X22 Report

X22 Report

[DS] Border Agenda Is Falling Apart, Presidential Immunity Comes Into Focus, Boomerang – Ep. 3276

February 06, 2024

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[DS] Border Agenda Is Falling Apart, Presidential Immunity Comes Into Focus, BoomerangClick On Picture To See Larger PictureGermany is now feeling the pain, they have been pushing the green new scam and its taking its toll on the economy and Germany is becoming less competitive. Layoffs are accelerating and soon the people are really going to feel the pain. The [CB] is ready to go all out to prop up Biden for the election, this will fail, they can’t hide whats really happening. The [DS] border agenda is falling apart, the people are not buying what they are selling. The [DS] tried to push a cheating system and blame of the border on Trump and Republicans, this has failed. The Appeals court ruled that Trump does not have immunity. Now the [DS] will push everything they have. Trump will appeal the case to the SC. By removing immunity this opens up all the other Presidents, they have already committed crimes and Trump has all the information on them. Get ready for the boomerang.


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Bank Of America Is Breaking Its Promise To Not Finance New Coal Projects

  • Prior to that, in 2021, it had said it “will not directly finance new thermal coal mines or the expansion of existing mines” or “petroleum exploration or production activities in the Arctic” and that it would not  “directly finance the construction or expansion of new coal-fired power plants, including refinancing recently constructed plants”.
  •  Bank of America is now doubling back on statements it once made about no longer investing in new coal mines.
  • The bank had won the favor of climate activists about two years ago, a report from the NY Times this weekend wrote, for saying it wouldn’t finance new coal mines or coal burning power plants.
  • Now, the bank has backtracked and said such projects would simply be subjected to “enhanced due diligence”.

  • Climate activist Lucie Pinson told the NY Times:  “Bank of America is sending a message to its clients that it’s OK to take up new fossil-fuel assets. We should have stopped developing such assets years ago.”

Source: zerohedge.com


  • – Snap to cut 10%
  • – Estee Lauder to cut 3-5%
  • Layoff announcements in the U.S now total +82,000 in January.
  • This is the 2nd HIGHEST layoff total and the lowest planned hiring level for the month of January in data going back to the pandemic.
  • But who cares, as long as the government employment data keeps looking rosy.
  • Everything is fine.



Alan Winston Filion Created a Website and Was Selling His Swatting Services Online to Radical Leftists Where They Could Purchase His Swat for a Fee

  • California teen Alan Filion, a 17-year-old from California, was arrested and is now facing legal repercussions in Florida for his alleged involvement in a series of dangerous swatting incidents across the United States.
  • Teen swatter Alan winson Filion was selling his services online to radical leftists for a fee.

  • FOX 35 reported, “The teen’s arrest affidavit states that he has been offering to treat this like a job since 2021, offering to make swatting calls for money all over the country. Investigators captured an online post they said Filion made, offering to call 911 about a gas leak or fire for $40 or make a mass shooting or bomb threat for $75.”
  • Approximately 30 politicians, journalists, and other political figures have swatted in America since November.

  • F 

  • OHOUR: The reason why victims of Alan Winston Filion are not being contacted is because of his accomplices.
    They have to build a case for each person who purchased the service.
    They then send it to the grand jury for charging.
    These cases are serious like 30 years in prison serious.
    They have to confiscate their devices one by one and trace their activity.
    Think of it like a terror network at the point.  

Source: thegatewaypundit.com



  • roam our country. Biden is allowing dangerous criminals to endanger our children.

Republicans call to remove NYC’s Sanctuary City laws after an assault on cops

  • The NYPD commissioner declared Monday that the city has a problem with crimes committed by migrants, hours after Mayor Eric Adams pushed back on Republican lawmakers who spent the morning trashing New York’s “sanctuary city” laws.
  • The drama capped a week of tension, as New York leaders retreated to their political corners after an assault on two police officers in crowded Times Square was caught on camera in a video that went viral on social media.
  • Rep. Nicole Malliotakis pointed to the Jan. 27 assault of the officers, allegedly by a group of men seeking asylum, to argue that New York City should start aiding federal immigration officials in deportations.

Source: politico.com


 basically have to be a convicted axe murderer to be deported! That’s because every deportation is a lost vote.




SHOCKER: Mitch McConnell Urges GOP Senators to Block Border Bill, Citing “Political Mood in the Country Has Changed” Rather Than Flaws in Legislation

  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has advised GOP senators to block the motion to proceed with the border security bill during a Wednesday vote, as reported by Punchbowl News.
  • This development comes after closed-door meetings where McConnell emphasized a “change” in the political climate as a rationale for opposing the bill negotiated by Senator Lankford.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com



Beyond a Hot Mess – McConnell Retreats from Support of Border Deal, Lankford May Vote Against His Own Legislation

  •   The bill is so bad, and makes things so much worse, that James Lankford may end up voting against his own legislative creation.
  • Making matters worse, Mitch McConnell is now pretending the entire fiasco wasn’t his idea, further leaving James Lankford out to dry on his own.

Source: theconservativetreehouse.com

Geopolitical/Police State





Cyber Attacks

False Flags



Republicans in Congress to Introduce Legislation – Will Reaffirm President Trump Did Not Lead an Insurrection and Will Reject Big Lie of the Left (VIDEO) 

Source: thegatewaypundit.com



  •   private flights, according to a report by far-left outlet, The Daily Beast.
  • The news that Sinema spent taxpayer funds on flights comes after she was previously accused in an official complaint of using campaign resources to live a lavish lifestyle, including $180,000 on hotel stays at at least 17 luxury resorts, as well as expenses for trips to wineries, high-end restaurants, and travel.
  • While Sinema has held her silence on whether she will seek reelection this year, the former Democrat just saw her worst fundraising quarter in three years, generating further skepticism that she will enter the race.


US Presidents’ Approval Ratings In Their Third Year Since WWII

  • This graphic shows approval ratings for first-term U.S. presidents in their third year – and whether or not they were re-elected – based on data from Gallup.

Source: zerohedge.com

Trump Says Biden Should Debate Him ‘Now’: ‘For The Good Of The Country’ 

  • Former President Donald Trump said Monday he wants a debate with President Joe Biden months ahead of the end of the primary season and the start of the general election.

  • “He can’t do it, because he can’t talk. He can’t do anything. He’s ruining our country. And I don’t think he’s going to run — I don’t know if it’s donors or otherwise. It might be his family, it might be something,” said Trump, according to the New York Post. “I’d like to debate him now because we should debate for the good of the country.”

Source: dailywire.com

Judge Chutkan Suggests Trump’s Trial in Jack Smith DC Case Could Extend Through Late Summer and Into General Election

  • Judge Tanya Chutkan  suggested Trump’s trial in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s DC case could extend into late summer and possibly into the general election.
  • Chutkan made the remarks in a conference for another case, according to Politico.
  • Excerpt from Politico:

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

  •   a Political Weapon used for Election Interference. Even our Elections will be corrupted and under siege. So bad, and so dangerous for our Nation. SAVE PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY!



  •   was headed up by my friend Ronna McDaniel. Ronna is now Head of the RNC, and I’ll be making a decision the day after the South Carolina Primary as to my recommendations for RNC Growth.


MONUMENTAL RULING FOR ELECTION INTEGRITY: First Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Voter Rolls are Public Records and Election Officials Cannot Hide Them from the Public

  • The Public Interest Legal Foundation secured a landmark case on Monday in the First Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • The Court ruled that under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) Maine’s voter roll is a public record and election officials cannot hide the information from the public.
  • George Behizy posted this from the ruling,



  •   the evaluation of voter registration rolls would be impossible if the results of Maine’s voter list registration and maintenance activities were not subject to public disclosure. For the above reasons, Maine’s Voter File is a record concerning the implementation of programs and activities conducted for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy and currency of official lists of eligible voters and is thus subject to disclosure under Section 8.” 
Source: thegatewaypundit.com



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