X22 Report

X22 Report

Trump Confirms The [DS] Plan To Cheat In The Election, Scavino Sends A Message – Ep. 3247

December 31, 2023

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The people now see the green new deal is a scam, look at the actions of the people telling you to sacrifice.Trump was right China is going to be the leader in automobile manufacturing if we follow the [WEF] agenda. Trump warns that a market crash is coming and a 1929 depression. The [DS] is doing everything in their power to cheat. They are pushing the plandemic in the blue states but it will not be enough. The people are not buying it, the cheating will be difficult that is why they are bringing the illegals into the country to try to make up the people they are losing. Trump confirms the [DS] plan to rig the 2024 election. Scavino sends a message, at dawn we win.


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  It was never about the climate. It’s about control and global totalitarianism.

China to become world’s largest automobile exporter – data

  • China is on track to become the world’s top car exporter this year for the first time ever, Nikkei Asia reported on Friday, citing preliminary data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM).
  • Statistics show the country exported 4.41 million automobiles from January through November, up 58% from the same period in 2022. China thus overtook former export leader Japan, whose full-year total is expected to be around 4.3 million. According to the report, the last time Japan dropped from the top spot was in 2016, when it was surpassed by Germany.
  • “China aims to become an automotive powerhouse, and sees the global shift to EVs (electric vehicles) as a way to achieve that goal,” Nikkei wrote.
  • The report pointed out that the surge in Chinese exports to Russia followed the exodus of Japanese and Western automakers from its market amid new sanctions. CAAM statistics show that China exported 730,000 vehicles to Russia in the January-October period, seven times as many as a year earlier. Chery Automobile and Great Wall Motor reportedly exported mostly gasoline-powered cars to the country, including midsize and large sport utility vehicles (SUVs).
  • Mexico was the second-largest export market, with the volume of Chinese cars there soaring 71% to 330,000 units. “Chinese automakers are looking to build a customer base in the country to serve as a foothold for an eventual expansion into the US and Canadian markets,” Nikkei wrote.

Source: rt.com

Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset 

  • A friend got a rental of a Tesla over the holidays. It’s undoubtedly the industry standard for EVs and a complete blast to drive. The problem: It’s not a practical car at all. He was driving in the cold, and the car was nearly drained after two hours. Searching for a charge was no easy task. The first one didn’t work. The second one stated that it would be charged in 10 hours, which he didn’t have. The third one charged in one hour but that was a full hour wasted.
  • His conclusion: This is indeed a glorified golf cart designed to keep you at home and under the thumb of the manufacturer. And this is just a test. The repairs are worse. Keep in mind that this is the best the industry has to offer. The other manufacturers of these things make products not nearly as high-rated, which is why so many of them are sitting on lots unsold and why orders for the machines are plummeting.
  • It seems like the EV craze has peaked already. Growth in gas cars is now far higher than electrics, flipping a trend from 12 months ago. Finally, consumers are figuring it out. This is a good second car, provided you’re driving in your own town, you have a hook-up at home and can charge it overnight, and you don’t suddenly have to go out of town. It’s a toy, sometimes a fun one, but not a real car. For that, you need gas.
  • The idea that this car is going to transition the United States to “clean energy” is absurd. If every car were electric, the grid would crash and rationing would be the norm. And maybe that’s the whole point. You drive only with permission. Nothing about your transportation is within your control. Authorities will decide everything for you. It’s a perfect strategy for creating a society of dependents.
  • Fortunately, consumers aren’t playing along.

Source: zerohedge.com




Exclusive — Donald Trump: ‘Depression Like 1929’ Looms if ‘I Don’t Win’

  •   Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively on Thursday evening that if he does not win the 2024 presidential election, he expects the nation’s economy will spiral into a “depression” like the 1929 “Great Depression.”

source: breitbart.com



DOJ accused of covering for ‘deep state’ by not holding second SBF trial on illegal political donations: ‘Disgrace’

  • The decision to avoid a second trial charging Sam Bankman-Fried with a conspiracy to make unlawful political donations and bribery of foreign officials has many conservatives up in arms.
  • Federal prosecutors said Friday that they do not plan to proceed with a second trial against Sam Bankman-Fried, citing public interest in a speedy resolution of the case that has seemingly irritated those who were hoping to see the disgraced FTX founder prosecuted to the fullest extent.

  • The decision by prosecutors not to hold a second trial against Bankman-Fried quickly drew backlash from those who had followed the case.
  • “So we won’t know which politicians he bribed or who’s campaigns he influenced? That collective sigh of relief you are hearing is from the DEEP STATE,” Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., wrote in a Friday night post to X.



Source: nypost.com





Chicago Shifts $95M in Federal COVID-19 Relief Funds to Illegal Housing Costs


  • Now, Johnson’s top aides have announced the city will shift $95 million in COVID-19 relief funds to cover some of the costs of sheltering thousands of illegals coming to the city. 
  • The Chicago Sun-Times reports:


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

California to Become First State to Give Illegal Aliens Taxpayer-Funded Health Insurance

  • California will become the first state in the nation to give illegal aliens taxpayer-funded health insurance.
  • Beginning on January 1, over 700,000 illegal aliens between the ages of 26 and 49 will be eligible for benefits, according to a report from ABC News — but all ages will be accepted.
  • Medi-Cal, the state version of the low-income federal Medicaid program, will cover the healthcare costs for foreign nationals.
  • ABC News reports:

Source: thegatewaypundit.com



Geopolitical/Police State

San Francisco Boasted They Would Hire Thousands Of Sacked Twitter Employees – It Didn’t Happen

  •   In November of 2022 San Francisco Mayor London Breed attempted to stick it to Musk when she announced that the city would offer 4800 vacant positions to the fired “Tweeps” (Twitter employees).
  • It’s not surprising that the city government believed thousands of activist managers and censors would find easy homes within the local bureaucracy, but the purpose of the Mayor’s offer was more likely to send a message.  What was the message?  That leftists will be protected from the consequences of their decisions and behavior.  If they are ever made to reap the whirlwind, the hive will respond and ensure that they fail upwards; that they are granted more favors and more benefits to offset what few punishments they might endure.

  • As it turned out, the mass job offer for fired Tweeps was nothing more than a virtue signal.
  • It’s been over a year since the San Francisco Mayor claimed that the city could use 4800 tech workers in civic roles, yet, only 16 people have been hired by the city so far for those positions.  It is unknown if any of these people actually worked at Twitter previously.

Source: zerohedge.com


  much less convenient, environs. It should make where they are now the safest place on earth! DON’T MOVE THE FBI!




Pro-Palestinian Protesters Chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ At World Trade Center

  • At least a thousand anti-Israel demonstrators brought chaos to the World Trade Center on Thursday night, blocking exits and chanting “Allahu Akbar” and “intifada revolution,” according to videos posted on social media platform X.

The New York Post said protesters yelled, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a rallying cry for terrorist groups to wage war against Israel.



  • Let’s not forget this old Fox News clip that shows Palestinians celebrating the deaths of thousands of Americans on 9/11.

Source: zerohedge.com





False Flags

HERE WE GO: Los Angeles County Reinstates Mask Mandate for Healthcare Facilities Due to ‘Increase in Covid Hospitalizations’ 

  • Los Angeles health officials will use any excuse to bring back the oppressive COVID-era mandates.
  • Mask mandates are back in Los Angeles health facilities for patients, healthcare workers, and visitors beginning December 30th.

  • The L.A. Department of Health says an increase in COVID hospitalizations is the reason for the mandate’s return. 
  • Fox 11 reported:


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

COVID Mask Mandates Return Across US Hospitals

  • Hospitals in places across the United States have reimplemented mask mandates because of what officials say is an uptick in COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.

  • For example, the NYC Health + Hospitals—officially the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation that operates public hospitals and clinics in New York City—announced that mask mandates will be reimplemented at its hospitals. 

  • Other Mask Mandates
  • UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts, confirmed to local media that it would issue a monthlong mask requirement for its staff, effective on Jan. 2. Patients and visitors won’t be mandated to wear face coverings, however.
  • “These changes are expected to remain in effect for approximately one month, at which time they will be reevaluated based on current trends,” a spokesperson for the hospital said in the statement.“The health and wellbeing of our patients, visitors, and employees is our top priority.”
  • The Mass General Brigham health system in Massachusetts also announced that it’s reinstating masking requirements because of COVID-19.
  • “Our masking policies are based on the current respiratory illness rates in our communities,” Mass General  
  • Officials at Beacon Health System said Memorial Hospital and Elkhart General, located in South Bend, Indiana, are reimplementing masking requirements for visitors, patients, and staff, according to local reports. Earlier this month, several hospitals in Pittsburghhospitals in Boston, and UW Health hospitals in Illinois and Wisconsin also implemented mask requirements to varying degrees.
  • Multiple California counties across the Bay Area region had already imposed a mask mandate for staff; it started in November and will run until the end of spring because of a predicted rise in respiratory illnesses.
  • CDC Update

Source: zerohedge.com

‘Experts’ Say New COVID Strain Will Cause Global “Heart Failure Pandemic”

  • Scientists are warning that a new COVID strain will cause a global “heart failure pandemic,” prompting much skepticism.
  • A new strain known as JN.1 will cause many people to suffer from “reduced cardiac function,” according to the report.
  • “Japan’s top research institute Riken has now issued a warning in the new report, which states that the ACE2 receptors, which the coronavirus clings to within human cells, are ‘very common’ in the heart,” reports GB News.


Source: zerohedge.com
  • It will be easy to determine, watch, only those who received the bio weapon will have a heart problems, those who did not get the bioweapon will not. 



  •  Chris Steele’s “reporting.” Obama met with Comey in August 2016 to discuss the operation. He even greenlighted Comey and Clapper notifying Trump about the nonexistent pee tape and DNC/Clinton funded dossier when they met with Trump in Jan 2017. Legit seditious conspiracy

16 Former DC Officials, Including former Bushies, Bill Kristol, and Nutcase George Conway, Submit Brief to US Court of Appeals Arguing Against Immunity for Trump 

  • Bill Kristol, George Conway, Patrick Fitzgerald, and others send Trump-hating brief to Court of Appeals.
  • Sixteen former DC officials and “legal experts” submitted an amici curiae brief to the US Court of Appeals in President Trump’s immunity appeal, arguing against immunity for ex-presidents in criminal cases.
  • The list of attorneys includes former Bushies, turncoat Bill Kristol, Ty Cobb, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, a Mike Pence advisor, and unhinged nutcase George Conway.
  • Here are the so-called “principled Republican” experts who are sh*tting on Trump today:
  • Brad Berenson- Associate Counsel to George W. Bush
  • Gregory A. Brower – Appointed by George W Bush
  • Tom Campbell
  • Ty Cobb- Special Counsel to Trump
  • Tom Coleman
  • George T Conway III
  • John J Farmer – Assistant US Attorney for George HW Bush and Bill Clinton
  • Patrick J Fitzgerld – US Attorney appointed by George W Bush
  • William Kristol
  • Phillip Allen Lacovara – Deputy Solicitor General to Nixon
  • John McKay- US Attorney in Washington under George W Bush
  • Trevor Potter- Chairman of the Federal Election Commission (1994) appointed by George HW Bush
  • Claudine Schneider
  • Fern M Smith
  • Olivia Troye – Special Advisor, Homeland Security and Counterterrorism to Mike Pence
  • William F Weld
  • Patrick Fitzgerald is a former Special Counsel in the Valerie Plame Affair, where he indicted Scooter Libby, who President Trump pardoned.
  • Bill Kristol ran The Weekly Standard until he lost his mind, and his Trump hatred ran that quasi-conservative periodical into the dirt.
  • Olivia Troye was a special advisor to turncoat Mike Pence, who, we think, ran for president this year.

  • Skyrocketing Food Prices Are Prompting Many Americans to Stock Up on Long-Term Storage Beef

  • The amicus brief emphasizes that granting immunity to former presidents contradicts the Constitution and historical practice, arguing such immunity would violate the separation of powers and the principle of a peaceful transition of executive power.
  • It claims that the Constitution does not provide such immunity for former presidents, even for acts committed during their tenure.
  • Additionally, the brief calls for holding former officeholders accountable for wrongful actions, underscoring the necessity for adherence to professional obligations and the possibility of criminal prosecution for misconduct.
  • The brief also contends that even if limited immunity existed, it would not apply to the alleged actions of Trump.

 Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Trump doesn’t have immunity from Jan. 6 civil suit brought by U.S. Capitol Police officers, appeals court says

  •   A federal appeals court on Friday allowed a lawsuit brought by a group of U.S. Capitol Police officers against former President Donald Trump to move forward, ruling that Trump is not entitled to absolute immunity from civil lawsuits. The suit focuses on Trump’s alleged conduct surrounding the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol.
  • The three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit based its decision on a ruling in a separate case brought by two Capitol Police officers and a group of House Democrats that was handed down earlier this month. In its Dec. 1 opinion, the D.C. Circuit rejected Trump’s claim that he is shielded from civil liability because his alleged actions in connection to the Jan. 6 attack fell within the official functions of the presidency.

Source: cbsnews.com

Jack Smith Argues Granting Trump’s ‘Dangerous’ Immunity Claims Could Greenlight Presidential ‘Murder,’ Bribery

Source: dailycaller.com

  • My old friend and business partner, John Moynihan, filed a whistleblower complaint with the Department of Justice Inspector General’s Office on November 28 alleging that Jack Smith, the Special Prosecutor pursuing Donald Trump, was engaged in an extortion scheme while he was working at the International Court of Justice. It is no coincidence that Jack Smith, in the wake of that complaint, made an impromptu move on Monday (December 11) asking the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether Donald Trump had immunity to the charges filed by Smith. Moynihan’s complaint was filed on November 28, 2023 and Smith, 13 days later decides to bypass the Appeals Courts. Smells like politics.
  • The Moynihan complaint is political dynamite because it provides circumstantial evidence to support Donald Trump’s belief that Jack Smith is not only politically motivated but corrupt. The Trump team wisely has refrained from piling on this news in order to avoid accusations that this was a manufactured hit job.
  • Let’s start with the man who brought this complaint. John Francis Moynihan is a former employee of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) and has been my business partner since 1998. We have pursued separate activities over the last four years, but remain in close contact and work on projects from time to time. John is hands down the best expert in the world on money laundering and financial crimes. He lays out his credentials in the opening paragraph of the complaint:

  • I am currently a consultant to the DEA and other United States law enforcement agencies. I have thirty-five years expe1ience investigating domestic and international money laundering cases in both criminal and civil matters. The cases I have worked on involve complex domestic and international financial transactions and have resulted in indictments, plea agreements, criminal convictions, large scale seizures of money, and
    settlements in the billions of dollars. I continue to assist the Department of Justice and the Treasury Department in money laundering and other cases, some of which are currently ongoing.’ All of which is to say that I am a recognized expert in the areas of money laundering and financial investigations.
  • John learned of Jack Smith’s alleged involvement thanks to a tip from a friend and DEA Agent, who had a confidential informant, who alerted him to the extortion scheme at the ICJ (as stated in the complaint). 


Going Viral… New Evidence Suggests There Was Never Voting Machine Election Audit Performed in Georgia Following 2020 Election – Raffensperger Caught Again!

  • On November 17, 2020, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger made an announcement that an audit “using forensic techniques” was completed with “no sign of foul play” in the 2020 election. The statement previously appeared on the Secretary of State’s webpage and is still available via the Wayback Machine here.

  • Investigative journalist Kevin Moncla of the Election Oversight Group, and another individual began to send Open Records Requests from the counties that were allegedly “audited” back in 2022.  While Raffensperger’s statement says there were six counties “audited,” the Pro V&V memo only listed four:  Floyd County (Rome, GA), Douglas County (Douglasville, GA), Paulding County (Dallas, GA), and Cobb County (Marietta, GA).  The record requests asked for communications between the Secretary of State, the State Board of Elections, and Pro V&V, among other things.  The results were surprising.
  • Not one county had records affirming, or even suggesting, that Pro V&V did an audit of their equipment.



Source: thegatewaypundit.com








Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No.147181191
Oct 29 2017 23:26:53 (EST)
Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.

Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.



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