X22 Report

X22 Report

The Start, Epstein Narrative Established, Crimes Against Children Unite All Humanity – Ep. 3250

January 04, 2024

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The green new scam is dying a slow death, the policies that Biden put into place are backfiring, it’s almost like Obamacare. The indicators are now pointing to a recession, most likely the country is already in a recession and this goes along of what Trump has been saying since last year. The Epstein files have been released, this is not the client list, this is the testimony of Virginia Giuffre. This is just the start, the Epstein narrative has now been established, these are crumbs and the people need time to digest the information. The [DS] dropped the information at the same time released the election interference documents, coincidence, I think not. Navarro is now predicting that Michelle Obama will replace Biden. The stage is being set, Crimes against children unite all of humanity.


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Only 13 EVs Now Eligible For $7,500 Tax Credit Due To New Biden Admin Rules

  • Just as EV demand appeared to be nearing super-saturation, incentives for buying electric vehicles are starting to fall by the wayside.
  • There are now just 13 EV models that are eligible for a consumer tax credit of as much as $7,500 thanks to new Biden administration rules that took effect on January 1, according to Bloomberg
  • Previously, the number had stood closer to 24 models, but for the new year the tax credit excludes vehicles that use battery components manufactured by Chinese companies, the report says. 
  • “Automakers are adjusting their supply chains to ensure buyers continue to be eligible for the new clean vehicle credit, partnering with allies and bringing jobs and investment back to the United States,” said Treasury Department spokeswoman Ashley Schapitl.
  • She also commented that some companies were still in the process of submitted data to see if they qualify for the credit. 
  • Last month, the Treasury Department announced rules targeting battery components made by companies under Chinese jurisdiction or with at least 25% Chinese government ownership, the report says. 
  • These regulations, expanding in 2025 to include suppliers of essential battery materials like nickel and lithium, are part of President Joe Biden’s climate law, influenced by Senator Joe Manchin.

Source: zerohedge.com


Claims Data Confirm Receding Recession Risk

  • Claims data just released imply an economy with few signs of an imminent recession.
  • The rise in yields is consistent with this outlook, although the Fed’s altered reaction function remains most pivotal for them.

  • When a rising percentage of states are seeing their claims – initial or continuing – notably weaken on an annual basis, this is very a reliable sign of an imminent recession.
  • This cycle, state claims were an indication that a downturn was on its way, but the measure has now decisively fallen back below the recession threshold — similarly for continuing claims.

  • Recession risk is likely to mount as the year wears on, as the cumulative impact of higher rates increasingly bites.
  •  .





New Hampshire Republicans Seek to Ban Illegal Aliens from Driving in State

  • Republican legislators in New Hampshire are hoping to pass legislation that would invalidate driver’s licenses issued to illegal aliens in other states, including in neighboring Massachusetts.
  • Eight Republican state senators and two state representatives have issued legislation that would ensure illegal aliens, even if they have driver’s licenses from other states, are not eligible to drive in New Hampshire. The legislation reads:
  • Any person who holds a driver license that is of a class of licenses issued by another state exclusively to undocumented immigrants who are unable to prove lawful presence in the United States when the licenses are issued, the driver license, or other permit purporting to authorize the holder to operate a motor vehicle on public roadways, is invalid in this state and does not authorize the holder to operate a motor vehicle in this state.
  • Those illegal aliens caught driving in New Hampshire would be charged with a misdemeanor under the bill.
  • The legislation comes as Massachusetts, last year, began issuing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Massachusetts voters, in late 2022, approved a law that gave state officials the authority to begin signing illegal aliens up for driver’s licenses.
  • Likewise, in Rhode Island, illegal aliens are now eligible for “driver’s privilege cards” which allow them to legally drive throughout the state.

Source: breitbart.com

“The Democrat Party is Done in Chicago and That’s a Fact” – Black Chicagoans Vow to Flip Chicago Red for 2024 Election Over Migrant Crisis – Want to Meet with Trump (VIDEO)

  • Activist Mark Carter vows to flip Chicago red for 2024. Chicagoans want a meeting with Trump.
  • Recently the African Diaspora News Channel (ADNC) spoke to Mark Carter who is begging Republican leaders to visit inner city Chicago and witness the burgeoning migrant crisis that is sucking resources away from native Chicagoans who are suffering under Joe Biden’s policies.
  • Mark Carter believes 2024 is the time for Republicans and Trump to flip Chicago red.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Trump World Hits Nikki Haley Over Resurfaced Clip Of Her Telling Americans Not To Call Illegal Immigrants ‘Criminals’

  • Former President Donald Trump’s super political action committee is circulating a previous clip of then-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley arguing against calling illegal immigrants “criminals.”
  • The former governor took part in a panel conversation with other Republican governors at The Aspen Institute in 2015, where they took questions from the audience and moderator over various topics, one of which being illegal immigration. While Haley has vowed to crack down on illegal immigration through a “catch and deport” policy as part of her campaign platform, during the 2015 clip she urged Americans not to call illegal immigrants “criminals.”

Source: dailycaller.com


  •   to nullify the law.
  • The only time Joe Biden takes action on the invasion is to block states from stopping it.

  • Now think about what is happening and going to back to Nazi Germany, Germany wanted all the nations to change, the invaded each nation. The same people who started WWII knew that invasion wasn’t going to work, so they created a new plan with a different group, infiltrate and destroy the countries from within and the same time.

  • prefers to continue to deal with Biden, whom he views as a considerably weaker president than Trump.


  • Very Accurate 93.1%
    Somewhat Accurate 4.6%
  • Not Very Accurate 0.7%
  • Not At All Accurate


Bill Introduced in House Calls for US to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange 

  • A resolution introduced in the House last month calls for the US to drop the charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who faces up to 175 years in prison if extradited to the US and convicted for journalism that exposed US war crimes.
  • The bill, introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), expresses “the sense of the House of Representatives that regular journalistic activities, including the obtainment and publication of information, are protected under the First Amendment and that the federal government should drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange.”

Source: news.antiwar.com














Epstein Docs put Glenn and Eva Dubin Back on the Spotlight – Former Butler Rizzo’s deposition Tells of Terrified ‘Abducted’ Girl and Underage Girls in a ‘Kissing Game’

  • Eva dated Epstein in the 1980s for 11 years, Glenn is accused of having sex with girls from his trafficking ring – the couple has consistently denied all accusations.

    But arguably some of the most damning content I’ve bumped into so far – the journey through the documents is only starting – deals with a previously known secondary character, Rinaldo Rizzo.

  • Rizzo was an ‘estate manager’ – a glorified butler, it seems – for Glenn Dubin and Eva Anderson Dubin, a billionaire couple that were friends of Maxwell and Epstein, and are meaningful characters in this whole saga.

  • He  is (or was) the keeper of many secrets from the Dubins, so much so that he sued his former bosses in 2013, and got a confidential settlement agreement, receiving an undisclosed  sum of money in the process.

  • To begin with, Rizzo testified about an episode where Ghislaine Maxwell and Sarah Kellen had threatened a terrified 15 year old Sweedish girl that they brought with them to Dubin’s house. The girls alleged that they confiscated her passport, in order to make her have sex with Jeffrey Epstein back on his ‘Pedophile island’.
  • At some point the hostess Eva, who is also Swedish by birth, talks to her in their native tongue, and tells her to go sit in a stool in the kitchen, away from the group. That’s when Rizzo talks to her.
  • “Q. How old was this girl?
  • Rizzo: 15 years old.
  • Q. What did she say?
  • Rizzo: She proceeds to tell my wife and I that, and this is not – this is blurting out, not a conversation like I’m having a casual conversation, that quickly: ‘I was on an island, I was on the island and there was Ghislaine, there was Sarah, she said they asked me for sex, I said no’…
  • In his deposition, Rizzo also testified about another episode – that I had never read before – where Maxwell “gave instructions to, and presided over, a group of eleven girls as young as 14 years old playing a ‘kissing game’ with and for Jeffrey Epstein.


  • Rizzo: I showed Ghislaine and Jeffrey into the living room, and Ghislaine was the one that instructed the girls, pointing that they needed to come to the living room.
  • Q. What happens next?
  • Rizzo: Nothing I would want my children to see. The girls were grinding on each other, lifting up their tops, it was very inappropriate.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com



  • “Epstein forced then-minor Jane Doe #3 to have sexual relations with former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, a close friend of Epstein’s and well-known criminal defense attorney.”

Jimmy Kimel was also named in the docs where he visited Jeffery Epsteins place, plus Jimmy was friends with Jeffery Epsteins person chef



  • Prince Andrew, model scout Jean-Luc Brunel and computer scientist Marvin Minsky. Release the name.



Anybody know where the ME TO Movement is, why aren’t they protesting against all these individuals


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 46cb93 No.5182398
Feb 14 2019 23:46:33 (EST)

Chatter – Bill & Hillary’s ‘public’ health will begin to rapidly deteriorate.



Gross. NBC News Covers for Bill Clinton Even After Documents Show “Doe 36” Liked the Young Girls on Epstein Island (VIDEO)

  •  The mainstream media is now openly defending the alleged child sex abusers.
  • The anchor on NBC News defended Bill Clinton on Wednesday night after legal documents were released that show he likes young girls on Epstein Island.
  • NBC Hews host: I should mention, none of this obviously suggests any wrongdoing by the former president suggests that he was involved in a crime. It’s merely talking about his connections to Epstein, something that has already, again, been out there. But he has obviously maintained his innocence and denied any wrongdoing as it relates to any abuse by people that Epstein exploited.
  • They’re defending the perpetrators. They really have no shame!


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

REVEALED: Epstein Documents CONFIRM Donald Trump NEVER Went to Epstein Homes or Pedo Island – Never Had Contact with Witness 

  • What we learned–

Donald Trump was completely cleared by a victim during her witness testimony.

Here is the full document page.

The victim also said she never massaged Donald Trump.

This comes from page 113 of document 1320-12.

  • The Gateway Pundit first reported on this revelation in August 2019.
  • Over two thousand court previously sealed court documents involving the Jeffrey Epstein child sex abuse case were released at the time.

  • According to one document Bill Clinton held a private party on Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island.
  • According to Mike Cernovich:


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 04cbbc No.10351616
Aug 19 2020 21:29:19 (EST)
Epstein island.

Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]?

Unique skill sets of Maxwell?

Submarine pilot [unusual]?

Helicopter pilot?

What benefit might that serve?

  • Democrat Senator George Mitchell and Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (Democrat) were also named in the documents.
  • And despite the constant fake news by the liberal media that Trump was a top client of the convicted pedophile — the 2019 court documents completely clear Donald Trump.
  • Zero Hedge reported:

Following a 2011 article by journalist Sharon Churcher claiming that Donald Trump was a “good friend of Jeffrey’s,” Guiffre was asked to clarify Churcher’s possible misquote that Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s,” and that Trump “Didn’t partake in any” of — “any sex with any of us but he flirted with me.” 

It’s true that he didn’t partake in any sex with us, and but it’s not true that he flirted with me. Donald Trump never flirted with me,” said Guiffre.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com




  • from these pathetic scumbags in the media is absolutely disgraceful.







Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8698f1 No.9833969
Jul 2 2020 20:59:41 (EST)




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192505
Oct 21 2020 13:41:31 (EST)



Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.



Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths.



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No.127154
Dec 19 2017 18:00:02 (EST)
We won’t telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.

We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922343
Apr 6 2018 14:27:43 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 1e1537 No.922280
Apr 6 2018 14:24:13 (EST)

How soon?


We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics.

We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves.


HUNDREDS more documents naming pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s associates are due to be released in the coming days and weeks after Judge Loretta Preska’s ruling

  • Reports suggest that more people from inside Jeffrey Epstein’s inner circle will be unmasked in the coming days  

Source: dailymail.co.uk


Geopolitical/Police State


Taiwan Spots Chinese Balloons near Island Military Base

  • The Taiwanese Defense Ministry tracked four Chinese balloons passing over the Taiwan Strait on Monday and Tuesday. Three of the balloons passed over the center of Taiwan Island, coming fairly close to the airbase at Ching Chuan Kang before disappearing.
  • Taiwan detected several Chinese balloons passing over the Taiwan Strait last month, but none of those balloons flew directly over the island as Tuesday’s flights did.
  • The Taiwanese Defense Ministry declined an opportunity to state for the record whether it believed the new balloons were surveillance platforms, weather balloons, or something else. The ministry said that it “closely monitors” all objects entering Taiwanese airspace and “appropriately responds” to each incursion.

Source: breitbart.com

Blasts kill nearly 100 at slain commander Soleimani’s memorial

Iran vows revenge for deadliest attack since Islamic Revolution

  • Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards and First Vice-President Mohammad Mokhber vowed revenge on Thursday for explosions that killed nearly 100 people at a ceremony to commemorate top commander Qassem Soleimani, who was killed by a U.S. drone in 2020 in Iraq.
  • A very strong retaliation will be handed to them on the hands of the soldiers of Soleimani,” Mokhber told reporters at a hospital where some of the wounded were receiving treatment for the bloodiest attack since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

  • In 2022, the Sunni Muslim militant group Islamic State claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a Shia shrine in Iran which killed 15 people.

Source: cbc.ca

Islamic State claims responsibility for deadly Iran attack, Tehran vows revenge

  • Islamic State claims responsibility for two blasts
  • Elite Revolutionary Guards join calls for revenge
  • Crowds chant slogans against U.S. and Israel
  • Funerals, mass protests planned on Friday

Source: reuters.com


  •   both ISIS and al-Qaeda is Sunni Terrorist outfit and the former is a break-away group of the latter.
  • According to Iranian government estimates, Muslims constitute 99.4 percent of the population, of whom 90 to 95 percent are Shia, and 5 to 10 percent are Sunni.

Cyber Attacks

False Flags


Michelle Obama White House ‘coup’ likely underway, Peter Navarro says

  • Former Trump administration adviser Peter Navarro claims a “coup” is underway to put former First Lady Michelle Obama in the White House, replacing President Joe Biden on the November ballot.
  • Navarro warns that all signs point to Biden being replaced as the Democrats’ 2024 candidate. The media is quick to write off Navarro’s warning as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s obvious Biden is not the best choice Democrats have for 2024 — and they know it.


  • The former adviser claims that Biden will be forced to step down and will walk away with a storied legacy as well as pardons to keep himself and his family out of prison.

Source:  bizpacreview.com 

Trump Moves To Hold Jack Smith In Contempt Of Court

  •   Trump suggested   that the district court hold special counsel Jack Smith and other prosecutors in contempt for violating its order, arguing that Smith is using the docket as an “arm of the Biden Campaign.”
  • District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan paused proceedings in the former president’s 2020 election case Dec. 13, pending the appeal of her decision not to dismiss his case based on presidential immunity. Yet Smith has continued to file documents on the suspended deadlines, which Trump’s lawyers alleged in a 15-page filing violates the court’s “clear, straightforward, and unambiguous” stay order.
  • “In this manner, the prosecutors seek to weaponize the Stay to spread political propaganda, knowing that President Trump would not fully respond because the Court relieved him of the burdens of litigation during the Stay,” they wrote. “Worse, the prosecutors have announced their intention to continue this partisan-driven misconduct indefinitely, effectively converting this Court’s docket into an arm of the Biden Campaign.”
  • Trump’s lawyers asked the court Thursday to issue an order requiring prosecutors to show why they should not be held in contempt and be required to withdraw their filings, as well as provide “monetary sanctions in the amount of President Trump’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in responding to the prosecutors’ improper productions.”

Source: dailycaller.com

Clinton-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Ballot Disqualification Case ‘With Prejudice’ 

  • A plaintiff attempted to argue that they suffered “emotional injury” due to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and watched the events unfold on television, on the radio, and in various publications. They then argued that the incident caused them “severe emotional distress” and then filed a lawsuit to keep the former president from California’s ballots.
  • But the judge wrote that because the events occurred “more than two years before the plaintiff” filed suit, it was outside of the two-year statute of limitations.
  • A federal judge in California dismissed a lawsuit that sought to keep former President Donald Trump off the Republican primary ballot.
  • On Wednesday, [Clinton appointed] District Judge David Carter granted a motion to dismiss the lawsuit “with prejudice,” which means that it can’t be submitted to the same court again, according to court papers.

Source: zerohedge.com

‘Transparency’ group behind Trump ballot removal effort has long relied on left-wing dark money 

  • A left-wing “watchdog” group behind the Colorado Supreme Court’s unprecedented move to kick former President Donald Trump off the state’s 2024 primary election ballot has long pocketed wads of dark money despite assailing secretive donations in the political system, documents show.
  • \
  • CREW is a left-wing, billionaire-funded dark money organization pushing a political agenda masquerading as an independent, nonpartisan nonprofit group,” Mike Davis,
  • The dark money transfers highlight how organizations trying to block Trump’s potential return to the presidency, including CREW, Free Speech for People, and Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, are deeply connected to Democratic-allied entities promoting President Joe Biden‘s agenda.

Source: washingtonexaminer.com


  . . .’ It does not list the presidency. Moreover, it lists offices in descending order, beginning with the highest federal officers and progressing to the catch-all term “any office, civil or military, under the United States.” Thus, to find that section 3 includes the presidency, one must conclude that the drafters decided to bury the most visible and prominent national office in a catch-all term that includes low ranking military officers, while choosing to explicitly reference presidential electors. This reading defies common sense and is not correct.”




  •  another 11 hypothetical electoral votes to Trump. In Philadelphia alone, 1,100 mules averaged 50 drop box visits giving us 275,000 suspect votes which would flip the Pennsylvania result to Trump, giving him another 20 electoral votes. ‘Shockingly, even this narrow way of looking at just our 2,000 mules in these swing states gives Trump the win with 279 electoral votes to Biden’s 259,’ says D’Souza.”

  especially among those who cast mail-in ballots.” heartland.org/opinion/heartlan

DEVELOPING: Multiple Shooting Victims Reported at High School in Small Town Perry, Iowa – Ambulance, Police, and Firefighters Swarm Scene (VIDEO)

  • Perry, Iowa – A horrific act of senseless violence occurred at a high school in a small Iowa town Thursday.
  • As NBC News reported, there is an active shooter investigation at Perry High School in Perry, Iowa happening now.
  • Perry is a town of less than 8,000 people located about 25 miles from Des Moines, Iowa. Perry High School is part of the Perry Community School District which serves approximately 1,785 students.

  •  VIDEO:

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

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