X22 Report

X22 Report

Biden Never Ended His Campaign, All Roads Lead To Obama, Final Battle – Ep. 3422

August 08, 2024

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Biden Never Ended His Campaign, All Roads Lead To Obama, Final BattleClick On Picture To See Larger Picture

The people of Canada are now feeling the pain. The [DS]/[CB] have destroyed the economy with their agenda, now the people see it. Trump sends warning, we are close to a 1929 depression. Russia legalizes Bitcoin. The world is about to change. The [DS] pushed Biden out, but he never ended his campaign. [KH] is using his Presidential Id so they can receive the war chest. Trump has an hour long press conference while [KH] does zero, the people see it. All roads lead to Obama, the [DS] have taken the bait and soon the people will know the truth. This is the final battle, if America falls the world falls.


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  •  In other words, the average Canadian family now spends DOUBLE their annual shelter costs on taxes. Since 2010, the average annual tax bill for a Canadian family is up a whopping ~57%. Truly concerning numbers.
  • The average Canadian spends 12 TIMES more on taxes than clothing. Spending on taxes in Canada has disproportionally increased relative to other categories. Many are calling for tax cuts as the trend worsens.


  •   last 10 years and total credit card debt is up 50% since 2020. Meanwhile, delinquency rates on credit cards and auto loans are nearing the highs seen in 2008. Consumers are “fighting” inflation with debt. This can’t end well.



  •  the Fed doesn’t cut rates right now, recession fears will continue to mount.
  • No rate cuts means more worry about rising unemployment which is now at a 3-year high.
  • The Fed must pick between market and inflation instability or a potential recession. And even if they pick the right former, we may still end up in a recession.
  • It’s going to be a bumpy road ahead.



Hunter Biden prosecutors make bombshell claim he was hired by a Romanian oligarch to influence the U.S. government

  • Hunter Biden was hired by a Romanian oligarch in an ‘attempt to influence U.S. government agencies,’ earning around $1 million for work that was structured to avoid ‘political ramifications’ for Joe Biden, who was then vice president.
  • The bombshell claim was revealed in court filings on   tied to the younger Biden’s federal tax case. And it marks the closest prosecutors have come to tying President Biden to his son’s overseas business deals.
  • Gabriel Popoviciu, a real estate tycoon, was facing bribery and corruption charges in his home country. In an attempt to avoid the charges, Popoviciu hired Hunter Biden and his business associates in late 2015 to help his case.
  • Hunter, however, was ‘concerned that lobbying work might cause political ramifications’ for his father, so the deal was structured in a way that ‘concealed the true nature of the work he was performing.’
  • Prosecutors allege, in order to avoid the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Hunter and Popoviciu signed an agreement where Hunter’s law firm would ‘provide management services to real estate properties in Romania.’
  • But ‘that was not actually’ what Popoviciu was paying for. He and Hunter had a ‘oral’ agreement on what Hunter Biden would actually do – influence U.S. agencies on the tycoon’s behalf.
  • The deal was structured to avoid FARA because Hunter was concerned about ‘political ramifications’ for his father, the documents state. In 2016, Biden was vice president and weighing a presidential bid, which he ultimately did not pursue until the 2020 election.

  •  Under the FARA law, the Justice Department requires any American doing lobbying business for a foreign government to register as a foreign agent.

Source: dailymail.co.uk



  •   was arrested six times for 14 crimes within the first two months of the Biden-Harris Administration. “Border Czar” Kamala Harris’s failed far-left, open-borders agenda jeopardizes the