X22 Report

X22 Report

Newsom In Focus, At The Moment Of Destruction People Find The Will Change, Panic Mode – Ep. 3214

November 17, 2023

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Newsom In Focus, At The Moment Of Destruction People Find The Will Change, Panic ModeClick On Picture To See Larger Picture

The green new deal is imploding, Germany is no longer moving forward with a green hydrogen plant. Inflation is now shifting into the service sector, the people are feeling the pain. The job markets is now reversing and layoffs are going to begin in 2024. The [DS] is now making a move to replace Biden in the 2024 Presidential run. Newsom will not work the D party, California is losing businesses, the people are moving out and crime is off the charts, the people see this. Will they sneak one in? The people are reaching the moment of destruction and they are finding the will to change. More people will be brought to this point, the [DS] is in panic mode.


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UK retail sales slide again in October in new blow for economy

  • UK retail sales dip 0.3% in October
  • Economists had forecast a 0.3% rise
  • Data underlines doubtful UK economic outlook
  • Retail sales volumes now back at 2018 levels

  • Economists polled by Reuters had forecast that sales volumes would rise by 0.3% on the month in October.

Source: reuters.com 


Walmart: Consumers No Longer Willing to Pay Whatever. Prices of Goods Fall Broadly, as Inflation Shifted to Services 

  • What we got today confirms what we’ve seen develop for over a year: Prices of many consumer goods are coming down from their crazy spike, and I mean prices are actually falling, rather than just rising more slowly, as inflation has moved from goods to services, such as insurance and housing. Falling prices are good for consumers, and they boost inflation-adjusted consumer spending and “real” GDP, but they’re not good for companies that sell these goods, though their own input costs are also declining.

  • This is what we’re seeing elsewhere in consumer goods: Prices are easing off their sky-high levels, but they’re not plunging, as there is resistance by businesses to cutting their prices, but it’s happening. The drop in import prices of consumer goods reflects part of the input costs for retailers, such as Walmart and Amazon:

  •  inflation moved to services, and 65% of consumer spending goes into services, and inflation is hot in services, such as insurance and housing, and that’s where inflation now is now entrenched.

Source: wolfstreet.com

U.S. applications for jobless claims rise as labor market begins to show some signs of cooling

  • More Americans filed for jobless claims last week and while the labor market remains broadly healthy, there are growing signs that it may finally be cooling.
  • Applications for unemployment benefits rose by 13,000 to 231,000 for the week ending Nov. 11, the Labor Department reported Thursday. That’s the most in three months.

  • Economists suggest that continuing claims are steadily rising because many of those who are already unemployed may now be having a harder time finding work, an indication that the labor market is looser than it’s been in the post-pandemic era.

Source: news.yahoo.com




Long Serving Democrat Michigan Rep. Dan Kildee Will Not Seek Reelection (VIDEO)


David DePape Found Guilty of Assaulting Paul Pelosi with Hammer, Attempted Kidnapping

  • (AFP) The man who attacked the husband of top US lawmaker Nancy Pelosi with a hammer in the couple’s California home was found guilty Thursday in a San Francisco federal court.
  • Jurors convicted David DePape of assault for the attack in which he fractured Paul Pelosi’s skull. He was also found guilty of attempting to kidnap Nancy Pelosi, the then-speaker of the House of Representatives, who was not at home at the time.
  • “A federal jury has convicted David Depape of Attempted Kidnapping of a Federal Officer or Employee and Assault on the Immediate Family Member of a Federal Official,” said US prosecutors in a statement.
  • “DePape faces a maximum sentence of up to life in prison.”

Source: breitbart.com


  afterward for “passing the Kennedy bar exam” – talk about grading on a curve!




  • Trump told them his team would help with “whatever you need.” These were records produced under his presidency Produced 38 more files. Still got raided by FBI in August 2022 and now faces 40+ criminal charges including obstruction.



John Podesta’s Friend, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Arrested for Child Rape

  • A mainstream journalist and close friend of John Podesta, who bragged about ‘debunking’ Pizzagate, has been arrested on a sickening slew of child rape charges.
  • Slade Sohmer, editor-in-chief at The Recount and friend of former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, was arrested last month for raping multiple toddlers and babies.

  • Perhaps most damning is Slade Sohmer’s connection to John Podesta – the man at the center of the Pizzagate scandal.

Source: eutimes.net


GOP Rep Goes Off on Democrat Defending Mayorkas: ‘I Live in a Border State – You Don’t’ 

  • A confrontation between two members of the House Homeland Security Committee was a perfect example of how bureaucrats imposing flawed immigration policies in faraway D.C. often becomes a life-threatening proposition for Americans in border states.
  • During a Wednesday committee hearing, GOP Texas Rep. Michael McCaul called out Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his “complicity in the unprecedented border crisis,” McCaul said in a news release.
  • “Sir, I would argue that you have been aiding and abetting the deaths and the criminal enterprise that has occurred in this nation,” the congressman said.

  • Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman of New York was aghast at those comments and called McCaul’s criticism “unwarranted.”
  • “I think it’s incredibly dangerous to accuse Secretary Mayorkas of aiding and abetting crimes. As you well know, you need to have the intent to do that,” Goldman told McCaul.


  • “It’s his dereliction of duty that has created this problem in the United States,” McCaul said, pointing at Mayorkas. “I have to say that the change of policy has created this problem, and he knows better.”
  • McCaul is hardly the only one criticizing Mayorkas. House Republicans issued a damning report on Mayorkas’ failures just this week showing how his policies are costing billions of tax dollars while failing to keep this country safe.


Geopolitical/Police State





Zelensky Tells Britain: ‘World Not Focussed’ on Ukraine Any More, ‘Divided’ by Middle East

  • Volodymyr Zelensky leader gave particularly keen thanks to the new British foreign secretary as he visited Kyiv on Thursday morning as he lamented “the help of the world” had been divided by events in the Middle East, meaning the focus is no longer on Ukraine. 

  • Source:  breitbart.com


  •  country and back to where they came from. This cannot be fixed any other way.


Cyber Attacks

False Flags



Jim Jordan Issues Subpoena to Bank of America for Sharing Customers’ Private Financial Information with the FBI

  • Chairman Jim Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has issued a subpoena to Bank of America (BoA).
  • The subpoena follows a series of communications between the congressional committee and the financial institution, with the committee demanding transparency over BoA’s data-sharing practices.

  • Documents from 2021 reveal that BoA voluntarily provided the FBI with details of individuals who transacted in the Washington, D.C., area from January 5-7, 2021. This action was taken without any legal mandate, prompting the committee’s inquiry into whether the bank collaborated with the FBI to collect data on American citizens outside of legal boundaries. 
  • In 2021,  Bank of America searched through customers’ data and transaction records and provided these data to the FBI following the Capitol riot.
  • The country’s second-largest bank gave data and information to the feds at the request of the US government, without the knowledge or consent of the customers.
  •  BoA’s response to the committee claimed that their actions were part of a legal process initiated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
  • However, the committee contends that the FBI, not the Treasury, initiated the contact without a legal framework, raising serious concerns over the legality of the bank’s cooperation with federal law enforcement.

Jim Jordan released the following statement on Friday:


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

JUST IN: Kari Lake’s Attorneys File New Brief & Petition to Transfer Election Case to AZ Supreme Court After Maricopa County BUSTED Falsely Certifying Voting Machines Past L&A Testing – 260/446 FAILED On AND BEFORE Election Day


Source: thegatewaypundit.com


  • disregard for election law & procedure before we can entrust them with our sacred vote.






  • Why not Kamala, are they admitting that the administration has failed.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2d7d7c No.5239609
Feb 18 2019 04:19:58 (EST)



[Example CA]

What ‘family’ runs CA?

They are all connected.


The More You Know….


New York Appellate Judge Stops Ridiculous New York Gag Order of President Trump

  • Everything happening in/around the courtroom of Judge Engoron in New York City has been ridiculous in the extreme.
  • Even left leaning pundits and political commentators have begun to retreat from the fevered pace of the NY civil case because they can see the appeals court intervening.
  •  appellate judge David Friedman finally intervened in the insufferable gag order and put some common sense back into the case putting a stay on the lower court order.
  • NEW YORK (AP) —  
  • Judge David Friedman of the state’s intermediate appeals court issued what’s known a stay — suspending the gag order and allowing the former president to freely comment about court staff while a longer appeals process plays out.
  • The trial judge, Arthur Engoron, imposed the gag order on Oct. 3 after Trump made a false comment about the judge’s law clerk on social media. He later fined Trump $15,000 for violations and expanded it to his lawyers after they questioned the clerk’s prominent role in the trial.
  • Ruling at an emergency hearing Thursday, Friedman questioned Engoron’s authority to police Trump’s speech outside the courtroom — such as his frequent gripes about the case on social media and in comments to TV cameras in the courthouse hallway.

  • Friedman said that while it’s true that judges often issue gag orders, they’re mostly used in criminal cases where there’s a fear that comments about the case could influence the jury. Trump’s civil trial doesn’t have a jury.
  •  Source: theconservativetreehouse.com


  •   against me. The Radical and Unprecedented actions of Judge Engoron will keep BUSINESSES and JOBS forever out of New York State. I have done NOTHING WRONG, my numbers were low, not high, I have a COMPLETE DISCLAIMER CLAUSE, their Star Witness admitted he lied and made up this Fake case against me, and the the Attorney General used a “Get Trump” platform in order to run for A.G. & Governor (she failed!). This wicked attack on Democracy must be ended, NOW!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f71ada No.2773206
Aug 28 2018 18:12:37 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 2d7489 No.2773113
Aug 28 2018 18:09:10 (EST)


AMEN Q!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of us who have stayed the course for 20+ years, we have gone alone. We have stood firm in the defense of the truth, yet many of us have very few friends and couldn’t do much in the real world. The penalties for speaking up for truth have been severe for decades, and I’ve lived life in the shadows. It wasn’t worth speaking out until now.

THANK YOU Q!!!!!!!!!!


The World is NOW UNITED.


FAKE NEWS suppression creates a FALSE REALITY.

This movement is BIGGER than you can imagine.



Trump Might Just Enter 2024 Election Unscathed As Court Dates Are Delayed, Legal Attacks Falter

  • Trump has sought to postpone trials in his cases until after the election. At least two judges — the one overseeing his Florida classified documents case and another overseeing his New York case for allegedly falsifying business records — have signaled a willingness to delay, while Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis believes the Georgia trial may not conclude until early 2025.
  • In Florida, District Judge Aileen Cannon has signaled a willingness to postpone Trump’s federal trial over alleged mishandling of classified documents. Though she decided to keep the May 2024 trial date in place for now, she set a March 1 scheduling conference to revisit Trump’s request to postpone it and has already delayed multiple pre-trial filing deadlines, saying that she “cannot ignore the realities of pretrial and trial schedules” in his other cases.

Source: dailycaller.com


PIGS FLY: Unhinged, Abrasive, Anti-Trump Actor Now Says He May Vote for Trump

  • We certainly didn’t have this on our 2023 bingo card!
  • Unhinged, lunatic, Trump-hating actor, Michael Rappaport, now says he may vote for Trump.
  • When you lost this nut – You know you’re losing!

  • Michael Rapport: If it comes down to Pig Dick Donald Trump and smoking Joe Biden, I’m sorry. I am sorry. Voting for Pig Dick Donald Trump is on the table. I’m sorry. I’m fucking. I’ll still call him Slob Dick Donald Trump, Pig Dick Donald Trump and all that, but we need to get this whole fucking situation under control.
  • Welcome to the flock, Brother Rappaport.

    We hope you like it here.
  • Via Midnight Rider.
  • This metamorphosis has taken awhile. But he finally worked his way out of that paper bag.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 00792f No.9468936
Jun 4 2020 14:39:26 (EST)

Important to understand.



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