNC Sues Georgia Election Board for Ensuring Every Vote Reflects the True Will of the People

  •   Georgia,   state’s Election Board has taken a bold step toward safeguarding election integrity—only to be met with fierce opposition from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Democratic Party of Georgia.

  • This crucial regulation aims to ensure that every vote cast is legitimate, allowing for thorough investigations into any discrepancies before election results can be certified.
  • Under this new rule, if any precinct shows that the number of ballots exceeds the number of unique voter IDs, counties must withhold certification of those election results until a complete investigation into potential fraud is conducted.
  • The specifics of the newly approved regulation are clear:

  • Tabulating Results: By 3 PM on the Friday following an election, the Election Board must review precinct returns, including absentee ballots and provisional ballots. The total number of unique voter IDs will be compared against total ballots cast.

  • Investigating Discrepancies: If discrepancies arise—where ballots exceed unique voter IDs—the Board is mandated to investigate thoroughly before any votes from that precinct are counted.

  • Certification of Results: Only after all discrepancies have been resolved can results be certified. This ensures that every vote reflects the true will of the people.

  • However, instead of supporting these measures aimed at protecting electoral integrity, the DNC and its affiliates have chosen to sue the State Election Board over these rules.
  • I
  • According to the far-left Democracy Docket:


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New Executive Order Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State — Also Mandates Citizenship Notice for Voter Registration

  • Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has issued Executive Order JML 24-136, reinforcing the state’s commitment to ensuring that only U.S. citizens have the right to vote in state elections.



  • The order references the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which grants citizenship to natural-born and naturalized citizens, while also asserting that the government cannot deny life, liberty, property, or due process to these individuals.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

JUST IN: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Finally Admits Biden-Harris Regime Pressured Him to Censor Millions of Americans — ‘Regrets’ Colluding with the Regime!

  • Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now trying to save himself from the controversial relationship between his company and the Biden-Harris regime.
  • In a letter addressed to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg throws the Biden-Harris regime under the bus.
  • He openly admitted that Meta, the parent company of Facebook, was subjected to relentless pressure by the Biden administration to censor content related to COVID-19, even when the content was satirical or humorous, and the infamous Hunter Biden laptop.

  • The Meta CEO allegedly expressed deep ‘regret’ for not being more vocal in resisting the government’s demands, stating that “government pressure was wrong,” and he now recognizes that his company should have been more outspoken about the administration’s overreach.
  • In the letter, Zuckerberg detailed how senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, exerted consistent pressure on Meta’s teams to remove or suppress content that did not align with the regime’s narrative on COVID-19.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

David Plouffe, Architect of ‘Zuckerbucks,’ Now Advising Kamala Harris

  • report in early August noted that Harris had brought several senior Obama veterans on board, including Plouffe. Many observers noted that Harris’s message improved remarkably from that point, including the emphasis on “joy” as a way to explain her odd laugh, and as a central focus of the party at the Democratic National Convention last week.

Soruce: breitbart.com





Chinese hackers break into American government and military accounts

  • Chinese hackers believed to be backed by the government have gained access to American government and military accounts, according to a new report.
  • These attacks are ‘unusually aggressive and sophisticated’ and have allowed hackers to gain access to at least two major internet service providers with a combined reach of millions of customers, The Washington Post reports.
  • The revelation comes as the United States and China take steps toward repairing their damaged relationship, with Jake Sullivan, U.S. national security adviser, travelling to the northern outskirts of Beijing for a two day meeting with Wang Yi, a senior foreign policy official for Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
  • ‘President Biden has been very clear in his conversations with President Xi that he is committed to managing this important relationship responsibly,’ Sullivan told Wang before the talks got underway. 
  • Meanwhile back home, it is understood Chinese-backed hackers have been spying on Americans via their internet service providers.

Source: dailymail.co.uk

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