X22 Report

X22 Report

[KH] Panics, Keep An Eye On Venezuela, Election Cyber Attack Projection,Scare Event – Ep. 3418

August 04, 2024

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[KH] Panics, Keep An Eye On Venezuela, Election Cyber Attack Projection,Scare EventClick On Picture To See Larger PictureThe insiders are now showing us what is about to happen via their actions. Berkshire Hathaway has now dumped 75 billion in stock. What do they know? The fake news is trying to down play the rate cut that this will cause a recession. Bitcoin and gold show you that prices are not increasing, but the fiat currency is losing value. [KH] is using the same strategy as Biden, she is hiding, she is not doing interviews, she doesn’t want to debate Trump, they are in panic mode. If [KH] does debate Trump they know it will be a disaster. Keep an eye on Venezuela, the election was rigged and now the people and other countries want to see the original ballots for transparency. The [DS] is now projecting that a cyber attack is headed our way. Scare event approaches.


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  •   is sitting on a record $277 BILLION of cash. To put this in perspective, Berkshire Hathaway now owns ~4% of ALL T-Bills issued to the public. They even own more T-Bills than the $195 billion on the Fed’s balance sheet. When Warren Buffett holds more T-Bills than the Fed itself, you know he’s worried. Buckle up.

A viral chart suggests a recession is coming after the Fed cuts interest rates — but don’t panic yet

  • However, some people were frightened by the idea of lower rates.
  • A viral chart made the rounds again on social media around the time of the Fed meeting. This chart depicted the U.S. federal funds rate over the years, and overlays when the U.S. economy was in a recession.


The chart portrayed a scary trend. The last few times that the Fed cut interest rates from their peak, a recession followed closely behind. With the Fed gearing up to cut rates again, is the U.S. economy due for another recession?

  • First of all, it’s important to remember that correlation does not imply causation. Rate cuts are certainly related to recessions, but that doesn’t mean cutting rates will cause one.

Source: marketwatch.com





  •   behind Donald Trump and encourage every gun owner to join me in helping send him back to the White House.

Columbia Students Sue Squad Leaders for Allegedly Inciting and Encouraging Anti-Israel, Anti-Jew Protests on Campus 

  • Now a new group of students are suing the radical congressional “Squad” leaders who they accuse of inciting the anti-Israel violence on campus earlier this year.
  • The students are suing Democrat representatives Sandy Ocasio-Cortez, Jamal Bowman of New York, and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.
  • Ilhan Omar’s daughter was actually one of the organizers at the anti-Jew protests.
  • FOX News reported:


Five students filed the lawsuit anonymously, naming Ocasio-Cortez and Democratic Reps. Jamal Bowman of New York and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. The lawsuit also names roughly a dozen anti-Israel organizing groups.

“The Gaza Encampment was extreme and outrageous conduct. It was illegal. It violated university rules. Its occupants harassed, followed, physically blocked, intimidated, and bullied Jewish students,” the lawsuit reads.

Two of the five students behind the lawsuit are Jewish.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


DHS suspends parole program flights months before election 

  •  Three months before the November election in which the presumptive Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala, is likely to run for president, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending a parole program she, as the president’s “border czar,” has overseen with DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. 
  • DHS announced on Friday that it was suspending flights it had been using for years to bring Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans into the country, who otherwise do not qualify for legal entry under current law.
  • “Out of an abundance of caution, DHS has temporarily paused the issuance of advanced travel authorizations for new beneficiaries while it undertakes a review of supporter applications. DHS will restart application processing as quickly as possible, with appropriate safeguards,” DHS spokeswoman Erin Heeter said in a statement.

  • A coalition of 21 attorneys general, led by Texas, also sued to stop it, arguing it’s an “illegal visa system.” Federal judges and members of Congress also argue that it’s illegal.

Source:  thecentersquare.com

Geopolitical/Police State

BRITAIN BURNING: Muslim Mobs Roam the Streets with Knives and Machetes Unchecked by Police as Labour Gov’t Prepares to Crack Down on “Far-Right Thugs”   

  • Riots continued in Liverpool, Hull, Manchester, Belfast and at least 7 other UK cities Saturday as the System Media blamed the indigenous population for defenmding their country and mobs of Muslim men armed with knives and machetes roamed the streets in several British cities.
  • Police braced for fresh violence after protests Saturday resulted in at least 90 arrests, several police officers being injured, and looting, the Express reported. More anti-immigration protests are planned for Sunday  in Bolton, Lancaster, Middlesbrough, Weymouth and Rotherham.
  • England and Wales police federation Deputy National Chair Tiffany Lynch said the unrest was “flooding across major cities and towns.”

  • Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said: “Anyone who gets involved in criminal disorder, violent thuggery on our streets, will have to pay the price.”

Source: thegatewaypundit.com







White House: Trying to Keep Iran from Getting Nuclear Capabilities via Diplomacy ‘Hasn’t Worked’

  •  ” White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby acknowledged that keeping Iran from getting nuclear weapons capability through diplomacy “hasn’t worked.”

  • Kirby responded, “The President has always maintained that we would prefer Iran not to have a nuclear weapon through diplomacy. But he has also made absolutely clear, our policy has been crystal, we will not allow Iran to achieve a nuclear weapons capability. We prefer to do that through diplomacy. That hasn’t worked. And frankly, that’s not really on the table right now. We haven’t been talking to Iran for quite some time, in terms of diplomacy. So, we’ve got to make sure that we’ve got other capabilities, other options available to the President, including potential military options. And the Department of Defense works on that every day. Obviously, we have been focused a lot on the Middle East. We have added resources from a military perspective to the Middle East and we’re talking about what we need to do to adjust given these recent threats, as well.”

Source: breitbart.com


Cyber Attacks

False Flags







  •   raising millions off her father’s unprecedented trial of Trump. Merchan’s corrupt. He must face a civil-rights criminal probe by the Trump 47 Justice Department.

Obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe Joins Harris Campaign

  • Former President Barack Obama’s campaign mastermind is joining Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign as a senior adviser.
  • David Plouffe developed a reputation as a campaign guru by guiding Obama from being a little-known junior senator from Illinois to the White House in one of the most odds-defying and historical campaigns in American political history. He served as a top adviser in Obama’s White House, essentially leading Obama’s 2012 from his perch in the administration.
  • He will now cast his lot with Harris, the latest Democrat power player to do so after countless party bigwigs had cooled on President Joe Biden after his disastrous June 27 debate performance, which ultimately cost him his status as the nominee.
  • What Was That?! Biden Coughs, Stumbles, Rambles His Way Through Debate After Week of Rest and Prep


Source: breitbart.com


  •   Rules will be similar to the Rules of my Debate with Sleepy Joe, who has been treated horribly by his Party – BUT WITH A FULL ARENA AUDIENCE!….

  •   is! Nevertheless, different Candidate or not, their bad Policies are the same, and this will be strongly revealed at the September 4th Debate. I look forward to meeting and debating Kamala Harris on September 4th. This date is convenient and appropriate in that it is just prior to the September 6th start of Early Voting in the 2024 Presidential Election. I look forward to seeing everyone on September 4th, in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!


Kamala Harris Refuses Fox News Sept. 4 Debate with Donald Trump in Pennsylvania

  • President Joe Biden and Trump previously agreed to debate on September 10, but after Biden dropped out of the race, Steven Cheung, Trump’s campaign communications director, said on July 25 the event was scuttled.
  • “[It] would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds,” he said at the time.

Source: breitbart.com


  •   falsely claimed Trump “raped” E. Jean Carroll. There is a legal conflict of interest, and ABC have proven they are hostile towards Trump. If the debate is on ABC, all the questions will be just like the ones shown in the video below, combative and designed to smear Trump. Trump already did his debate in enemy territory on CNN, now it’s time for the Dems to come onto Trump’s turf on Fox News.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.184

Sep 4 2018 20:48:06 (EST)



A Week to Remember.



  •  even want to debate me on September 4th. Like Sleepy Joe before her, she can’t put two sentences together!!!

  •  Environmental Destruction of our Country, the Afghanistan Embarrassment, Runaway Inflation, Terrible Economy, High Interest Rates and Taxes, and her years long fight to stop the words, “Merry Christmas.” I’ll see her on September 4th or, I won’t see her at all. She is acknowledged to be the Worst Vice President in History, which works very nicely against the Worst President, Crooked Joe Biden. The combination of these two Low IQ individuals have destroyed our Country, but we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

  unable to put two sentences together. She can’t, and besides, we just got finished with that — His name is Sleepy Joe Biden!


Chinese National Arrested After Repeatedly Trying to Get Into Mar-a-Lago — Claims to Possess Documents Linking Chinese Government to July 13 Assassination Attempt

  • A Chinese national was arrested after multiple attempts to breach the security of Mar-a-Lago, the private club and residence of former President Donald Trump.
  • The suspect, Zijie Li, 38, of El Monte, California, claimed to possess documents implicating the Chinese government in a recent assassination attempt on Trump.
  • WPTV reported that Li first attempted to enter Mar-a-Lago on July 19, around 8 p.m., driving a Toyota Prius. Secret Service agents stopped him at the main gate.

  • Li alleged he had critical information connecting China to an assassination attempt on the former president and insisted on handing over the documents. However, the Secret Service informed him that he was trespassing and prohibited from leaving any materials.

  • WATCH:


Source: thegatewaypundit.com






Seven EU countries call on Venezuela to release electoral rolls from disputed presidential vote

  • Seven EU countries including France, Germany and Spain have called on Venezuela to publish the electoral rolls from last week’s presidential election after President Nicolas Maduro was declared the winner despite independent tallies showing the opposition candidate won more votes.

  • Seven European Union countries, including ItalyFranceGermany and Spain have jointly called on the Venezuelan authorities to promptly publish the electoral rolls to ensure full transparency around last weekend’s election, the Italian prime minister’s office said on Saturday.

Source: france24.com

RED ALERT: Ninth Circuit Appeals Court BLOCKS Arizona’s Proof of Citizenship Requirement to Vote – Case Will Be Sent to U.S. Supreme Court

  • On August 1, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit overturned a prior decision that required proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. This ruling, which was decided in a narrow 2-1 vote, now allows individuals to register to vote using a state form, without having to provide citizenship documentation for federal positions such as President and Congress.
  • The law, enacted by Arizona’s Republican-led Legislature in 2022, was designed to prevent non-citizens from voting by mandating proof of citizenship if registering to vote with the state. The initial emergency stay, issued on July 18 by a different Ninth Circuit panel, had supported this requirement.
  • The Ninth Circuit’s recent decision further dismantles the already fragile safeguards meant to protect our elections. Previously, while federal ballots could be exploited due to a lack of citizenship proof, there was at least some measure of security through state forms. Now, with both federal and state registration forms free from proof of citizenship, it’s even easier for noncitizens to cast ballots in federal elections. This ruling not only weakens Arizona’s attempts to ensure election integrity but also represents a troubling regression in our efforts to maintain genuine voter authenticity.
  • In other words, they didn’t even need this ruling to circumvent the previous ruling. This is akin to purely just rubbing it in. As Arizona State Senate President Warren Petersen put it, this is ‘judicial warfare’ meant to circumvent the will of the American people. They plan to send the case to the Supreme Court for appeal.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

  •   win.” Then he won, he was happy, and his wife said, “Thank you Sir, we’ll never be able to make it up to you!” Now she says she won’t Endorse me, and is going to “write in Brian Kemp’s name.” Well, I don’t want her Endorsement, and I don’t want his. They’re the ones who got Fani Willis and her boyfriend all “jazzed up” and ready to go. He could have ended that travesty with a phone call, but he doesn’t want to end it because he’s a bad guy….



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