X22 Report

X22 Report

The Real Insurrectionist Are Now Being Exposed, Nobody Is Above The Law – Ep. 3241

December 21, 2023

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The Real Insurrectionist Are Now Being Exposed, Knock, Knock, It’s Time To Wake UpClick On Picture To See Larger Picture

Just like California, the people are leaving New York, these states will show the people why we shouldn’t follow the [CB]s plan. The people are struggling and Walmart just introduced another way for people to go further into debt, buy now pay later. Argentina has now moved to accept Bitcoin. The [DS] is so desperate that they are now expose themselves as the real insurrectionist. The [DS] does not care about optics and the patriots knew they would follow this path, from everything they did in the past to the present will be used against them. As they attack Trump the continue to chant nobody is above the law, this will be used against them in the end, there is no escape, no deals.


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Self-Checkout Kiosks At 4,500 Walmarts Now Offer ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Loans For Basic Items 

  • “Buy now, pay later” (BNPL) loans surged in popularity during Black Friday and Cyber Monday in late November. As Christmas is less than a week away, Walmart shoppers have been greeted with a new BNPL payment at the checkout line. The increased use of BNPL is incredibly problematic for consumers with insurmountable credit card debt and depleted savings.
  • Affirm Holdings announced Tuesday that its BNPL service has been expanded to self-checkout kiosks at 4,500 Walmart stores nationwide. Customers can purchase electronics, apparel, toys, and many more items (except groceries) by spreading payments out from three months to 24 months.
  • “Recent Affirm research revealed that more than half of Americans (54%) are looking for retailers to offer a buy now, pay later option at checkout. Moreover, we’ve found that 76% of consumers would either delay or not make a purchase without Affirm,” said Pat Suh, Affirm’s SVP of Revenue.

  • OCC warned about the overuse and poor understanding of the BNPL payment structure that could lead to disastrous outcomes for consumers if payments are missed.

Source: zerohedge.com


“In Argentina, Contracts Can Be Settled In Bitcoin”, Foreign Minister Affirms

  • In a groundbreaking statement, Argentina’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondino, has confirmed the country’s stance on embracing Bitcoin for contractual agreements.
  • In a Dec. 21 post on X (formerly Twitter), Mondino said that a decree seemingly aimed at economic reform and deregulation would allow the use of BTC and other cryptocurrencies in the country under certain conditions.

  • The ‘Bases for the Reconstruction of the Argentine Economy’ decree, passed on Dec. 20, did not specifically mention crypto but included provisions that debtors had the choice to pay in currencies not recognized as legal tender in Argentina.
  • “We ratify and confirm that in Argentina contracts can be settled in Bitcoin,” said Mondino. “And also any other crypto.”

  • The Minister’s assertion further underlines Argentina’s efforts to leverage the potential of Bitcoin to stimulate economic growth and innovation.

Source: zerohedge.com



Robert De Niro Says Joe Biden ‘On a Gurney’ Would Be Preferable to Trump

  • His hatred of former President Donald Trump is so all-consuming that he would rather have an incapacitated president who is only able to blink his eyes than a second Trump administration.
  • Robert De Niro made his latest outrageous claim in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine during which the actor was asked if Biden is the “right person” to take on Trump.
  • “I think that if Biden was on a gurney and couldn’t move anything but his eyes to blink ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ he’s our person,” the Killers of the Flower Moon actor said. “There’s no way that he’s not the guy to take Trump down.”

Source: breitbart.com





Rudy Giuliani files for BANKRUPTCY with debts of $153M just days after going jewelry shopping and getting hit with $148M defamation verdict: Former mayor has less than $10m in assets and also owes money to Hunter Biden

  • Rudy Giuliani has filed for bankruptcy in New York with debts of up to $500 million owed to creditors including Hunter Biden.
  • The former New York Mayor, who led the effort to challenge the 2020 election result on behalf of Donald Trump, said he had less than $10 million in assets.
  • .

Source: dailymail.co.uk

Fifth Circuit Rules in Favor of Texas – Biden Regime Can No Longer Destroy State Border Fences or Cut Down Concertina Wire on Border

  • Texas secured a legal victory in the Fifth Circuit  . The Lone Star State appealed the district court’s decision that allowed federal agents to destroy state border fences.
  • Biden’s DHS agents can no longer destroy state Texas border barriers.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Ted Lieu Gets Decimated in a Glorious Way When He Tries Dunking on Trump and GOP on Border 


  • Lieu then said that the headlines were from 2019 and claimed that Republicans didn’t blame former President Donald Trump because they weren’t interested in solutions. 
  • That is a rewrite of history. 
  • Dems criticized and stood in the way of Trump’s efforts to solve the problem 
  • Yet, Trump still managed to get 500 miles of wall built, secure agreements to have Mexico work as a “wall’ by having them do more to protect their southern border, and put in place the Remain in Mexico policy, so people had to wait there. All over the cries of recalcitrant Democrats who were more concerned with stopping Trump’s efforts and screaming about how mean he was for trying to secure the border. 
  • But Bill Melugin had the perfect response to Lieu, just decimating his “dunk.”



  •  Illegal entry is at record heights, and it’s all because of Biden, unlike Trump. Trump didn’t make the border worse, as Biden did. Biden undid everything that Trump did to fix the problem, starting day one after he came in. So that’s why it’s on Biden. Not that Lieu would deal with that reality.

Source: redstate.com







Geopolitical/Police State


  • In response to this intellectual upheaval, European Monarchies and the Catholic Church enacted laws to govern the printing press, compiling catalogs of prohibited pamphlets and books.
  • Copernicus famously leveraged the astronomical knowledge of newly published books to put forward his groundbreaking heliocentric model of the universe.
  • The Church, threatened by this scientific renaissance, condemned figures like Copernicus, Galileo, and Pascal, branding them as heretics and banning their works for centuries. The contemporary custodians of information, the bureaucrats of the censorship-industrial complex, parallel the actions of their predecessors.
  • Their mission to control the internet narrative, censoring “misinformation, disinformation, malformation, and hate speech,” mirrors the historical censorship by European Monarchies and the Catholic Church. Throughout history, those in power have consistently sought to control emerging information technologies to maintain their power.
  • This always entails suppressing ideas that challenge the existing power structures, ostensibly in the name of protecting the common good. The likes of Sir Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, René Descartes, John Milton, John Locke, Voltaire, David Hume, John Stuart Mill, Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, and Blaise Pascal faced censorship. Paradoxically, the most censored individuals emerged as the pivotal thinkers of their time, architects of the Enlightenment Era, the Scientific Revolution, and the American Revolution.
  • What escapes the comprehension of today’s censors is the certainty that, akin to their predecessors, they will stifle the voices of the most critical thinkers of our time. The powerful will always silence voices that threaten their authority, inevitably hindering the progress of humanity—a timeless pattern of censorship against free speech.

JUST IN: Federal Judge Blocks California Law That Bans Carrying Firearms in Nearly All Public Places – Issues Scathing Rebuke 

  • A federal judge temporarily blocked a newly signed California law that banned people from carrying firearms in virtually all public places.
  • US District Judge Cormac Carney of the Central District of California, a Bush appointee, granted the ban and issued a scathing statement.
  • Judge Carney called the law, which was signed by California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, a “sweeping, repugnant to the Second Amendment, and openly defiant of the Supreme Court.”

  • The law, which would have gone into effect on January 1, banned guns from 26 public places including banks, zoos, churches, and public parks. The law would have prohibited people with concealed carry permits to carry firearms in the banned places.
  • AP reported:

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Mass Shooting at School in Prague; “Several Dead, Dozens Wounded”: Police

  • Czech police reported a mass shooting at Charles University near Jan Palach Square in Prague on Thursday has left several dead and dozens wounded. The shooter has been “eliminated” according to police.
  • Video and photo posted online shows panicked students fleeing for their lives:



Sporadic gunfire can be heard in this video, uncertain if by police or the shooter.

  • “The shooter has been eliminated !!! The entire building is currently being evacuated and there are several dead and dozens of injured.”
Source: thegatewaypundit.com

The University of Sydney’s Gun Policy center lists the Czech Republic’s gun control as “restrictive,” noting that the only way to legal gun ownership in the country is via a gun license.

Acquiring such a license requires passing a mental, criminal, and psychological background check, proving good cause for owning a gun, and passing a gun safety test.

The gun license has to be renewed every ten years.

Ammunition is controlled as well. Gun license holders are only allowed to possess ammunition that matches the caliber of their licensed firearm(s).

All guns must be registered with the government in the Czech Republic and there are “written specifications for the lawful safe storage of private firearms and ammunition by licensed gun owners.”

In reporting the Prague mass shooting, the Washington Post claimed “Czech Republic has more permissive gun laws than most countries in Europe.”



China is working on advanced ‘brain warfare’ tech including devices that send enemies to sleep and thought-controlled weapons

  • Biological weapons are being developed to induce sleep and impair cognition 
  • China is working on advanced brain warfare technology which is said to include devices that can send enemies to sleep and control their thoughts, according to an uncovered report.
  • Researchers have found two recent studies by China’s People’s Liberation Army that show the military is increasing its ‘hard power’ weapons with new technology to win wars without conventional weapons.
  • The biological weapons are designed to induce sleep, impair cognition and alertness as well as impact decision making, The Washington Times reports.

Source: dailymail.co.uk

Xi straight-up told Biden that China is going to take over Taiwan, report says. It could end in war.

  • Chinese leader Xi Jinping told President Joe Biden China intended to rule Taiwan, NBC News reported.
  • The conversation took place on the fringes of the Apec summit in November.
  • Tensions are increasing between China and Taiwan ahead of the election.
  • Chinese leader Xi Jinping told President Joe Biden that China intended to take control of Taiwan in a face-to-face meeting last month, NBC News reported.
  • The report, citing three former and current US officials, said that the remarks were made during a meeting on the fringes of the Apec summit in San Francisco in November.

Source: businessinsider.com

Cyber Attacks

False Flags

COVID test supplier received billions in pandemic contracts after submitting edited results 

  • A rapid test importer landed an estimated $2 billion in federal contracts in 2021 and 2022, despite giving regulators incomplete data about its product’s accuracy, Global News has found.
  • A year-long investigation into federal procurement revealed that BTNX, a small rapid test supplier based outside Toronto, deleted dozens of specimens, or samples, from a study it submitted to Health Canada. That evaluation showed how well the company’s test detected COVID-19.
  • The deletions made BTNX’s test appear more reliable and sensitive than it really was, according to researchers Global News consulted.
  • The device could detect the virus in users who were the most contagious, but results from leading regulators’ evaluation programs indicate BTNX’s test was much less dependable in all other cases.
  • This apparent flaw meant the test kit was more likely to produce false-negative results which, many experts said, put Canadian lives at risk.

  • Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada bought 404 million tests from BTNX, which became ubiquitous during the pandemic.


  • These products, imported from China, became the passports Canadians depended on as health ministries ended lockdowns and social distancing restrictions. People used the tests to screen themselves before returning to workplaces, sending their kids off to school, meeting with friends, and visiting loved ones in long-term care facilities.

Source: globalnews.ca



Federal judge orders texts, emails on Rep. Scott Perry’s phone be turned over to prosecutors in 2020 election probe

  •   Thousands of communications — including text messages and emails — on the cellphone of Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania can be turned over to federal investigators as part of the special counsel’s 2020 election probe into former President Donald Trump and his allies, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal court ruled Tuesday, overriding the congressman’s past claims of constitutional protection.
  • Chief U.S. District Judge John Boasberg wrote late Tuesday that prosecutors will be permitted to access 1,659 of the more than 2,000 records found on Perry’s personal device, which was seized in August 2022.
  • The data that could now be available to investigators includes communications between Perry and individuals not employed by the federal government “regarding what had occurred during the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021,” and messages with then-employees of the Trump administration “regarding the procedures that Vice President Pence must follow under the Electoral Count Act,” according to the court order.
  • Perry and his attorneys had urged federal judges to shield his communications from prosecutors, arguing the Speech and Debate clause of the Constitution protected his cellphone records from being used in an investigation. He contended his work as a federal legislator shielded the contents of his phone from being accessed because they were used as he carried out his congressional duties.

Source: cbsnews.com



Just read it. Seems pretty clear cut. For Smith to exercise the authority he has so far and has requested with the cert request, he would need to have been nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Why is this only being “discovered” now?

FASCISM: Democrats in Four States Including Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Massachusetts Decide to Have Only Joe Biden on the Primary Ballot

  • Four states—Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Massachusetts—have decided to force voters with a single option for the Democratic primaries: Joe Biden.
  • The decision, which effectively crowns Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee in those states without primary contestation, has incited allegations of disenfranchisement and questions about the democratic process within the party.
  • The true threat to the demise of our democracy lies with the Democrats, not Donald Trump. The communist party will now decide the Democratic Party’s nominee and who they install into the White House.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com

They have removed Trump from the ballot because he directed an insurrection

  1. Not one person  has been charged convicted or sentenced   by prosecutors with either the federal offense of ‘sedition’ or ‘insurrection’. 
  2. Presidents are excluded from the 14 amendment







NOT JUST COLORADO: Here Are the 16 Other States Where President Trump’s Enemies are Trying to Kick Him Off the Ballot – Nine Active Cases Brought by Long-Shot GOP Presidential Candidate

  •   16 other states have pending legal challenges to the 45th President’s eligibility for office under the 14th Amendment. Like Colorado, the lawsuits fallaciously claim that Trump is barred because he engaged in an insurrection with his so-called actions during the Capitol Hill protest on Jan. 6, 2021.

Here is the full list:
  1. Alaska
  2. Arizona
  3. Maine
  4. Michigan
  5. Nevada
  6. New Jersey
  7. New Mexico
  8. New York
  9. Oregon
  10. South Carolina 
  11. Texas
  12. Vermont
  13. Virginia
  14. West Virginia
  15. Wisconsin
  16. Wyoming

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

SHOCKER: Bill Barr Criticizes Colorado Supreme Court Decision, Calls Ruling “Legally Wrong and Untenable” (VIDEO)

  • Backstabbing former Attorney General Bill Barr has criticized the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s ballot. Barr, a known critic of Trump, labeled the ruling as ‘Procedural Frankenstein’ and argued that the finding lacks legal credibility and constitutional backing.
  •  Barr acknowledged his opposition to Trump’s nomination but argued that the Colorado case is legally flawed. He believes that such aggressive legal strategies against Trump could backfire, fueling his narrative of grievance.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com



 Only the President can declare that an insurrection against the elected government is taking place 


The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law[1] that empowers the president of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorderinsurrection, or rebellion.

The act provides a “statutory exception” to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits the use of military personnel under federal command for law enforcement purposes within the United States.[2][3]

Before invoking the powers under the Act, 10 U.S.C. § 254 requires the President to first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse. As part of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, these provisions have since been amended.

presidential proclamation is a statement issued by a US president on an issue of public policy and is a type of presidential directive. ]

A presidential proclamation is an instrument that:

  • states a condition,
  • declares a law and requires obedience,
  • recognizes an event, or
  • triggers the implementation of a law, by recognizing that the circumstances described in the law have been realized.[1]

There are Constitutional exceptions to Posse Comitatus restrictions rooted in the president’s own constitutional authority. Defense Department guidelines describe “homeland defense” as a “constitutional exception” to Posse Comitatus restriction, meaning that measures necessary to guarantee National Security from external threats are not subject to the same limitations.





Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e52681 No.4643496
Jan 7 2019 08:38:27 (EST)
“With all of the success that our Country is having, including the just released jobs numbers which are off the charts, the Fake News & totally dishonest Media concerning me and my presidency has never been worse. Many have become crazed lunatics who have given up on the TRUTH!
 The Fake News will knowingly lie and demean in order make the tremendous success of the Trump Administration, and me, look as bad as possible. They use non-existent sources & write stories that are total fiction. Our Country is doing so well, yet this is a sad day in America!

The Fake News Media in our Country is the real Opposition Party. It is truly the Enemy of the People! We must bring honesty back to journalism and reporting!”
Compare & Contrast.

Ring a Bell?

Think Drop Yesterday.

>New narrative created

>Refusal to provide coverage of successes

Why is this important?

Sometimes making a connection leads to uncovering ……




Nov 03, 2020 1:27:36 AM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4a07b7 No. 11422223 



that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham LINCOLN Nov 1863
Together we win.


Democrats and Media Deceptively Change Trump’s Word ‘Retribution’ to ‘Revenge’ 

  • The latest misinformation that the Democrat “news”-media colluders (hereafter the DNC) to smear Donald Trump before the 2024 election is that Trump called for “revenge” for his political opponents if wins re-election in 2024.
  • Brett Samuels in The Hill says that “Trump signals he’s out for revenge in his second term.”  The Daily Mail and the left-wing The Guardian, both in the U.K., makes the same accusation.  Politico states that in a second term, Trump will be seeking revenge. Felon Michael Cohen, now a regular useful expert guest on CNN, stated to Jake Tapper that he could be the target of Trump’s revenge, to which Jake replied, “That has occurred to me too” (thereby admitting that his view of Trump is tainted by self-interest). The Washington Post, which used to be a newspaper, reports that Trump and his allies plot revenge” in his second term.  The Huffington Post announces that Trump “vows vengeance” against “vermin” in his second term.  CNN states ominously that in his second term Trump will use his justice department “for revenge.”  Kristen Welker, in what critical reasoning textbooks call a “complex” or “loaded” question fallacy, asks Rona McDaniel if Trump’s words “essentially make the Republican Party … ‘stand for revenge?”  One could cite many other examples but this should be sufficient.
  • Trump did not threaten revenge.  Rather than rely on deceptive summaries by DNC partisans consider Trump’s precise words.  In fact, a competent seventh grader, if the DNC can still find one, can easily verify that what Trump actually said at the Conservative Political Conference on March 4, 2023 was this:

I am your warrior.  I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.

  •  The basic idea of retribution is that the state [not the angry individual] “returns” to the offender a negative experience proportional to his offense. … “Revenge” is “an act or instance of retaliating in order to get even” and “[make] the “enemy” suffer. It is the individual person [not the state] who seeks revenge.


Source: americanthinker.com




May 03, 2020 3:02:53 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ca6538 No. 9013220 

Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.

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